3rd Person POV

It's been 12 official years since Kongpob and Arthit have been married to eachother and Kong gave birth to another little princes Aranya. 

Both Kong's and Arthit's friends have also settle very well. Em and May have a beautiful daughter who was now 10years old. Tew and Dae have been married and adopted a boy who is 13years old. His name was Somsak and he adores his family and their friends. Knot was married to his wife Alina who was pregnant and 5months through.

Prem and Wad, Prae and Lawan also tied a knot together after Tew and Dae. They together adopted a set of triplets. Prea and Lawan adopted one girl and one boy of the triplet while Prem and Wad adopted the other boy and still are planning to adopt another girl if possible. Mew and Gulf tied a knot a little later cause Gulf was attempting to persuade their parents which he succeded and then he gave birth to a beautiful boy who is the youngest as per now.

Forth and Beam adopted one boy and he is also 18years old. He gets along well with Dara and Asnee and loves them the most as well as damn very overprotective of them. Ohm and Toey are also married and have a son named Chimon who is 17years old. He is also very much attached to Kong and wants to become a person like Kong. Oak and Maprang have settled and have a son who is 10years old.

Bright.. he has finally given up his playboy attitude when he met a distant cousin of Kong. He has been behind Rome, Kong's cousin, for almost two years to finally get him to date him. And as of now they have tied a knot but haven't adopted any kids. As for Tutah he decided to be single forever admist of all these couples.

All the elders always have fun with their grandchildren and spend one day every week with them. They officially call it a 'Playdate'. 

Now coming to the first ever kids.. Dara and Asnee were now 18years old and have entered the university. It was almost the end of their first year but they have decided to return home just so they could celebrate their parents anniversary as planned.

Forth, Beam and Kong's parents made sure that Kong and Arthit would be busy with some work so that they won't get a chance to leave on their anniversary trip which they do every year. Both the couples were working at Suthilak's enterprises while the family and friends were arranging for a huge party as they invited their whole family, friends and even few close business partners who have seen Dara, Asnee and Aranya but helped them keep their identity safe.

"I am tired Phi.." Kong complained as he slumped into his seat.
"A little more baby.. then we can have all the time for ourselves." Arthit tried to encourage his husband who was whinning. 
"But today is our anniversary why are our family making us work." Kong whined and pouted. The pout which still manages to make Arthit's heart go crazy.

"Come here love." Arthit called Kong as he opened his arms. Kong without wasting a second went into his arms. Kong inhaled his husband's scent and calmed down a little. Suddenly their door opened revealing their youngest daughter.
"PAPA DAD.." Aranya shouted and ran to her parents.
"Hey cutiepie.." Kong let go of the hug and took her in his arms. 

"What is our baby girl doing here.?" Arthit asked as he pinched his youngest daughters cheeks.
"I came with Uncle Forth and Uncle Beam." She said as she leaned onto Kong's shoulder. Since her day one she always like to lean onto her Papa's shoulder and loves the hugs she gets from her parents as well as sibilings. She is a goner for hugs.

"Hey.. Kong.. Arthit.. we need to leave.. you both need to attend an important party today along with us." Forth said.
"Ah..? What party..?" Arthit asked confusedly.
"A business party. Mae and Por said it is mandatory for us to attend." Forth said.
"Can't I and Phi Arthit skip..? You can't make us attend an boring business party when it is our special day." Kong whined. 
"Can't help it little brother. Just bare for a while and then you can leave in between." Forth tried to pursuade his brother who was stubborn in not going.

"Kong.. please.. you can't literally leave me there alone.. You know Forth will forget me the moment some business partner comes.. Please Kong.. pity me." Beam played the last card.
"Ah fine.." Kong gave in. Arthit was still not convinced but soon accepted. All the 5 went to get ready for the party. Kong and Arthit decided to wear white suits while Beam and Forth wore blue suits. Aranya wore baby pink long frock and was looking like an angel.

It was around 5 in the evening and they made their way to the party. Kong was too tired and chose to stay silent. He was upset that he couldn't get to go on a vacation with his husband. When they entered the party their parents were already here and communicating with eachother. Kong managed to smile and greet everyone though all he wanted was to spend some alone time with Arthit.

30 minutes through they heard a voice greeting everyone. The lights went dim expect for those on the stage. 
"Swadee Khab everyone.. thank you attending this party." The girls voice said.
"Today.. we aren't here as business man or partners.. we are here to celebrate the anniversary of the power couple in the business world." The boy's voice said.

"Let us wish a Happy Anniversary to Arthit And Konpob Rojnapath Suthilak." They said together as they walked in front of everyone. Arthit and Kong froze at the announcement especially seeing their son and daughter there. 

"We want to share a little about the couple before we let them come on the stage." Dara said. 
"It's been 18years since we were born. Though Dad wasn't there with us for the first 6years.. we were glad to have Papa with us. He was our mother as well as father. We saw how much he worked hard to earn everything related to us.. He did not even let our grandparents to buy things for us which should be bought by a parent." Asnee said. 
"And then we returned here.. At first.. everything seemed fine.. We never knew who our Dad was despite knowing that we have two fathers. Though there were time we wanted to know about him.. we respected Papa's decision about why he hasn't told us about him. But then he came into our little life. Arthit Rojnapath.. Our dad.. He was always upset that he couldn't be with us in our first 6 years.. but since the day he came into our life.. they became the best parents and did everything for us and Papa as well. He showed us all the love we thought about every chance he got.. he is the best dad we could ask for." Dara said proudly.

"We don't know their reasons of why they broke up and then got together.. but we are glad they are together cause they are the best parents one could ever ask for. They gave us everything.. People might think that all they gave us expensive gifts.. but I would say against it. They gave us their love and values which made us what we are today. They taught us to learn how tough the life is and how we need face things." Asnee said.
"They gave us their time and suggestion. Though they let us learn and explore things.. they always had our back and guided us from step to step. They never lost their temper on us even when we used to naughty and give them hard time. We could go to them even in the mid night and they would welcome us with open arms and listen to all our rant in any situation. Even if they are miles away attending an important business meeting, they would fly back leaving everything just with a call from us." Dara said as she got tears in her eyes remembering the day she called her Papa with extreme stomach when he was in America. She got her first periods on that day and was in extreme pain. Both her Dad and Papa left everything and returned back immediately.

"They taught how to value things and people around us. They showed us what true love is.. Thank you Papa.. Thank you Dad.. for everything you did for us." Asnee said.
"Happy Anniversary to the best parents in world." Dara and Asnee wished together.
"They are my Knights is shining Armor.. they even gave me the best brother and sister." Aranya said as she ran up on the stage and hugged her brother and sister. "Happy Anniversay Papa Dad." She said cheering happily making everyone coo at her cuteness. 

The trio went and hugged their parents who were having tears in their eyes hearing to their little pumpkins talk on the stage.
"Now.. I am Em.. Kong's best friend since childhood.. he is more like a brother to me.. but I dare not to say that cause Phi Forth is possessive about that title when it comes to Kong." Em said taking the attention.
"And I am Knot, Arthit's best friend since childhood. We are going to talk about our couple representing all our friends cause it would take forever if all of us come and talk about them. They and their love story plays a major key role in all our lives." Knot said.

"So.. It started when we were a freshman in university. Phi Arthit and his friends were our hazers. Trust me.. everyone from our batch used to piss when ever we heard Phi Arthit's name. He was damn scary headhazer we ever saw. And then there is my friend who always went against our headhazer." Em said and shivered. There were a few photos of their university life being displayed behind them.
"Yup.. and with their way of interaction.. I was preparing for one of their funeral by the end of the hazing session. But do you know what happened.? They ended up loving eachother. I swear I was like am I dreaming.? Who wouldn't cause Arthit hated Kong the most while Kong used to go against Arthit every chance he gets. But I need to accept that Kong wasn't as bad as we thought when we were hazers. He did accept with our views but did not like the way we went rough on them which made him defy us." Knot added. Many chuckled hearing this.

"One day.. we were having our thanks giving celebrations.. when Phi Arthit announced their celebration and trust me.. I was like Kong.. I won't even be your best man at your wedding.. I don't even wanna be anywhere near our scary headhazer." Em said as he visibly shivered.
"Oh that wasn't much of a shock.. you should have seen Arthit confessing about his relation to me and about his insecurities which he basically got out of jealousy. The only thought I had was. 'Is he the same Arthit whom I have known all long.?'" Knot said as he quoted his thought with fingers which made everyone laugh while Kong and Arthit were all shy.

"But yes.. they got through all those insecurities.. Though it took me over an year to get over my fear for Phi Arthit.. It was amazing especially when I saw how sweet they were together. And then something happened." Em said his voice went low at this point.
"Both of them separated at this time.. misunderstandings created by third parties effected their bond. Even before we could understand what really happened.. Kong left to states along with his friends Em and May. That day I was hell disappointed in my friend for not thinking before he acted. And then I saw how guilty he was and decided to stand by him. Everyday.. I saw as he decided to wait for Kong.. he even came out to the world and his family about his preferance. Though his family was against it.. he stood by his love for Kong and waited for him. It was 6 years later we saw Kong. We have already established Sync Enterprises and got fame.. but the place we met Kong shook us to the core. We met him as the second heir of Suthilak's who was going to lead the team from their company in the project we were going to pair up with them." Knot said.

"The moment I saw Phi Arthit.. I wanted to snap at him.. but Kong maintained his professionalism and so did we. All the friends we made in states were also angry at Phi Arthit as we saw Kong at the lowest point. With passing days.. we managed to uncover the whole misunderstanding. We gave Phi Arthit another chance to win Kong.. Though Kong was hesitant.. but Phi Arthit managed to get him back with his love and persistance." Em said. This time everyone were smiling proudly thinking about the couple who fought for their love. The images of Kong and Arthit were still running behind.

"And now look at them.. they have been married for a decade.. and yet they are clingy and possessive as well as jealous when someone tries to take the others attention." Knot said pointing at the two couple who were wrapped in eachothers arms which made everyone cheer for them.
"Thank you Kong and Phi Arthit.. for letting us be a part of your true love journey.." Em said.
"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY..!" All their friends cheered loudly.. They went and shared a group hug. Everyone witnessing the moment were moved and some were even a little jealous of the bond they shared and supported eachother through thick and thin never leaving eachother.

"Now.. it will be us who will give the last speech for our sons." Kelkarai Suthilak said as he stood on the stage with his wife Kusum, David and Priya (Arthit's parents)
"Oh hello Por.. I and Beam are the last." Forth shouted from his place.
"Ah okay okay.. last but one.." Kelkarai replied. "These brothers.. would never get enough of eachother." He added with a low voice but everyone heard it and chuckled.

"Anyways.. back to the point.. Kong.. is like a benjamin of our family. He is the youngest.. and had a age wide age gap between him and my eldest son. But still.. they share the best bond. Forth was the one who was always with Kong more than us. At a young age where kids use to run to their parents to sleep with them especially when they get nightmares.. my younger son betrayed me and always ran to his brother. He was always Forth's little brother." Kelkarai said.. he kind of complained and whined like a kid.
"Kelkarai enough.." Kusum said sternly. "Kong is the best son we could ever ask for. I was always worried about two things before Kong was born. One being my husbands workoholic nature and second is my elder sons anger. But when he was born.. my husband started spending more time with family and my elder son controlled his anger and learned to be patient especially with the fear of his younger brother giving him silent treatment." Kusum said smiling warmly at Kong. "And you know what.. when ever Kelkarai used to work more.. Kong would wantedly spend more time with Forth and does everything a father and son does with him just to make him jealous.. it was our little secret. And the next day he would get to spend another father son day." Kusum added which made everyone laugh while the three people got shy especially Kong and Kelkarai.

"Mae.. it was meant to be a secret." Kong complained.
"Yes.. it is a secret of mine and little Kong of mine.. but now.. you are all grown up and have your own kids. I was always scared that we won't be able to find the right person for Kong who would pamper him and preserve his childish side forever which we cherish even now. But Arthit.. despite of everything.. is the best partner for Kong.. he pampers Kong just like how they both pamper their kids or even more.. He loves loves our son the most and would do everything to show him his love at any time." Kusum said proudly.
"Happy Anniversary to both my sons." Kelkarai and Kusum said smiling widely.

"Hmm.. about Arthit.. I don't really know what to say. Cause.. when he was young he was a whiny, gumpy, short tempered and even lazy kid one can ever imagine. And trust me.. it would bring down hell if we have to wake him up in the morning." David said chuckling at his own memory but Arthit pouted when he heard his father.
"Despite that.. he was a warm kid.. he understood our situation well and earned everything he has by himself. He is very hardworking dedicated and we never had a trouble with the other things related to him." Priya said which made Arthit to smile a little.

"We don't really know much about how Kong and Arthit got close at the first.. but all we can say is.. Kong is the reason behind this best version of Arthit. This Arthit who is standing with is family is a responsible man who isn't grumpy but an early riser.. the one who would travel the whole universe if needed to be with his family. We are proud of you Arthit.. you have grown up into a fine man despite everything." David said proudly.
"And Kong.. thank you for showing us this angle of our son. If not for you.. Arthit wouldn't be who is now. Also Kong.. thank you for coming back into his life.. thank you for staying with him and never leaving him.. thank you for becoming our second son." Priya said with happy tears in her eyes. She got more attached to Kong over these years and they spend a lot of Mother and Son time every chance they get.

"Happy Anniversary both of you.. grow old and stay happy forever." David and Priaya said together. They walked down the stage and were engulfed in the hug by Kong and Arthit who kept saying 'I love you' to them.

"And now.. it is finally our turn.. I would put it sweet and short." Forth said as he came and stood on the stage with Beam.
"There are many people who are envious of the love I and Forth share.. but do you guys know something..? We both are envious of Kong and Arthit's love. We were never in their situation.. our love is the best for me but think of witnessing situation where they cried for eachother and prayed for the other person happiness even when they were at the verge of breakdown is something different. I have seen how broken and lifeless Arthit was when Kong was giving birth to their little princess and had many complication. He hasn't eaten anything till Kong woke.. but even at that point.. he stayed beside Kong every second looking at him and no one else." Beam said.

"Yes.. and I even saw how much Kong was worried to death when Arthit met with an accident. Though it was a very small one.. he did not stop even a second to rush to Arthit.. He only relaxed when he saw Arthit was all fine.. but even after that... till now.. he doesn't let Arthit drive. I have always seen Kong as my little brother.. a kid.. but Arthit.. you showed me the matured side of Kong.. Even when he needed us beside him.. he still pushed us to our work reminding us of our responsibilities giving us other options. He was a kid.. but matured adult at the same time. I might not have witnessed many love stories.. but for what I have seen and heard of different love stories.. I would say theirs will always be the best of all.. and even mine too but that is for another time." Forth said. The last part made people chuckle.. it wasn't everytime they get to see this funny side of the CEO Forth Suthilak.. 

"So Arthit Kong.. We both bless you both with everything is us.. Live long and stay together. I know you will be happy when the other person is beside you." Beam said. 
"Happy Anniversary.." They wished. 

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ..!" Everyone cheered for Kong and Arthit. The celebrations went to the highest level.. everyone enjoyed and cheered for the could and even teased them a lot. Kong and Arthit we moved when they heard that every arrangement was made my Dara and Asnee.

The day ended after everyone had their dinner. Arthit and Kong thanked each and everyone for coming and wishing them.. After that they were rushed to airport by their parents. They have planned a week trip for Kong and Arthit in Paris. 

Though they did not get enough time to thank their family and say proper bye to their family and friends.. Kong and Arthit managed to get into the flight just in time. 
"This is the best anniversary I ever celebrated." Arthit said as they sat in the VIP seats. He wrapped his arm around Kong and held him closer to him.
"I really want to spend more time with our family.. it is one of the best day in my life. And I swear I am going to make Dara and Asnee stay back at home for a week once we return." Kong said. They missed their presence since they moved to dorms. 

"Now take rest love.. we have a long week ahead of us all for ourselves." Arthit whispered in Kong's ear with a deep voice which made Kong blush. They shared a sweet kiss before they closed their eyes for the rest of their journey.

Their journey might end here.. but their journey of life with full of love will be a never ending one.

Thank you everyone.. for supporting my book..! I am greatfull for all your comments, votes and follows. 

Please keep supporting me.. and I will see you soon with another plot..!

Till then.. stay safe..! Stay happy..!

Love you all a lot..! <3

Ps. Please ignore if there are any gramatical errors :D

