Chapter 3

Christina's POV:
It took nearly the whole day yesterday to convince the guys to adopt a girl who would be amazing here and will have a chance at a new life. I was surprised that Cyrus was agreeing right away until he mentioned where the girl would stay and I felt bad about that part. I was up early this morning to get ready for the day when I spotted Maddie getting her shoes on at the front door along with Darius. "Good morning to you lovely birds. Let me guess you are heading down to the foster home today", I said. "Yeah I think we are because it would be nice to meet the kids and find the one who really meets our expectations", mentions Darius. He is still a bit confused about the entire thing but he will learn to adjust to it regardless of anything. "Darius, you will get used to this I promise you. Besides I think we all will be a fun family", I said. He nodded his head as he waited for another member to follow us and it took Marcus some time. "Let's go", he mentions. We all went out of the house to climb into one of the cars to head off for the foster home to look at the kids and I kind of wanted to look at one child in particular. When we arrived at the foster home, it seemed quite large with a ton of windows and the door was very bright. We parked the car before getting out to head inside to see many beautiful photos of the foster kids and a lady began to head towards us. "Hello there. You must be here to interview a child if I am correct. Also welcome to Angel Side Foster Home", she mentions. "Yes we are here to see one child in particular because she seems so adorable and fun. It happens to be Davina Nickels if she is here", explains Maddie. The lady nods her head as she goes to head upstairs to let the girl know about the interview happening now and she comes back downstairs to head to a big room as we follow her. "Take as much time as you need to talk to her. When you have made a decision, you can find me at the office near the very front", says the lady. We take our seats in the chairs as we wait patiently for our kid orphan to come down to chat and I jumped when I saw her enter the room. "You guys wanted to talk to me", she says. "Yep", mentions Darius. The girl seemed to be very nervous as she came to sit down in the chair and carefully studied us one by one. "Are you okay hun? You seem to be a bit nervous and scared", I asked? She glanced over at me to lock our eyes together and she took a slow breath. "I have been through this process for a very long time and never once got the right family to stay with forever. I guess you can say I am alright. So let's get going with the questions", mentions the girl. I nodded my head as I looked down at the others and began to think of the questions to ask. "For starters we should introduce ourselves. I'm Marcus and these are Darius, Christina and Maddie. What is your name", asks Marcus? "Pleasure to meet you four. I'm Davina Nickels", she replies. We decided to ask the questions in a boy girl order and it should be easy to do hopefully. "Next question. How old are you", asks Maddie? The girl had to truly think about this answer and she glanced over at her. "13 years old", says Davina. The guys were kind of surprised since she has been here for a very long time and she probably never got to experience an actual family at all. "Do you happen to make videos at all", asks Marcus? "Very funny. Yes I do but they are not that good and it is plainly stupid. I might shut down the channel for good this year", mentions Davina. We all looked at each other before Darius got up to go find the lady and it was very awkward. "You will make fabulous content and can go very far when you put yourself out there", explains Maddie. Davina laughed a tiny bit as she looks around in the room and slowly hums. Dari comes back into the room while staring at Davina and he kneels down to her height since he is way too tall. "You should go get packing because you are coming with us", he mentions. Davina was too shocked to say anything as she took off running for her room and we bursted out laughing quietly. "That went very nicely. Hopefully the others will be okay with her coming with us", mentions Marcus. "I don't think there will be a problem at all", says Dari. Davina comes back down with her bags as she stared at us and seems to be very confused again. "Let's start heading home and then we can talk about a few things", I said. We all nodded as we left to get into the car as Marcus put her things in the trunk and soon headed off for the house. Davina looked around at the outside scenery but what scared her was how fast the car was fasting and she curled up very slowly to not show any signs of being scared. "We are almost home", mentions Dari. Davina stared outside of the windows until we pulled into one of the houses and she seemed to get
more nervous. We all got out of the car to head up the stairs to the front door and Davina clearly began to freak out. "I am sure that everyone will like you. It will take time to trust them and talking to them but we won't rush you. We can take you to a room for now to let you unwind a bit", I said. "Alright Christina", mentions Davina. Dari led her to an empty bedroom until they can paint it and add other furniture pieces to it. Davina entered it to drop her things off and looked at us. We all left to check on everyone else to give her some time alone and I spotted Lucas's car here. "Let's go tell Lucas about the news and maybe he will be okay with it right", I said.
