Chapter 1

Mrs. Collins POV:
It has been a very long time since I have fully opened my foster home to take in wonderful children who come from wild backgrounds and they tend to get adopted in some ways. Although many of them are struggling to understand why they got placed here by their own families or any other circumstance which makes them question everything and I attempt to ensure them that they will be adopted one day. Fostering kids is not always easy because I have to get used to where these kids came from and what their backstory might be since they did live with their parents at some point. I am worried about a particular teen in the foster care system and she seems to be having a hard time adjusting to everything. Her name happens to be Davina and she mostly grew up for a long time here at this place. Her parents abandoned her a couple years ago when she was only 2 years old and now tends to be more mature for her age. Currently she is now 13 years old and I do hope that she gets adopted at some point.

Davina's POV:
I don't exactly like being at the foster home because there is not much to do and it seems to dull for my liking at least. I have to share a room with three other girls which is sort of chaotic and we do switch rooms nearly every time a new person shows up. I got the bed on the left side near the window to fully glance out and try to have good memories to be happy. My roommates are very sweet, honest, loyal and quite fun to be around at times even though we have fought a couple of times. The oldest roommate happens to be 15 years old and she tends to be here part of the time. Her name happens to be Sherry Pilsons and she seems to be okay with not being adopted at all. The second oldest roommate happens to be me since I am two years younger than Sherry and only spend lots of time in the room. The youngest ones are 10 and 7 but they don't mind us being with them at all. Their names are Janet and Shelby. They are very sweet and wonderful to have as roommates. We plan to come up with ways to be fully adopted by someone unique and it was to film a couple videos for YouTube to see if anyone was interested in seeing us. I gathered up the camera equipment and the laptop before heading out to the park where we would film the videos. As we got set up, we debated on who would go first and so it went oldest to youngest which ended up being so fun. As it got to be my turn, I sat down on the log to fully think about my story before staring at the camera as it began rolling.
"Hello loves,
I don't you probably are not sure who I am and that is alright. I am about to explain myself in this video and this might be a bit long in a way. So please find a comfy spot and buckle in your seatbelts for this roller coaster ride. My name is Davina Nickels and currently I am 13 years old. My birthday happens to be June 26, 2005 and I happen to be a Cancer in terms of the zodiac. What you might want to know about me? I honesty love to go on adventures to new places and learn to take everything in regardless of what is going on. I happen to look up to a couple idols on YouTube who are Cyrus Dobre, Eugenia Cooney, Manny Mua, Brad Mondo, Alex Dorame and Amazing Phil. I have not listened to any music since I am not exposed to it at all. I don't go to school since I live in the foster care system and I am staying at Angel Side Foster Home. My favorite color is ice blue. I have not been exposed to pets at all which is kind of sad. Also I got abandoned at the foster home when I was 2 years old. Anyway I do hope that someone would adopt me if they want too", I mentioned. The girls instantly thought it was quite wonderful to hear my little introduction and eventually we all finished up. We headed back to the room to start loading it onto YouTube and I do think that we will get a reaction from some people. I already know that it is going to be hard for most of the huge stars to even notice the videos and try to reach our to the place. It took a few days before the place got word that some guests are coming to pay a visit to the foster care and they already have a list of people that they want to see. I believe there are about 5 groups of people coming to see us and our lady informed us that she has posted the list of the kids that each group wants to see. There are going to be a time for them to meet every kid on their list and I decided to go down there one night to take a sneak peek at the list. The funny part is that each group doesn't even have their last name listed at all so it is nearly random. When all of the kids were asleep, I snuck downstairs to get a close up of the list and tilted my head slightly at the names.
