Chapter 26 - The Claimed Title


The fair week passed in a blur we had a lot of exciting games and prizes that Damien and I played. Wall climbing and shooting are the most enjoyed games that made me won a penguin stuff toy. I'm still not claimed because we take things slow but the more time I spend with Damien makes me want him to claim me.

It's been a week now when I decided to move in at Damien's pack with my parents permission. They felt more relief and decided it's best for my safety.

"Good morning baby sleep well?" He moved the strand of my hair.

"Morning too. Yeah I slept well and you?" I faced him while he gave me butterfly kisses.

"Ready for the ceremony later? You still have time to back out you know." Damien teased me.

"Then you still have time to back out." I used his own words.

"Get this in that thick head of yours baby you will never get rid of me that easily." He went on my top.

"I don't have a thick head I'm a woman after all." I gave him a double meaning.

"You will pay for that." Damien warned me.

He started kissing my neck and it was a heavenly feeling. I wondered what it feels like to be mated. He trailed butterfly kisses on my earlobe down to my neck.

"Mmm... Damien." I couldn't help the moan.

"You drive me crazy with your moan baby but we need to stop before I mark you." Damien pulled back.

"Mark me. I'm ready." I arched my neck.

"Are you sure baby? I don't wanna pressure you." He stared into my eyes.

"I already made my mind up about it the day you found me at the hallway." I smiled brightly.

He let Crimson takes over and slowly bends down to capture my lips. As we played for dominance he thrust his tongue inside my mouth. I couldn't get enough of his taste and his smell. He began kissing my jawline to my neck while his left hand cupped my nape. I arched more to the right side so he has full access on my neck. Before I knew it he plunged his canines on my spot. It was stinging pain at first but soon replaced with pleasure. After his done marking me I wasted no time to mark him as well and heard him moaned my name. Instantly we felt our bond gets stronger and our emotions including our minds. We were still in bliss from claiming when we heard a knock.

"Breakfast is ready!" Hillary called from the door while humming a happy tone.

Oh God! What if they heard me moaning or worse shouting earlier! It's so embarrassing!

'Don't worry baby I'm doing the same thing too.' Damien popped in my head.

I forgot he can hear me now after the claim.

"Yes I can hear you baby loud and clear. Now you are officially mine and my Luna." He added with smirked.

"Keep that smirk on your face and I won't let you sleep with me tonight." I retorted and he frowned.

"Okay you win." He pulled me back.

"Let's have some breakfast before we get ready for the ceremony." I giggled after seeing his reaction.

I went first to shower and let him fixed the bed. I heard him muttered under his breath saying "I'm totally whipped" and all I could do is smile. Minutes later we were eating with his family. Hillary was first to notice my mark and checked it.

"Finally!!" She burst out.

The mark is with crescent moon a Luna symbol and triskele represents as Alpha. It was bind together with our initials written beside it.

After breakfast everyone was busy preparing for the ceremony. Damien and I went back inside the room. I'm half lying at bed while Damien sat at the end of the bed.

"Baby, we need to talk about the ceremony." Damien face is serious.

"I know it's about the pack and me accepting the Luna position." I hugged him from behind.

"I don't want you to think I'm pressuring you on this. You also have responsibilities being an Alpha in line. If you won't accept it it's fine --" He rambled.

"You didn't let me finish yet. That is correct I still have my duties as Alpha of Nightshade that's why I have decided to join our packs together. I'll appoint Meriel as new Alpha in case they want to stay behind. Besides Dad already proclaimed our alliance on your pack at the funeral remember?" I reminded him.

"You really mean it?" He smiled from ear to ear.

"No I don't mean it! Do I look like I'm serious?" I rolled my eyes.

"But---" He frowned.

"You are so gullible of course I mean it. I already talked to Dad and most of the pack agreed in fact they will attend the ceremony later." I spilled and he hugged me tight.

"Thank you so much for doing this I know it's a lot of sacrifices for you." Damien pecked my lips.

"No need to thank me. I'm your mate and your Luna now. Whatever is best for the pack that is what we should do." I convinced him with a smile.

After our conversation we started to get ready. Since it's a formal gathering and introduction I choose to wear a grey gothic dress with a black slim belt on the waistline then paired it up with silver accessories and shoes. For the make-up I tried to make it simple smoky-eye effect and little lip gloss. My hair is down since that's what Damien wants I'm all set to the event until I heard footsteps.

"Baby, are you ready?" Damien popped his head on our walk in closet.

His jaw almost drops off the ground after seeing me I admit I was also busy checking him out. Our clothes were match and he didn't argue with me about it. He is wearing all black suits with white long sleeve and grey necktie. His hair is spiked up like I want it to be. Damn! I wanna run my fingers to his well build chest right now and let him take me! Oh geesh! What am I saying?! Why do I feel I want to rip his clothes! I can't help but bit my lip just the sight of him makes me high.

'We are in heat Soph. Let's Mate!' Ruby voice is full of lust.

'We have a ceremony to attend to.' I blocked her out since she was saying a lot of inappropriate words.

"Close your mouth before you catches a fly baby." He teased.

After a while he comes near me and kissed my cheek! I was very disappointed he didn't kiss my lips. Maybe he doesn't want to ruin my make-up but I could tell he is trying to control himself giving me and it's hot! I have to admit everything he does is turning me on.

"I'm going to get my purse." I held my raging hormones.

Damien joined our hands and we head down to the Assembly hall. I swear just standing so close to Damien gets me an odd feeling.


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••••• MJ Cristine
