Chapter 7

As Seeker embarked on her first mission with the team, excitement coursed through her veins, driving her forward with a newfound sense of purpose. With Neon, Jett, Gekko, Yoru, Phoenix, and Iso by her side, she felt a surge of confidence, ready to prove herself in the heat of battle. (Iso, Neon and Reyna are observer and navigate from the comms)

As they navigated through the labyrinthine corridors of the enemy stronghold, Seeker's keen senses and quick thinking earned her a bit of attention and admiration from her teammates, particularly from the younger recruits who looked up to her with awe.

Among them was a young agent named Aiden, whose admiration for Seeker bordered on infatuation. His adoration was evident in the way he hung on her every word, his eyes wide with wonder as she effortlessly dispatched enemy forces with precision and grace.

Meanwhile, Iso watched from the sidelines, his jaw clenched with a mixture of pride and jealousy. He had grown accustomed to Seeker's presence, to the way she lit up a room with her radiant energy and infectious enthusiasm. But seeing her garnering attention from others, particularly from someone like Aiden, stirred something possessive within him that he couldn't quite shake.

As the mission progressed, Iso made a point of keeping his distance, pretending not to care about the attention Seeker was receiving. But deep down, he couldn't deny the twinge of jealousy that gnawed at his heart, reminding him of the feelings he had tried so hard to suppress.

Seeker, oblivious to Iso's inner turmoil, continued to focus on the task at hand, her mind buzzing with adrenaline as she pushed herself to new limits. She was aware of the admiration she was receiving from her fellow agents, but she brushed it off with a nonchalant smile, preferring not to dwell on it too much.

But as the mission came to a close and the team regrouped to debrief, Seeker couldn't help but notice the tension in Iso's demeanor, the way his gaze lingered on her with a mixture of pride and something else she couldn't quite place.

And though she was tempted to probe further, to unravel the mystery of Iso's true feelings, she ultimately decided to let it go, content to focus on the mission at hand and leave the complexities of love and jealousy for another day. After all, there would always be time for that later, once the battle was won and the dust had settled.


This story is a very short and fast-paced story

Note that this is pure Fanfiction and I do NOT own any valorant character and all right and reserve to the owner of riot or/and valorant

Advanced apologize to the incorrect spelling or grammar, I try my best to come up with ideas/story
