Chapter 42

Lynn and Jenna sit on Lynn's couch while watching tv. They're cuddled up under a blanket waiting until they need to leave. Hours go by slowly as Lynn checks the time almost every minute. "It's almost six, wanna get ready?" Lynn softly says to Jenna. Jenna is laying on top of Lynn's lap watching the tv, she turns around and looks up at Lynn with a small smile "Yeah, yeah sure let's go." Jenna stretches a little and gets of the couch. Lynn puts away the blanket and stands up. "Phew, are you also nervous or is that just me?" Lynn walks into the hallway to change into some warmer clothes for on the plane. "Nah, I'm pretty used to flying at this point, but it does feel a little different because this time I'm flying with you." Jenna follows Lynn down the hallway and waits against the doorpost as Lynn starts changing, Lynn still feels a little weird with changing in front of Jenna but she knows that she will get used to it in the future. Until then she still turns around with her back to Jenna. "So we can get the train at ten past six and from there we have an two hour train ride and then two hours to get through security and have dinner before we have to board." Lynn summarizes, she finally pulls a thick black hoodie over her head and turns around, she put on some leggings with cargo pants over them on and a t-shirt under her hoodie. "In that case we better get going, unless you're planning on running to the station again." Jenna giggles. "No never. I honestly don't think I've ever ran that hard for so long. I was dead when I walked inside." Lynn smiles. She takes her suitcase and puts it in the hallway. "Okay we have twelve minutes to catch our train so hurry up." Jenna says checking the time on her phone. "Okay, let me just quickly check if I have everything." Lynn says. After doing three laps of her apartment checking every room, Lynn finally puts on her backpack with carryon luggage and takes her suitcase. "Well, goodbye for now." Lynn says softly before the two of them step out, Lynn takes a final look inside and then closes the door. "Okay, here we go!" Lynn says after taking a deep breath.

Lynn and Jenna walk downstairs, they exchange a few glances and smile each time. Lynn can feel the excitement between them. This will be the first time she went away without her mom, let alone to a city like LA with her girlfriend. But Lynn was ready, so they kept going. Down the street and around the corner, Lynn remembers running here. Right where she is walking, she was running like hell, determined to tell Jenna how she feels. Now Lynn is walking here with Jenna, on their way to LA so Lynn can spend some time at Jenna's place, and so they can spend some time getting closer as an couple. They finally end up at the station and check in, walk to their platform and wait a few more minutes before their train arrives. "So, you seem...emotional?" Jenna asks a little guessing. "Yeah. I don't travel out of this place a lot and never without my mom, so this is a first. I am very excited, but kind of scared." Lynn says looking out over the rails. She knows Jenna is trying to be a good partner and care but she can tell that it is new for Jenna to care like this. Lynn wants to make it her number one priority to make sure that Jenna feels the love and caring she deserves. "But what do you have planned when we arrive?" "Well first I want to go home, take a quick nap until the evening and let you get settled in. Then in the evening I have a reservation at this hotel slash restaurant place that I heard was amazing! It is expensive though so I'm already calling paying, you don't have to worry about price. Unless you think you can eat me into debt." Jenna chuckles. Lynn bumps her with her elbow but laughs. Once their train arrives the get on and sit down next to each other. Jenna puts in her ear bud and offers one to Lynn, Lynn accepts it with a sweet smile and Jenna puts on some music for them. Not long after the train leaves, Lynn can feel Jenna's head fall on her shoulder. As she looks down she sees that Jenna has already fallen asleep. Lynn watches with a smile and reaches her hand around Jenna while using the other to make sure her suitcase doesn't roll away. Lynn watches the landscape pass by glancing at Jenna every now and then. The train finally comes to a stop at the airport after less than the two hours Lynn was expecting. "Jenna, wake up. We have to get off here." Lynn softly shakes Jenna to wake her up. "Wow that was quick." Jenna says as she stands up and stretches. "Yeah because you fell asleep." Lynn smiles while they get off the train. They walk up some stair right into the main entrance to the airport. There is a huge crowd of people that Lynn and Jenna barely get through. But they do, get their boarding tickets and their suitcases checked in. Then swiftly through the security where Jenna got recognized by a small girl who wanted a picture and then they were through. "Okay, now we have an hour and a half until boarding so let's get some dinner." Lynn says looking around the airport. "But because you're paying something expensive tomorrow I'm paying something cheap tonight." Lynn grabs Jenna's hand and leads her to a McDonald's. Jenna laughs as she realises where they're heading but let's Lynn lead her. "Just order whatever okay, but nothing to expensive but I do kind of want to go shopping in LA." Lynn says as they stand in line. "I'll add it to the list." Jenna smiles. They both order and sit down at a table, Lynn puts her suitcase down next to the table and keeps a hand on it to make sure nothing happens to it. A little while later the food gets brought to them, they divide it and then dig in. Lynn loves the taste of expensive yet cheaply made McDonald's, okay maybe not the taste but she loves the memories of eating here with her mom and dad while she was on the junior hockey team, eating here always brings her back to those simple times. Once they're done eating they leave to browse around the stores, Jenna takes her still unfinished milkshake with her as they look at all kinds of things no-one would ever buy in an airport. "Oh come on, who in the hell would buy this." Lynn puts on an ugly pair of sunglasses which are unbelievably expensive. "I don't know, I think you look cute with it though." Jenna gives Lynn a quick peck on her cheek and continues to browse, Lynn is left there blushing with a pair of sunglasses. "Holy shit do I love her." Lynn mumbles to herself
