Chapter 5. Paranoid Ogres

After that bust game of paranoia, I stomped up the stairs to my bedroom fuming and plopped straight onto my bed.

Ugh, who the heck does he think he is?

I think I know who he is...

Really? Who?

Godzilla's distant, very distant... cousin, to the right, then take a left turn three times removed.

Seriously? You couldn't have thought of a better explanation, conscience?

Nope, but we both know it's true.

I really like my conscience, she always knows just what to say. Anyway... what was I just thinking? Oh yeah. Who the heck does he think he is? I'm seriously considering getting a restraining order. Actually, maybe not, but then again I'm the one who either wins or loses.

Or you could tie...

Shhhh, details.

The sound of stinky teenage boys clomping up the steps to the second floor snapped me out of my random thoughts, when suddenly...


The smelliest of smelly, the grossest of gross, the ugliest of ugly stepped foot in MY bedroom and it was hideous... oh wait, it was just Austin.

Wait. What.

"Hey roomie," Austin faked a high-pitched girls voice and sminned at me again. The heck, is this going to be a regular thing with him now? I scoffed and swiftly pushed him off the bed. He groaned as his butt hit the ground and then he gave me the eye. "What the fudge?! " He yelled, not bothering to stay in my neighbours' good graces.

"What are you doing here? I thought I made it clear this afternoon that you are NOT allowed to set foot in my room. Do it one more time and I promise you, you will regret it. Got that?" I pulled him up to his feet and pushed him out the door. "Have a good night!" With that, I slammed the door in his face and clicked the lock before he could protest.

"Looks like I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight..." Austin muttered to himself. "Who does that little twat think she is?! Kicking me out of her room like that..." Well, it is her room. Pfft, details. I'll get her back. Just wait and see... Don't be paranoid, it's her room. Still..." Austin blabbered to himself while setting towork devising a cunning prank that'd be sure to put that little devil in her place.



I awoke the next morning to find Calum staring over me intently. "Wakey, wakey sunshine! We're going on a trip so you better move your molasses and be ready in the next 10 minutes! Oh and put your stuff in the car," Calum skipped off happily like the manly mature guy he was, leaving me to run to the nearest bathroom and be ready in the next ten minutes. Wait scratch that, I peered up at the clock on the wall and it showed that I only had 8 minutes left. 7 minutes later, I was out and in the kitchen rummaging around the cupboards for some coco pops, or even fruit loops. But all I could find was corn flakes and weet bix, blech. Just then Trinity came in wearing this.

She looked hot. Wait what?! You can never think that okay, Austin? She's a twat and a little devil.

She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out a bottle of blue powerade. "Good morning asswipe, did you enjoy your night on Casa Del Couch?" "Of course, who doesn't love sleeping on a lumpy couch after they've been banished from the room they were meant to be sleeping in?" I scowled, every word dripping with sarcasm. That sounded really dirty but before Trinity could point it out, Bennett walked in. He was as overprotective of Trinity as a dad, so I could only stand there awkwardly and smile as if we totally hadn't just been talking about what happened last night, no innuendo intended.

Bennett opened a cupboard under the island and pulled out a box of coco pops. "So that's where they were..." I grabbed a bowl for myself and Bennett and I happily munched on my coco pops without milk. Got a problem?

Bennett, cleared his throat and suddenly everyone was in the kitchen listening attentively. "I'm guessing you guys already know we're taking a trip. But do you know where?" A chorus of no's followed. "We're going to the Blue Mountains!"

Trinity gazed at Bennett from her position on the counter, "Wait, are we going to the place?"

Bennett smirked. "Yes Trinity, the place. Who knows, maybe you'll even see lover boy."

I felt a twinge of jealousy at the mention of someone else with Trinity but I forced it down with the rest of the coco pops in my bowl. There was honestly no reason for me to feel any kind of moderately strong emotion towards her. So why did I?

Once we had all stuffed our luggage into the boot of Bennett's Cadillac we all piled in nd I ended up next to her. Life is great, isn't it?

I'm sick but I'm also feeling bothered to update, so here's the new chapter. A bit of Austin pov for your reading pleasure. Until next time pals!!
