Chapter 5

As Seeker struggled with her aim, frustration gnawed at her confidence, threatening to undermine her determination. Despite her best efforts, the sheriff gun remained elusive, slipping through her grasp.

Sensing her struggle, Iso stepped forward, his expression unreadable as he observed Seeker's movements. Without a word, he reached out, gently grasping her arms and guiding her stance with a steady hand.

At his touch, Seeker's breath caught in her throat, a tingling sensation spreading through her limbs. She had always been aware of Iso's attractiveness, his rugged charm and unwavering focus drawing her attention whenever he was near. But in that moment, with his hands on hers, she couldn't help but notice the subtle strength and grace that lay beneath his stoic exterior.

As Iso patiently guided her through the motions, Seeker found herself lost in the rhythm of their movements, the tension between them palpable in the air. With each adjustment, she felt herself growing more attuned to the weapon in her hands, her aim becoming steadier and more precise with every shot.

But it wasn't just her aim that improved under Iso's guidance. As Seeker looked into his eyes, she saw a flicker of something deeper, something she couldn't quite name. And in that moment, she realized that her admiration for Iso went beyond his skill as a trainer – it was something more, something that stirred her heart in ways she hadn't expected.

As the training session came to an end, Seeker reluctantly released her grip on the sheriff gun, a newfound sense of confidence pulsing through her veins. And as she looked up at Iso, gratitude and something else shimmering in her eyes, she knew that their bond had deepened in ways she had never imagined possible.


This story is a very short and fast-paced story

Note that this is pure Fanfiction and I do NOT own any valorant character and all right and reserve to the owner of riot or/and valorant

Advanced apologize to the incorrect spelling or grammar, I try my best to come up with ideas/story
