Chapter 56

"But guys, you mentioned something fun. Now I don't want to be pushy but you made it sound like it was...big." Lynn eventually mentions. The three of them are now walking up a hill, on a bit of a deserted path, they don't see anyone. It's weirdly peaceful compared to the rest of their surroundings. "Well when we were almost done shooting, all the girls had some fun." Jenna smirks. "Okay, you're making it sound dirty." Emma says "We were coming towards the end of all the shooting, and somehow Jenna managed to get some alcohol. Like a lot." "I have my ways." Jenna smirks "Yeah I don't doubt it, but she invited me and the other girls to her trailer to celebrate the end. Well we didn't know she had drinks."

"And so we started drinking, you were drunk pretty fast." Jenna chuckles "but after aa while we started getting bored. And as a SINGLE girl back then." Jenna clarifies, which does not put more trust into Lynn's heart that this story is going to end in a normal way. "I proposed we'd do truth or drink, and after a while that just turned into spin the bottle." Jenna tells. "You dared me to kiss Naomi! Then you just said we should kiss each other and we were all too drunk to know any better. Because of you!" Emma laughs. Lynn wants to say something but she is just still in shock about all of this, first of all with Emma there and then these stories that really don't like it were smart decisions they made.

"So anyway, we did spin the bottle. Like three or four rounds." Jenna continues. "So you guys kissed?" Lynn softly asks. "Well, yes eventually. I took a spin and it landed on Jenna, but I promise it was quick and nothing more than dumb fun." Emma quickly says. Lynn feels like she should be mad, or sad. But she isn't "You know what it's okay. We didn't know each other, we weren't together. I have kissed other people too." Lynn explains with a calm tone. She doesn't know why but it feels oddly comforting to accept the past like this. "Wait you kissed others, who!?" Jenna asks. Lynn looks at her scared that she is mad but then Jenna starts smirking. "Wooow okay." Lynn rolls her eyes. Jenna is messing with her...again. "Come on Jenna don't be like that." Emma laughs.

"You know what I like having Emma around, finally someone to back me up." Lynn laughs. "Well I know I Jenna is at times. After we kissed back then I had to hear about it until shooting was finished. Almost every scene we had together!" Emma says, clearly still kind of annoyed by it but also smiling. "She whispered to me something about kissing. I would be taken out of it all flustered and stuff, then I forgot my lines." Emma laughs. "Come on, you had to admit that it was fun!" Jenna also laughs. "Plus you really aren't a bad kisser." Jenna teases. Lynn notices both Emma and herself start blushing.

"Maybe I should try it for myself then." Lynn then smirks, she decided that it's now her turn to tease Jenna. Emma also perks up when she hears this. "I'd be happy to help you Lynn, maybe we could go out for dinner some time." Emma smirks. "Hey, hey. We maybe weren't together then but now we are." Jenna says. "Yeah but you're saying that Emma is such a good kisser, I just get curious." Lynn gives Emma a quick wink. "Okay guys I get it, ha ha. You can drop it." Jenna says, she is getting annoyed. Lynn can tell she is, she knows her good enough by now to know what it means when she starts rolling her eyes like that.

But then Emma walks over to Lynn, she stops them in their tracks and starts moving in. They were kidding...right? This is an act, it has to be. Lynn's mind runs wild, this can't be real, she couldn't do this to Jenna. But Emma is coming in so close, one hand wraps around Lynn's head, the other around her back. Lynn watches in horror as Emma closes her eyes and pouts her lips. "Emma...stop." Lynn says. "Let go!" she then pushes Emma back. Lynn wants to apologize to Jenna but, but she's laughing. "W- what? What is going on?" Lynn asks confused. Now Emma also breaks down laughing. "See the thing about us two, we're actors. And we can tell when someone's acting." Jenna laughs. This was to tease Lynn, they both did this to tease her! "Holy shit! I can't believe you guys!" Lynn yells. She then laughs and shakes her head. "You are insane." The three of them now laughs while continuing to hike. They finally get to the top of the hill when they're all three done with laughing. Now before them is a forest, plants and trees. And just behind another mountain Lynn can make out a few buildings. "How about we head back and order something." Lynn wipes a tear from her eye. "What happened to teaching me how to cook?" Jenna asks. "You've been improving a lot. Plus I could really go for some takeout right now." "Me too!" Emma chimes in. "Alright fine, but I get to pick because this is still my trip for you." Jenna grabs her phone. "Okay, the choice is yours. Just don't make us eat something disgusting." Lynn says, taking in one last look at the view and then turning around to head back home. God the day went by so fast, she didn't even get a real chance to process life. Like fully. So when Emma and Jenna catch up, Lynn is in her own world. "Me, Lynn Hutton. From this small ass city. Somehow met Jenna Ortega, we celebrated new years together, and then we got something together. Now I'm in LA with her, at her place. And one of her co-stars is here to as a surprise for Lynn. It hasn't even been two full weeks. Yet it almost feels like years have passed. "What are you thinking about Lynn?" Emma asks. Lynn looks up and to the side. Looking at Jenna, taking in her mouth, her ears, her hair, her nose and those beautiful, beautiful eyes. "Nothing, I'm just so god damn happy."
