Chapter 19 - The New Alliance


My mate's scent is coming from the car from our driveway. I feel so bad because I didn't let her know what happen. That's why when I saw the car heading this way I was so nervous. I went and opened the car door and kissed her. By this time I know they are watching us but I didn't care all I want is my mate. God! She has the softest lips ever! We were both into it when she pulled away and saw her family standing.

"What is the meaning of this Sophia Lauren?" A man with blonde hair and green eyes interrupted us.

By their resemblance I know it's her father. The blonde hair woman is her mother I bet and they are with Mrs. Payne.

"Dad... Mom... this is... uhmm..." My mate stuttered so I speak for us.

"With all due respect Sir I'm sorry if I kiss her. I'm your daughter's mate, Damien Henry Lewis." I introduced myself still calming my nervous mate.

"That's marvellous! Please just call us Sebastian and Madeline." Her Mom exclaimed.

"Damien forgive me for prying but are you related to Alpha Daryl Lewis and Mrs. Dehlia Lewis?" Sebastian creased eyebrows.

"Sir, he is my father and Dehlia is my grandmother." I politely declared and stand beside my mate.

"Hi! I'm Meriel, sister of Sophia. This is my mate and husband Richard Moore it's nice to finally meet you. I supposed you already know my Aunt, Sylvia." The blonde hair girl she is almost like Sophia's twin.

"Yeah he is my student anyway I got a call from your father that's why we came." Mrs. Payne cuts in.

"Please come in, I'll have my Dad here in a minute." I invited them.

'Dad, can you please come out here for a minute?' I mindlinked him.

'Where are you? Your Mom and the guests are looking for you.' He responds quickly.

'I'm at receiving area with visitors. I want you to meet my mate too. She's here with her family.' I informed him.

'Give me a minute I will just tell your Mom about it.' He cut the link.

I can tell my mate is starting to get nervous again maybe because she is finally meeting my parents. I pulled her closer and gave soothing words.

"Relax baby. They will love you but not as much I do." I held her sweaty palm.

"How did---?" She started but I cut her off with my hand.

"By your movements and I'm your mate remember?" I winked and she blushed like a lobster. So cute!

I was so lost with my mate that I didn't realize Dad is already standing beside me. Since he already knew about my mate I easily introduced Sophia and her family.

"Alpha Lewis, our condolences to your Mother I was the one who got the call, I'm Sylvia William-Payne, daughter of Shirley Williams. This is my brother, Alpha Sebastian Williams." Mrs. Payne introduced everyone.

"Pleasure to finally meet you especially my son's mate. Thanks for coming on my mother's wake." Dad extended his hands with Sophia's family.

"We couldn't pass this opportunity to pay our respect and sympathy. Dehlia is such a great friend to our Mother." Mr. Williams complimented Grams.

"My mother talks a lot about your Mom Shirley. Please call me Daryl soon to be family anyway." Dad claimed.

"It's been such a great pleasure for us too Alpha. I mean Daryl and especially my sister's mate, Damien. Sorry for the lost." Meriel interjected.

"Thank you for all the sympathy. If there's one good thing happened in this funeral its meeting my mate and her family." I saw Sophia blushed.

"I'm glad you found each other that can only mean no more travelling to each pack." Mrs. William saw our entwined hands.

"What do you mean?" I stand beside my mate who smiles sheepishly.

"Prior to this event we planned on visiting here in search for our daughter Sophia's mate. We do it often since we want her to be marked before she takes over the throne as Alpha." Mr. Williams gave out the facts and I nodded.

"I know this is all sudden but do any of you mind giving a piece of message in behalf of Shirley Lewis? I'm sure my mother will love it." Dad proposed the idea.

"It will be an honour for us Daryl we owe our lives to Dehlia. Without her help we could've not survived then." Mrs. Payne consented.

"Let's all head inside then. My wife and my sister Ester will be glad to meet you." Dad led the way.

I followed them with my mate and her family. Soon as we reached the hall Mom didn't felt embarrass when she voiced out her opinion about grandchildren. To be honest I'm already thinking of having a pup soon but I have to consider my mate's opinion. If she wants us it later I don't mind since we are still young.

We all stayed on our seats while the speech is going on until it was time for Sebastian to speak. He unfolds how their pack is formed and my Grams role in it also the Nightshade Moon pack is not a threat but rather an alliance with us. Our pack applauded him after his speech and that is a good sign. When it was my turn I decided to introduce Sophia to the pack. The crowd cheered as they listened with my speech. Lastly my father released a statement that we are alliance with Sebastian's pack. After the ceremony Beta Steve also introduced his mate too.

The funeral turns out to be a great way for new alliance. I silently prayed and thank Grams because even we lost her we gain new family. She's will always be loved and remembered.


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••••• MJ Cristine
