Let's go to Kyoto!

Y/N was laying on his bed nervously as Akeno was crawling yo him in a seductive manner while licking her fingers.

Akeno: I want all of Y/N~.

Y/N: Akeno?!

Akeno: You are going to leave me behind and go to Kyoto....

Y/N: I mean, it's a school trip. I can't do anything about it.

Akeno: No way. That is two while days without you. I will be so lonely... That's why, I think I'll stock up myself with some Y/N~.

Y/N: What?!

Akeno: I'm going to touch you and feel your manliness, experiencing my womanliness in return.

She says as she places her chest near his face as his blush increases.

Akeno: After all, there are no seniors or juniors in the bedroom. Just man and woman.

Y/N: What...?

Akeno leaned closer to his face to kiss him until someone interupted her.

Rias: Akeno? What are you doing?

They turn to the door and see Rias who looked like she just took a shower.

Akeno: My, my. A scary woman is glaring at me and Y/N.

Rias: You've gotten quite daring.

Akeno: I am always daring. Just like this!

Akeno throws herself at Y/N as he was pulled away and they see Koneko holding his head.

Koneko: Akeno, that isn't fair.

Y/N: Koneko? When did you....?

Koneko: Y/N. Let's use healing sage arts all at once, right now.

Rias: E-Even you, Koneko.

Asia: Oh, no!

They see Asia on his left side as she appeared out lf nowhere.

Asia: I'm the only one left out! But! But! I can do it, too!

Isa: Hey this isn't fair! I haven't been with him enough time!

They throw themselves to Y/N as he was being smothered by Akeno, Koneko, Asia and Xenovia.

Asia: I will not hand Y/N over! I am sleeping with him tonight!

Akeno: He is mine for tonight!

Koneko: Healing him comes first!

Isa: No! It's my turn!

Rias: Goodness! Why can't all of you listen to your master?!

The girls stop and then speak in unison.

Girls: That's because he's my...

Rias: Goodness!

Rias then takes of the tower on her hair as she runs to the bed.

Rias: You're wrong, he's mine!

She jumps to the bed as her chest lands on Y/N's face.


The next day, they were in the classroom as the girls were talking about the trip.

Aika: So, most of the sightening will have to be done on the second day.

Irina: Where will we go sightening?

Asia: Kiyomizu temple?

Xenovia: Oh, there's a temple that is shiny with gold...

Aika: Oh! Kinkakuji! Then, we would have to go to Ginkakuji, too...

On the other side of the classroom Y/N was laying on his desk as the pervert duo was beside him.

Matsuda: Putting Kiryuu aside... To think that we would be in the same touring group as as all the pretty girls in our class! Although, it pisses me off that is kinda thanks to you, Y/N.

Y/N: How many times do I need to tell you, not to come near me.

Matohama: Come on, Y/N! Don't be like that! We even prepared ourselves for the night at the hotel!

Y/N sighs as Aika talks to them.

Aika: Hey, boys! Give us your opinions, too.

Matsuda: We have our preparations to make.

Aika: Huh, even you Y/N?

Y/N: Don't involve me with these two

Y/N then feels someone tapping his shoulder as he sees Koneko by his side.

Koneko: Y/N, come with me.


After that Y/N and Koneko were in the clubroom.

Y/N: Healing sage arts? Here?

Koneko: Yes. I'm worried about being unable to treat you for two whole days. The life force you've lost from the time tou went berserk can only be recovered bit by bit through healing sage arts. I even tried it with Isa and it worked.

Y/N: I know that. But why here...?

Koneko: There are many people at your house, so I can't focus well on healing you. That's why I eant to do it here.

Koneko then takes off her upper clothes leaving her bra as it made Y/N blush.

Koneko: The clothes I recieved from Akeno...

She then takes off her lower clothes only leaving herself in underwear as she shows her neko traits, and makes Y/N blush even more.

Koneko: Help me send my focused chi to you more effectively.

She then puts on a dressing gown.

After that Y/N and Koneko were in the couch as she was on his lap and he was shirtless as per Koneko's request.

Koneko: Y/N, how is it?

Y/N: Well, it does feel good.

Koneko: If you're okay with it...we can, um, perform bedroom arts, too.

Y/N: Bedroom arts? You mean...? I'm not sure...

Koneko: If Y/N will recover with that method...

She then lays him on the bed as she sits on top of him.

Koneko:... I am okay with it.

Y/N: What...?

Then they hear someone clear their throat as they turn and see Rias standing by the door.

Rias: I accept the need for the sage arts to heal Y/N. But, well... Please restrain yourselves while we are in school. Also, I need to report that the gathering of my family is complete. We will go to the Gremory house to give our regards. Since the school trip is coming up, we will go before that.


Everyone was then eating at the Gremory mansion.

Irina: It is a great honor for angels like ourselves in the mansion of an upper class devil.

Sumire: Yes, this is the first time I'm here, yet I feel really comfortable.

Vanelana: I am happy to hear that.

Zeoticus: I hear that Rossweisse is quite interested in educational system.

Rossweisse: Yes. I hope to open a Norse magic school in the Gremory doomain one day. I want to try raising Valkirie devils.

Zeoticus: *laughs* As the head of the Gremory household, your endeavors just increase my antisipation.

Vanelana: Oh, don't Y/N and the others have a school trip soon?

Y/N: Yes. The trip is planned to go to Kyoto.

Vanelana: The pickled Kyoto vegetables Rias brought back last year were quite delicious.

Y/N: I see. If you want I can bring some for you.

Vanelana: Oh, my. That's not why I mentioned it. Don't worry yourself over us.

Zeoticus: Oh, yes. Sirzechs is currently in the residencial suit.

Rias: Brother is here?


Y/N, Rias and Millicas were walking to the suite as they find Sirzechs who was talking with Sairaorg in the way

Rias: Brother.

Sirzechs: Rias.

Rias: I hope you are well. I heard that you were back home.

Sirzechs: You didn't need to trouble yourself to see me, but thank you.

Sairaorg: I'm also visiting. You both look well, Rias and Joker.

Rias: Sairaorg, you should have mentioned that you were coming to visit.

Sirzechs: He even brought us fruit his Bael domain is famous for. Also, we discussed the rating game he and you will be participating in. Other than the field rule requirements, he wishes yo remove any complicated rules of battle.

Rias: In other words, he will allow all of our various powers in combat.

Sairaorg: Yeah, that's right. If I can't take your family at full strength, I can't claim to be the heir of a great devil family.

Sirzechs: Perfect timing. Sairaorg wished to exchange a few blows with Y/N.

Sairaorg: Yeah.

Sirzechs: Then, how about a light bout right now?

Y/N hearing this words felt exitement filling his body as smirk grew on his face.

Y/N: I accept the challenge.

Sirzechs: Well, then. Show me the strength of the top young devil and the Trickster Joker.

After that everyone was gathered at a colloseum where the ORC watched from another level of the place.

Sairaorg: I will show you the power of my fists as much as you want!

Sairaorg then took off his formal clothes as he had a shirt underneath showing his muscular form.

Sirzechs: Now, let us begin.

Y/N inmediately transforms as blue flames remain on him.

Sairaorg: Looks like it's about time.

Y/N runs around Sairaorg at an incredible speed as Sairaorg was able to follow his movements rather easy.

Y/N: *thoughts* He's fast, there's no doubt about it. I won't be able to hit a blind spot like this.

Y/N then charges directly at Sairaorg and summons Hanuman

and uses it to punch Sairaorg as Sairaorg took it directly to the face and was pushed back a little.

Sairaorg: You have a good punch. A pure, straightforward attack that's packed with strong emotion. A normal devil would be finished with that attack. However...

Sairaorg suddenly dissapears out of his sight and appears behind him.

Sairaorg: I'm different!

Sairaorg sends a punch directly to Y/N's head but thankfully he still had Hanuman out and was barely able to block the attack that still blowed him away, but still was able to land on his feet.

Y/N: *thoughts* He's extremely fast! It would probably break some bones if I blocked it myself.

Sairaorg: Oh, you didn't go down. Well, that was just a greeting.

Y/N: A greeting, huh? Then how much power does he has.

Sairaorg: Here I come!

Sairaorg dissapear again as he reapeared in front of Y/N was able to evade and the punch barely grazed him and the air preassure of the attack created a powerful air preasure that destroyed some of the floor.

Y/N: Tch! Even with a graze it still hurts!

Y/N charges again summoning Hanuman once again to attack Sairaorg but this time Sairaorg took the hit directly to the face but took it like it was nothing as Y/N's eyes widen.

Sairaorg throws another punch as Y/N barely evades it.

Y/N: *thoughts* He's strong! Is he really in the same generation as Rias?

Arsene: *mind* *chuckles*Yes, this is quite the surprise. A power type that raised his physical power to it's utmost destructive limit. Interesting. It's so extreme that it has peaked my curiosity.

Y/N: He's from the Bael family, so he should've inherited the Power of Destruction, yet he was born without it. He's using only his body. He must of trained himself extremely hard on himself as to be appointed the next heir.

Sairaorg quickly appeared in front of him as Y/N ducked under the attack but the wind preasure still blowed him away.

Y/N: I see that your power comes from hard training alone.

Sairaorg: I merely believed in my own body.

Y/N: If that's the case. I'll show you what I can do.

Y/N's mask breaks in ice as his hair turned white and his eyes blue but he had a creepy smile on his face with narrowed eyes.

Sairaorg smirks while appearing in front of Y/N and punching him directly in the stomach, making him cough some blood, but still had that smile.

Y/N then punches him on the side of the face as some blood came from Sairaorg's nose.

Sairaorg: So you're going all out?

Y/N: Who knows? I am begining to get some motivation.

The two of them withdraw their fist from each other.

Sairaorg: I packed some power into that last punch.

Y/N: I know, but that isn't your whole power, is it?

Sairaorg: What's wrong? Your personality changed a lot. Do you have a problem with me as an opponent?

Y/N: Of cource not. It just exites me fighting against the top young devil.

Sairaorg: *chuckles* Yeah, It is also incredible fighting against the last vampir who went against the old satan faction and the Northern god Loki and lived.

Y/N: Even so, don't you think it's quite boring?

Sairaorg: What do you mean? It is fun to fight with you. It makes me happier than I expected, battling a similar type of fighter. Don't hold back. Come at me with full power!

Sairaorg then extended his arm for a fistbump.

Y/N: Okay~.

Y/N returns the fistbump and as soon as their fist touched each other, Sairaorg's body was covered in ice with the exception of his head.

Y/N: This what I meant that it might be boring. After all, just exchanging blows is not really that fun.

With the ORC some of them had confused looks.

Sumire: I thought vampirs had fun with strong opponents. I'm pretty sure that Sairaorg is really strong.

Akechi: They do, but raw power isn't enough to entertain them.

Xenovia: What do you mean?

Akechi: As far as I know, vampirs look for strong opponents to fight, but to them, fighting against someone who can't follow their mind is like fighting someone weak.

Isa: I still don't understand...

Akechi: Let's say that their opponent is stronger than him in power, do you think he would find it enjoyable?

Isa: Yes...?

Akechi: The answer is yes and no.

Isa: You're making this more confusing.

Akechi: Then let me make this easier for your brain to understand.

Isa: You don't have yo be rude, you know...

Akechi: Vampirs love powerful opponents, but that is not what exites them. It is the ability of combat that their opponent has that they find exitement in.

Isa: So, you're saying that even if their opponent is weaker than them, if they can come up with strategies that let's them keep up, they still find it enjoyable.

Akechi: Exactly. I'm glad you were finally able to understand.

Back in the fight, Y/N sighs as he turns around ready to leave as he had a frown.

Y/N: *sighs* And I thought we would have an exiting battle...

Sairaorg: Then why don't you stay and we have it.

Y/N's eyes widen when he hears a crack and sees Sairaorg struggling yet breaking the ice and after a couple of moments later the ice fully broke as Sairaorg was panting a little.

Sairaorg: *smirk* Well, that definitely took all my strength to break. So, you still up for a round two?

Y/N smiles again as he faces Sairaorg.

Akechi: Y/N knows that Sairaorg is physically superior, so he wanted to test if his ice was capable of contain someone who only relies in raw physical power.

Y/N and Sairaorg rush at each other as they prepare their fist making them collide with each other, creating a shockwave.

Y/N was about to use his ice again but as it barely was on Sairaorg's arm he was suddenly kicked away.

Sairaorg: It would be a problem if I let you do that again.

Sairaorg charges at Y/N who was prepared to block any attack. But Sairaorg, instead of attacking Y/N, he punched the floor as it made the floor shake and the destruction created a smokescreen made of dust as Y/N couldn't see where Sairaorg went. Although, this only increased his exitement.

He was then suddenly punched across the face and blown away as the smokescreen dissapear and shows Sairaorg in the place Y/N was.

Y/N: Using a smokescreen to hide your presence is really smart. You're proving to be more exiting than I thought.

Y/N suddenly coughs blood as he falls on his knees while panting.

Sairaorg: It seems that you're running out of time.

Y/N: I can still fight.

Sairaorg: I believe it. So can I. However, if we continue, we will enjoy it until tha last blow. That is too much if a waste. Aren't you currently on the cusp of evolution?

Y/N: *chuckles* I guess you're right.

Sairaorg: In that case, I will wait until then. Fighting it out when we're both at our best. That is the battle I desire with the Phantom Thief Joker. Let us finish our battle another day.

Sairaorg extends hisarm for a fistbump as Y/N returns to normal and smiles.

Y/N: Yeah.

He returns the fist bump as then Sairaorg looks at Rias and her peerage.

Sairaorg: Rias! And all of Rias' family! Our next meeting will be on the stage that leads us to our dreams! Come, I will take you all down with all my might! And you Red Dragon Empress, I look forward to fight you, too!

He says as he walks away and exits the place. And sithen walks to Y/N.

Sirzechs: How were his blows?

Y/N: They were incredible. He's clearly physically stronger, but I don't see a huge gap. Rather, a complicated one.

Sirzechs: They're different, but the same at the same time. You could even call this a battle between hard work and natural talent.

Y/N: Huh?

Sirzechs: He worked desperately to fill the gaps where he was lacking. That is how he became so strong possessing something other devils don't have.

Y/N: *thoughts* He works so hard, to become the strongest. I can't say I understand him due to the bloodline I possess, yet I feel something similar.

Sirzechs: But, Y/N. I was impressed.

Y/N: Why?

Sirzechs: When people fight against him... Many lose the will to fight even if it's on a small bout. Their demonic power fail against him and they are overwhelmed by sheer power. Any demon that who believes that demonic power is equal to status would lose heart. Especially those of high ranking families.


After that, everyone was back in the mansion as they were saying their goodbyes to Rias' parents and Millicas aproaches Y/N.

Millicas: Hey, big brother Y/N.

Y/N: What is it?

Millicas: Will you ever ask big sister Rias out?

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N then looks at Rias.

Y/N: *thoughts* That's right. I can't deny that she was the first I developed feelings for, but... I don't want to hurt the others...


Y/N was on his bed as he couldn't sleep while being anxious for the trip.

Y/N: This trip seriously dosen't let me rest, huh?

Rias: Oh? You can't wait to get rid of me that badly?

He turns to the side and see Rias who was the only one with him tonight.

Y/N: You know it's not like that. I'm just a little exited about it.

Rias: I know. I expected as much.

She then grabs his head places between her breast.

Rias: Since this is the last time we'll see each other in two days, I'll make sure to spoil you a lot.

Y/N: Rias! You know what, screw it! They're comfortable after all.

They spent the night cuddling and enjoying each other's company.


Everyone was on the train station as Rias gives them an ID.

Yuri: This is the rumored ID?

Rias: Yes. All devils need this "free pass" in order to enjoy Kyoyo properly.

Y/N: That means that we will be able to visit the temple without any problem, right?

Rias: Yes. As long as you have that there shouldn't be a problem. Although...

She then looks at Akechi who had a bag on her shoulder as she was going on the trip with the rest of the group.

Rias: How were you able to get in the trip?

Akechi: It wasen't my choice. To me this is nothing but a waste of time. But, I was forced to go as a helper for a certain teacher.

Rias: Anyway, *smiles* please take care of the Kyoto I love so much.

Asia: Then, big sister Rias, we're off!

Irina and Xenovia: We're off!

Rias: Have a good trip.

Yuri: We'll bring back souvenirs

Rias: I can't wait.

Y/N: Then, we'll see you in a couple of days.

They begin to walk away as Rias grabs Y/N's hand stoping him for a moment.

Y/N: Rias?

Rias: I tried to hold it in, but I'm just like Akeno. I'll be lonely while you're gone. I've gotten a lot better than before, you know? Now, I can withstand not seeing your face for really short periods.

Y/N: I know what you mean, but the others are still gonna be there with you.

Rias: I know, but even so...

Rias leans to his face and kisses him and departs a few seconds after with a smile on her face.

Y/N: *blushing* Rias...?

Rias: Just a send off kiss. *giggles* Goodness, what are you thinking? A kiss from me is no longer a surprise, right?

Y/N: *chuckles* I guess you're right.

Rias: With this, I'll be able to withstand the loneliness of being left behind for Kyoto. *smiles* Have a good trip, Y/N.

Y/N: *smiles* Yeah. I'm off!

He then walks to the train and before entering his smiles at her. Now heading to Kyoto.
