~Aarmau 7~

Aaron and Aphmau had made a bet, if he can take care of the kids like Aphmau did then Aph would give him a back massage and sleep downstairs, and if Aphmau won vise versa.

*Aaron's POV*

"Mm.." aphmau groaned shifting, I chuckled wrapping my arms around her waist "mi amor..." I whispered, her giggling "Ready to lose shortie?" I say sitting up. She rolled jokingly "I don't know, are you?" We got dressed, meeting in the bathroom, I brushed her hair while she brushed her teeth and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before handing her the lunch I packed for her shift at the cafe today. "Good luck loser" she said before jumping into her car and driving away, I sighed. "Well, this can't be too hard, she's usually done by dinner" I say shutting the door and running up to my daughter's room.

"Good.. Still asleep, which means they will be asleep for at least another hour.." I whisper to myself as I sneak down stairs to read the chores list.
"Keep babies clean, clean house, feed the kids breakfast, lunch, and make dinner for family. Feed the pets, take the girls for a walk in the park, laundry, make the bed and load and unload dish washer.. Sounds easy enough." While the girls still sleep I walk to mine and Aph's room, I make the bed, just the way Aph would. Satisfied with my work I go downstairs and prep the girls bottles knowing they'll be awake soon. After the bottles are made I can hear lilith stirring in her crib, so I go and take her down to eat. She's like her mother, refuses to sleep in at all.
"There you go Lil.. Eat up." I say slipping the bottle into her mouth as she happily drinks away. Within the next ten minutes, Alina is awake, making a fuss about being alone. I set Lilith in her jumper while I go get her sister and feed her too.
12:00 PM: Lunch Time
While the girls took their nap, I fed Celstia, Alexander, and Eli. I started the first load of laundry and had everything ready to start dinner. I eat a quick Sandwhich and wake the girls up for their lunch. Following their routine, as soon as they are done eating they need to be changed and dressed for their walk.
2:30 PM: Halfway Through Their Walk.
Pushing the girls in their stroller for our walk around the block I'm hit on at least four times, even tho my wedding ring is clearly visible. I just ignore the flirts and laugh as the girls talking in their little noises to each other and waving to passerby's.
When we return home, the girls play around their room until they are ready for another nap, while they nap I manage to finish all of the laundry and take care of the dish washer.
4:30 PM: Dinner Prep
"Hmm..." I grab one of aph's cookbooks "that dumb cooking kick made her spend over more on cookbooks than her engagement ring costed.." I say to myself. I decide that a nice salad would make nicely for her defeat. So I start mixing multiple vegetables together, setting the table, and then the girls started crying, a was cooking a bit of chicken at the moment so I ran quickly to grab both and settle then down. I went to set them down to get the chicken out as the timer beeped, but they cried even more, no bottle to be found...
5 PM: Aphmau comes home

*Aphmau's POV*

I walk into a sleeping husband and two kids on the couch, I chuckle a bit, looking at the spotless house. I sigh, going upstairs to change into something not so formal and not so serious, like an Aaron hoodie. I go into the bathroom to wash my face and cover up another mark from Aaron on my neck.

He really needs to stop marking his territory.." I say, joking to myself as I put the last bit of concealer over the mark. I hear a soft click and I turn to see Aaron locking the bathroom door and looking at me with a glint of what I fear is lust and desire in his eyes.

*Third Person*

Aaron started walking Aphmau backwards into a corner untill she couldn't move "Oh really." He said sternly. He held her chin up high, making her look straight into his eyes, "h-how much did you hear..." Aphmau asks weakly "enough." He stated blankly "I-i didn't mean it as a bad think I meant it as-" "then why comment." He says, anger boiling "I meant it in a cute way... P-please dont-" Aaron interrupted her by nipping her neck, Aphmau squeaked and Aaron chuckled. Aphmau made a dash for the door but Aaron wrapped a towel in front of her pulling her back into him "you can't get away that easily." He growled. Aphmau sat Aaron down in defeat and sat on his lap, Aaron kissed her passionetly and she returned it happily.

Aphmau and Aaron ate in silence with Alina and Lilith giggling at each other, wanting their parents attention but to no avail. Aaron put his dish into the sink and put away the extra food displayed on the counter, Aphmau loaded the dishwasher due to routine and changed into pajamas, Aaron did the same and kissed her cheek before heading up to bead, leaving Aphmau and the darkness.
11:30pm; Aphmau on the couch.
"Ugh.. it's no use I can sleep, it's too cold without my Aar~bear.." She rolls off the couch and stumbles into the kitchen and opens the freezer, and grabs the Ice cream.
"You won't leave me right ice cream..?" She starts eating away at it slowly, little does she know with all the noise she was making, Aaron had woken up. He came down into the kitchen turning on the lights.
"Aph.. what the heck.." He moans
"What...?" She spoke through a mouthful of ice cream. "I couldn't sleep without you.."
"I just barely dozed off when I heard you.." he bent down taking the ice cream away from her and put it away.
"Hey.. I was eating that!" Aph moans.
"When you should be sleeping. Come on." He said as he picks her up bridal style and takes her up to the bedroom.
"No.. You can't do this.. I lost." Aph said truthfully
"I don't care, we should've never made that stupid bet, your sleeping with me.." Aph didn't fight, she hugged him, and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you..." She sighs.
"Anything for you, mi amor."
And they fall asleep, Aph in Aaron's arms, right where she belongs.

The End.
