Row Your Boat (10)


A few weeks passed once again with your mother getting horribly sick. In the morning, you woke up to your mum coughing terribly, she had dark circles under her eyes and was terrible pale along with a very high temperature.

"Mum- let me call 999-"

"No! I'll be okay- let me get dressed for work!" she tried to talk with interruptions of coughing. She couldn't even stand up.

You sighed and ran upstairs in worry to call 999. You got out the BT phone and dialled the numbers.

"999, what's your emergency?"

"My mum- she's coughing badly! She's really sick and I'm not talking normal sick-!" you explained.

"Alright miss, i will need you to calm down. What's your address? We can get the ambulance."

You explained your address and saw the ambulance pulling up outside a few minutes later.

You quickly rushed down stairs to open the front door.

"She's in here!"

The ambulance people came into your house and lifted up your mum all the way into the back of the truck.

"Do you have a dad or anyone you can stay with-"

"Yeah! I'll- uh- call my nan and friend don't worry."

"All right. Be safe miss."

You saw the ambulance ride away as you pulled out a diary to find the phone numbers. You dialled Nanny Delaney's phone number.

"Hello sweetie? Oh Y/N? What's the matter-"

"It's mum! Mum's really sick! She's been taken to the hospital! Can I stay with you?" you asked in a rushed voice.

"All right, I've got a plan. Hold on."


A hour later, Nanny Delaney called Troy's parents to pick you up, as she went to the hospital. You was at the front door of Troy's house as you knocked.

"Hello- Y/N!" as Troy answered and straight away saw you, he pulled you into the tightest hug. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault-" Troy instantly dragged you into his house and into his room. His room walls was painted black with a grey carpet. He had Poppy Playtime posters with a display case of the figurines.

"Wow!" you said as you never really saw so much Poppy Playtime in one room.

Reader's POV

Me and Troy started to chat about school, Poppy Playtime or other topics to keep us distracted from mummy. Even thought it didn't really work, I felt happy whenever Troy wrapped me into a tight hug.

"What are you getting for Christmas?" Troy asked.

"I'm not sure.. I don't even know if mum will be there-"

"Hey! Don't say that! Uhm- okay.. so.. I've got news!"

I looked up at Troy suspiciously as he started giggling and showed a phone in the palm of his hand.

"It's my sisters-"

"You took your sister's phone?!" I asked in surprise and there was a slight pause before we both started giggling.

"Yup! But for good purposes-"

"Mhm.." I replied while eyeing him in such a way.

He giggled before replying, "I know her password don't worry- but I found something."

Troy gave me his sisters phone to reveal his sister's and mum's conversations.

"Why would your mum send your sister pictures of.. rejected toys?"

"Yup! Apparently your mum made multiple different toys, but some were rejected by the company.. the main one that's interesting is Kick-Me-Paul," Troy replied.


"I always see Kick-Me-Paul some places around the factory. If he was rejected by the company then why would there be multiple toys of him around the factory?"

I suddenly was just locked in thought. Why would mum still have a rejected toy in the factory?

"Also-" Troy continued. "I know that there was some rejected toys like Sir Poops A lot or something, but there's only one copy of the toy somewhere in the factory. Probably in the Machinery Room, but then why are there multiple copy toys of Kick-Me-Paul?"


"Also I found something else out!"

Oh boy.


Troy explained how, while he was exploring his sister's messages, he noticed Eco had a boyfriend that she didn't tell him about and his name was Junior. The guy called Junior in the factory did look Eco's age so maybe? Or maybe it was just a coincidence.

"Did you look through her messages?" you asked.

Troy shrugged, "I did. Most messages was deleted. I think he was the one who sent my sister the pictures of the rejected toys. There was a conversation though and it said, 'delete it, so he dosen't find out.'"

"Oh my god.. maybe tomorrow.. we can.. sneak in the factory? It's not like we don't have a reason to not go to school and I could just say to Nanny that I want to have a play date with you again."

"Okay.. fine! I'll get prepared. What should we bring?" Troy asked.

"Well- a back pack. Maybe with food? And snacks? Also I have two walkie talkies! I'll bring my safety alarm that's really loud- my mum gave me it for self defence in some attacks me."

"Aren't you a child?"

"Aren't you? Plus it's not like a weapon we could use to hurt someone."

"Alright fine," Troy agreed. "I'll get the food and stuff, while you get the alarm and walkie talkies. What about keys?"

"Keys?" you asked.

"Well- your mum might have them in her room or something. She's the owner of the factory and why would she have the keys inside the factory?" Troy questioned.

"What if Nan knows? Remember she's going to be sleeping over since my mum is-"

"I know! Sorry, but Nans cool. She might understand without even confronting us."

"If you're sure.." you replied.
