
The ORC along with Y/N and Ravel  were in a arena at the underworld as they were watching Xenovia and Rossweisse sparring. Meanwhile Y/N, Isa, and Yuri were discussing about Isa's new technique.

Isa: Hmm. I definitely think that the Bishop form is the most troublesome in the Triaina combo.

Yuri: Unlike the Knight and Rook, the Bishop form needs time to charge the blast.

Y/N: And your enemies will surely not wait for that to happen.

Yuri: We'll need teamwork yo overcome the problem.

Isa: True. If the team buys me time, I won't have to actively evade and I can get a better shot. But, the amount of energy I expend with the Triaina is no joke. I may or may not be able to get two or three shots in.

Yuri: If we're going to use it, it'll have to be on Sairaorg directly.

Isa: Yeah, you're right.

They then see Ravel approaching them.

Ravel: Hey, I happen to overhear your conversation, but...  About the strengthened form of Bishop in the Triaina. Instead of a cannon blast, perhaps you could transfer the shot?

Y/N: That's actually a good idea!

Ravel: That way, others will be able to give cover fire more effectively.

Yuri: If we can make it look like a charge and boost our allies, we'll surprise them.

Isa: They'll wonder whether the next shot is a transfer or an attack, as well!

Rias: The game rules will likely be a problem.

They turn around and see Rias walking to them.

Rias: It'll be fine if the match was a team battle, but...  Sairaorg announced he would like to accept all of our powers in battle... and the higher ups have allowed for this. Because of this, I believe special rules will be made for the matches.

Isa: Special rules?

Rias: On top of that, the game will be held in a floating city within the Archduke Agares family's domain. They plan to invite a large audience there, so they are not expecting a long battle. The Rating Game is also a form of entertainment, so there is some catering to the fans.

Ravel: By the way, is already gathering a lot of attention.

Isa: *determined* Well, either way, all we can do right now is to train to win!

Y/N: *smiles*That was a good advise, Ravel.

He then headpats her as she looks down while blushing.

Ravel: Th-That was nothing!

Y/N: Well, anyone wants to spar with me?

Rias: Sorry, but we're done for the day.

You: Huh?

Rias: We have a press conference  tomorrow. If we overstrain ourselves, we'll be in terrible shape oin front of the reporters.

Y/N: Press conference?

Rias: Of cource, you can come and watch.


They were now walking through the halls of a mansion as they arrived to the main hall where they see Saji with two other girls of Sona's peerage.

Saji: Hello, it's been a while.

Y/N: Hello, Saji.

Saji: Oh, Y/N. What are you doing?

Y/N: Well, Rias incited me to see their conference.

Saji: I see, that makes sence.

Isa: What are you doing here?

Saji: Jeez, what are you saying? Well, I guess it can't be helped. We're not gathering as much attention as you guys. You know, we have a Rating Game with the Agares family the same day. The press conference for it is happening today.

Y/N: *surprise* Really? This is the first time I hear about.

Rias: Oh, didn't I tell you?

Y/N: Nobody had told me...

Saji: *chuckles* Like I said, we aren't gathering  much attention. Though, it looks like you guys are drowning on it.

Saji was then called by one of the girls as they had to leave.

Saji: Well, we're off.

Y/N: *smiles* Alright, good luck, and I expect good results.

Saji: *waves* Yeah, me, too.


Y/N: *sweatdrop* When she told me I was invited to watch, I didn't expect this.

He says as he was in the same room a sit among the many interviewers as Rias, Sairaorg, and their peerages were in front.

Announcer: We will start the conference now that both families have-

Sairaorg: Actually, I believe that all of Rias' family isn't there, yet.

Announcer: Excuse me, but what do you mean.

Sairaorg then stands as everyone looks at him.

Sairaorg: He may not be in her peerage, he is not even a devil. However, he is her family and I did say that I want to fight all of their powers.

Y/N: *thoughts* What is he trying to do...?

Sairaorg: A lot of you know him, and yes, I'm talking about you, Y/N L/N!

He says and turns his face to look at Y/N as all ofthe attention was now turned to Y/N as everyone looked at him.

Y/N: What...?

Announcer: Lord Sairaorg, that is against the rules.

Sairaorg: And that's why I had requested for special rules and they were accept.

Announcer: Lady Rias, are you fine with this?

Rias: Are you sure you want this, Sairaorg?

Sairaorg: *smiles* Of cource.

Rias: Then I'm okay with this.

Y/N: Huh...?!

After a few minutes they had arranged an extra chair as he was now sitting, still confused, between Rias and Isa.

Announcer: Now that things have been cleared, let's start with the kings, Sairaorg Bael and Rias Gremory. What are your feelings for this game?

Sairaorg: Well... I just cannot control my exitement for this upcoming battle. And now even more knowing that someone I consider a rival will participate. I will use all of my strength to defeat them. That's all.

Rias: I am honored to fight against the Sairaorg Bael family. Although he is considered number one among the young devils, we shall not lose. No, we will definitely win.

Announcer: Thank you very much. Now, I would like to open up for questions. Feel free.

Interviewer1: I would like to ask the Boob Dragon, Isa Hyoudo, a question.

Isa: Y-Yes!

Interviewer1: So, now that it's comfirmed that Y/N L/N, also known as Joker, will participate, will you have him poke your chest this time as well?

At this question, Y/N was snapped out of his confusion.

Y/N: *thoughts* What?!

Isa: *blushing* Huh?! U-Um...

Interviewer1: If he is to poke them, in what situation would it be? There has been reports that, just like the TV show, you power up when he pokes your chest. I have heard that you overcame many dangerous situations in that manner.

Isa: *nervous* Y-Y-Y...

Interviewer1: Yes?! Did you try to say "yes" just now?!

Hearing the interviewer the press became crazy as they started bombarding Isa with questions.

Interviewer2: Does this mean that he sucks and pleasures them?! Your breast?!

Isa: *thoughts* Wh-What the hell are these guys saying?! *blushing* Even though I would like it... But I didn't mean to say that!

Interviewer3: So is he also gonna suck on your breast, then?

Interviewer1: If you power up by having him poke them, what happens when he sucks them?!

Interviewer2: Would it be possible to destroy the entire underworld?!

Interviewer3: Y/N L/N! We would like your comment on this!

Y/N looked at them not knowing what to say, so he decided with the safest response.

Y/N: N-No comment.

Interviewer1: What do you think, Sairaorg?!

Isa: *thoughts* Stupid! Don't ask him questions like that!

Sairaorg: *smirk* Hmm. If Y/N was to suck the Red Dragon Empress breast, she may become terrifingly strong.

Once again, the press became crazy by his response. Once it all calmed down one of the interviewers rised his arm.

Interviewer4: Actually, I have a real question for Mister L/N.

Y/N: Yes...?

Interviewer4: How do you feel being the first non-devil participating in a Rating Game?

Y/N was glad hearing a normal question and he responded it.

Y/N: I feel honored participating in such an event, and even though I may not be a devil, I will give it my all in this Rating Game.


The conference press had now finished as both peerages were now in a hallway.

Sairaorg: *laughs* Sorry about that! I guess I was a little impatient over our battle, Y/N.

Y/N: Definitely. Though, are you sure about this? I mean, you would be at a disadvantage.

Sairaorg: *smiles* I know. I don't mind at all. It's actually the opposite. You all were able to do something like that in front of so many. I feel as if I'm facing the unknown. The next time we meet will be in the arena.

Y/N: *determined* Of cource.

Sairaorg: *smirk* What a good expression. Then, we shall see one another in the sky.

He turns around and walks towards his peerage.


It was noon, as Y/N was heading towards the showers in his house until Azazel stoped him.

Azazel: Hey, Y/N. You got a minute?

Y/N: Yeah, what is it?

Azazel: Look, as much as I hate to say it, it is time that you repay a favor.

Y/N: Oh, right, Vali... What does she want...?

Azazel: I don't know. She didn't tell me anything except for you to meet her at the nearby park in 15 minutes.

Y/N: What? It's already getting late, though. Can't she wait until tomorrow?

Azazel: Sorry, but sometimes a man must return the favor that was given, no matter the dificulty.

Y/N: *sighs* Fine, then. Let me get change and I'll go there.


Y/N was now sitting on a bench in the park as he was in his casual clothes, looking at his phone.

Y/N: *groans* So she asks me to get here this late in the night so she can be 30 minutes late!

Suddenly a blue magic circle appeared beside the bench as Vali appeared from it.

Vali: *smirk* You know, you're quite early for someone who can't teleport himself.

Y/N: And you're late for someone who can do it. Anyway, what do you want?

Vali: Well, I'm here to charge that favor.

Y/N: And that is?

Vali: Have a date with me.

Y/N: *confused* Excuse me, what?

Vali: Have a date wit-

Y/N: Yeah, I heard that. But, I actually thought you would make me do something worse or something.

Vali: Well, I cannot find any other use for you, and even though you're my enemy, you're quite handsome, so a date shall be good enough to repay me. Besides, I guess it's a good way to relax from everything.

Y/N: *thoughts* Well, I guess this is much better than what I was expecting.

Y/N: *sighs* In that case, where do you want to go or do? Not that there is much to do at this hour.

Vali: First of all...

She then lightly punched his chest.

Vali: Try to sound a little more exited about it.

Y/N: *sarcastic* Sure, because I like hanging out with my enemies.

Vali: Then let's do it this way. Let's start as strangers, then.

Y/N: *sarcastic* Sure, because I love having dates with strangers.

Vali: I'll start, I'm Vali Lucifer.

Y/N: *sighs* Y/N L/N.

Vali: Good, now let's go for a walk, perhaps de could even talk of what we've been doing lately.

They started to walk without destination and Vali began the conversation.

Vali: So, I heard you're gonna participate in a Rating Game.

Y/N: That's right.

Vali: I never thought devils would be so open as to accept someone who isn't a devil on a game like that.

Y/N: That makes to of us, I'm still kind of shocked about it.

Vali: Yeah, though I want to see how strong you have become since we have fought.

Y/N: Are you trying to say you want to fight right now?

Vali: Of cource not, this is just normal date, after all. But I might see the game to see you.

Y/N: Thanks, I guess.

They kept walking for a few minutes as Y/N asked her a question.

Y/N: I have to ask, what was the real reason for this?

Vali: I already to-

Y/N: And it was a lie. You're strong, but you don't seem to be a very good liar.

Vali: Hmm, perhaps you're right.

Y/N: So, what was the reason?

Vali: I guess, I wanted to see...

Y/N: See what?

Vali: I wanted to see what made them all attracted to you. No, I wanted to know why. It's just... even now, you could quickly transform and trap me in your ice, yet I don't feel that hostilty from you, amost as if we were friends.

Y/N: Yet, you know that's impossible, after everything you have done, there is no turning back.

Vali: I know.

A few moments went silent as Y/N asked another question.

Y/N: So, why?

Vali: Hmm?

Y/N: Why do you do it? Even if it's so you can be stronger, there must be a deeper reason as to why you are doing all of it.

Vali stops walking as her eyes widen for a moment before closing them.

Vali: That... is none of your concern.

Y/N: Of cource...

Vali then opens her eyes and looks upwards to the night sky and Y/N did the same, as the moon shined upon them.

Vali: The moon is beautiful, isn't it?

Y/N: ...It has always been.

Vali: *giggles* I guess you're a man of literature.

She then looks down with a smile on her face as a tear came from one of her eyes but she quickly wiped it off.

Vali: *smiles* Well, sorry to cut it short, but I have to get going. I left without telling anyone and they're probably looking for me.

Y/N: I guess this is never to be spoken of?

Vali: Of cource, this is only between you and me.

Vali then prepares a teleport circle but looks at Y/N before leaving.

Vali: Say, how about a give you a little reward, for the trouble of coming here late at night.

Y/N: *sighs* What is it?

Vali: Close your eyes.

Y/N stood quiet thinking about it for a moment before accepting her request.

Y/N: Fine.

He closed his eyes and after a few moments he felt something on his lips which makes him instantly open his eyes and he is shocked to see that Vali pressed her lips against his' in a kiss and after a few more seconds she pulled away, as he was still in shock.

Vali: *smiles* You know, the moon will always be beautiful.

She then teleports as Y/N finally snaps from his shock. He then looks back at the moon a few seconds before giving a sigh and walk back home.

Meanwhile, in a forest a blue teleport circle appears as Vali steps out of it and sees her team.

Kuroka: Just where were you?

Vali: I was just walking around, no big deal.

Bikou: *chuckles* Yeah, Kuroka. This is why we can't leave you alone.

Kuroka: What is that supposed to mean?!

Arthur: I heard that you wanted to learn something by yourself, what this about that?

Vali: Yes.

Arthur: And did you find it?

Vali stops for a moment and looks at the moon once more.

Vali:...I may have.

As Vali kept on looking at the moon her team looked at her and Kuroka noticed something.

Kuroka: Wait a minute... You went with him! And you didn't invited me!

Vali: *smirk* Well, he did owe ME the favor, don't you think?

Kuroka: No fair.

Vali: Relax, you may have a chance one day. Come on, let's just leave already.

With that, Vali and her team started to walk forward as Vali looked at the moon one last time.

Vali: *thoughts* I think... I think I now may understand why they always like to be with him. It's not because of his strength or even the fact that he is a vampir. It's because his heart is kind, he wants to help the people in need. *smiles*  I guess... even I have fallen.

Kuroka: Come on, Vali. Keep up the pace or we'll leave you behind.

Vali: Alright, alright. I'm going.

She cached up to her team as they kept walking. Though her moments with him were short, she couldn't help but enjoy that time.


It was the next day, as Y/N was in clubroom alone while reading a book when the door then opened and saw Gasper, Yuri and Isa entering who had gone to check on Koneko and Ravel.

Y/N: Hey, guys. How are Koneko and Ravel doing?

Gasper: Well, they have verbal spats every time they meet.

Y/N: *sweatdrop* I guees I should've expected that.

Gasper: But, even though she complains, Koneko is helping her out.

Isa: And even though Ravek retorts, she follows after Koneko properly.

Yuri: It looks like they're getting along, after all.

Y/N: *smiles* I'm glad they're making progress.

Azazel: They probably know who the other has affection for.

The four students turn to the door as they see Azazel walking in.

Azazel: That's why they can't help but butting heads.

Y/N: *sighs* Just when I was starting to enjoy this book.

Azazel: Oh, come on.

He then gets closer to Y/N and whispers with a smirk.

Azazel: *whisper* *smirk* Shouldn't you be a little nicer to your possible future father in law.

Y/N: *eye twitches* I will be nicer by putting an end to your life.

At that moment the rest of the ORC arrives and they all seat down as Azazel was standing in front of them.

Azazel: All right, let's start. First, there's something I would need to tell you. I have been appointed as your advisor for this game.

Y/N: Do you know who is Sairaorg advisor?

Azazel: Yeah, the Emperor is on his side.

Rias: Diehauser Belial.

Isa: The Rating Game champion?

Yuri: Yes, he is the head of the Belial clan and the long standing absolute champion.

Azazel: You guys have me. Don't worry. Alright, let's move forward.

He then shows a projection of Sairaorg and his Peerage.

Azazel: You memorized all the data on Sairaorg's family, right? They are like you all. Well, except for Y/N. A rare type devil that actively trains.

Xenovia: If that's the case, they'll be even more powerful when we go against him.

Azazel: Exactly.

Rossweisse: The pawns on their side have appeared in recorded games, correct?

Yuri: I don't think I saw any pawns at the press conference, either.

Azazel: Yeah, we have almost no information about them. The pawn piece is probably Sairaorg's hidden trump card. Okay. Next, Rias will go over our battle tactics and countermeasures.

Rias then proceeded to explain the rest and finished in 10 minutes.

Azazel: All right, that's enough for today. Let me say one thing. If you joined the profesional league, you'd climb in the ranks. You already have that much power. So, listen. Take on this challenge with confidence.

Everyone: Yes!


Everyone was now continuing on decorating the old building as th!!y had been joined by Akechi, Sumire, Irina and Ravel and Mona. They were advancing rather well when a yellow magic circle appeared and the hologram of a blonde woman in a red

Blonde Woman: *smiles* Good day, Ravel.

Ravel: Mother?!

Ravel's Mom: Are Rias and Joker available?

Rias: Good day, Auntie. It has been a long time.

Ravel's Mom: Oh, Rias. Good day. Also...

She then turns her head to the side and sees Y/N.

Y/N: Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N L/N.

Ravel's Mom: I see, so you're... Nice to meet you as well. I apologize for meeting you like this for the first time in such a way.

Y/N: There's nothing to apologize for. Do you have any business with me?

Ravel's Mom: Yes, I thought Ibwould at least send my greetings to you. I should have come in person for our first meeting, but... 

Rias: Auntie, please do bot worry yourself. Your feelings are enough.

Ravel's Mom: Thank you. And, Y/N. Please take good care of my daughter.

Y/N: Of cource.

Ravel's Mom: Thank you. If Joker, who has distinguished himself many times, stays by her side, my husband and I will feel more at ease. We can also hope for good news.

Y/N: I understand, I'll protect with my all.

He didn't notice but this statement made Ravel blush.

Ravel's Mom: Thank you very much. Ravel, you know what to do, right? Stand behind Rias and listen to her well.

Ravel: Of cource!

Ravel's mom: *whispers* On top of that, make sure to get closer to him.

She said with a wink and made Ravel blush more.

Ravel's mom: Well, then. Good day.

The hologram dissapears along with the circle as Rias then walks to the door.

Y/N: Rias, were are you going?

Rias: Y/N, will you protect me.

Y/N: Of cource. I have sworn to protect you with my life.

Rias: And Asia, too?

Y/N: Yes, I will.

Y/N's hands were slightly shaking as he had an idea were thisbwas going.

Rias: And Akeno?

Y/N: Yeah, Akeno, too.

Rias: Y/N.

Y/N: Yes?

Rias: What am I to you?

Y/N whole body tensed finally knowing what this is about, but it was something he still isn't prepared for.

Y/N: Rias...

He then grabs her hand which tenses for a moment but ends up relaxed into the warmth of his own.

Y/N: I... I cannot give a straight answer right now. Because I'm still conflicted with myself. I still am afraid of hurting you or anyone else, and not only because I might lose control over my power, but there are other ways I might hurt anyone, and I do not wish to do that.

Rias: Can you... Can you at least promise me to give me an answer after the game.

Y/N tighten a little his hand over hers.

Y/N: That I can do. And I promise to do so.

Rias smiles as a single tear runs down and she wipes.

Rias: I know, because you've never broken a promise.

Y/N then let's go of her hand as she opens the door.

Rias: Sorry, but I might need some time to calm myself a little more.

She then exits the room as everyone in the room became quiet. As for Y/N, he's glad that nothing escalated from there, but was also at a conflict with his mind over his decition, knowing that once and for all he will have to confront it and finally give an answer.

(So that's that. I apologize for the very long wait, because I really thought that once summer started I would have a lot more time to work on my fanfics, but somethings have happened and well I would rather concentrate more on that. I hope you guys can understand.)
