Feels Like home

*Time Lasps*
21 00 pm

'' Okay everyone that's all for today you all can return to your dorm. '' the coach said as everyone started to take their bags and head out.
'' Yo, Taehyung. You're coming with me because we're going to be in the same dorm together with other four trainees. We were told by the manager about the people in our dorm. I mean we got new trainees you and a certain guy named Jeon Jungkook. Maybe since tomorrow we'll be together with them for training.'' said Seokjin as he rushed outside the class.
'' Ya! Don't leave so quickly. Wait for m... '' Taehyung shouted. To his great surprise Seokjin was still waiting for him at the corridor. He was looking even more attractive standing in the hallway and his height were even more revealing. '' wow, he's really handsome'', Taehyung murmured. Suddenly a group of four guys came from the other side of the corridor. They were all sweaty but looked so happy as one of them was in the middle and looked around 13 years old. He was so young and looked very shy. The other three guys wrapping their arms around him laughing and talking to him.
"Ya! SEOKJIN HYUNG!!!"as one of them screamed while running towards Seokjin and hugging him.
" Hoseok! '' Seokjin patted his head gently. The other joined and had a handhake.
Taehyung POV
Omg... He patted his head so casually. Looks like all of them are really close and they like this guy quite a lot. I can't believe though he behaves like a freaking tsundere... Nevermind...
"Hey! I'm jung Hoseok and yes you must be kim Taehyung right!? ''
'' Hello nice to meet you. I'm Kim Namjoon.Hope we get along together.''
''Hi...I'm Min Yoongi.''
"So yes! I'm kim Taehyung let's get to know each other well and be friends and you? Why are you so shy like this? What's your name? ''Taehyung asked in curiosity.
" Look who is telling who's shy... Aren't you a shy boy yourself?'' Seokjin teased Taehyung as he leaned his face near him. Taehyung was surprised and was blushing hard that he stepped back quickly but didn't utter a single word then approached the young adolescent.
He patted his head.
"I'm... Jeon Jungkook. I'm the youngest among you. So please take care of me." Jungkook replied as he look at Taehyung with shy eyes. "Okay now that the acquaintances are done let's head to the dorm," Namjoon said.
In the dorm
Taehyung POV
This dorm is so small...for six persons. But I guess we'll be able to manage because of our small company don't have too great comfort to offer us.
"okay so one by one go to wash yourself guys. Yoongi and I will be cooking dinner."Seokjin exclaimed.
Namjoon went first to the bathroom and Hoseok showed the rooms to the newbies.
" So Namjoon hyung, Jungkook will be sleeping together in this mattress and me and Taehyung on the mattress near the window and Yongi and Seokjin on the other mattress near the door. You guys can put your luggage and stuffs. I'm going to take a bath Namjoon hyung is over."
*Time lasps*
" Dinner is ready. Everyone let's eat together. Looks like me and Taehyung didn't get time to wash. Anyways let's eat first I know all of us is really hungry " Seokjin said.
The food was so good that everyone got teary as they missed their home cooked food. Seokjin was really pleased that everyone felt like home.
Everyone went to the room just after dinner as they were so tired. Taehyung and Seokjin were left in the kitchen to do the dishes.
"It's okay, Taehyung you can leave it to me you might be very tired since it was your first day for dance class."
"It's not like I gonna leave all the dishes for you. I'll help you"
" Seokjin hyung.... You know what I thought you were arrogant and cold but here when I saw you being so caring and nice... It really felt like home. I know I was wrong. I'm sorry"
"Ah, Taehyung-ah...,do not praise me too much. I actually act cold but I have my insecurities too.... And I also thought of you being weird and spoiled but I don't think you're like this. I'm heading to take a shower. '' Seokjin said as he brushed Taehyung's hair back.
"Wait! Seokjin hyung. I wanna know more about you . I want to be close to you. I want to know your hobbies. I want to know about your favorite songs, things, and what makes you happy." Taehyung said abruptly as he hold Seokjin's arm tight.
Seokjin smirked and said," Don't be so cute it's not too good.'' as he removed Taehyung's hand from his arm.
Without losing time, Taehyung pulled Seokjin closer to him and said with determination, "Why don't we start by showering together. I'm still sweaty and I don't feel at ease. I won't wait longer. Hyung, it's a step to be closer to each other. Later we can try it with our other members. If we end up in the same boy group. We need to build our team spirit. "
Seokjin POV
This kid is kinda weird but he's cute and lovable. He is right,as the eldest in the dorm I should be responsible in our team building.
" okay! Fine with me, but don't get too excited right .I know I'm handsome, *Wink*" Seokjin exclaimed as he teased Taehyung by pulling him even closer.
"Seokjin Hyung!! Stop it! Stop joking around like this... ~\\\\\\\~. It makes me feel weird''
" Okayyy" Seokjin replied as he laughed while letting him go.
