Kong's POV

I really like the home P'Forth selected for us.. it has a beautiful garden.. and he also got my room decorated.. it felt warm and safe.. there were 4 bedrooms.. living room.. kitchen and a dining area..

Pa.. Ma.. P'Forth and P'Beam stayed back for a whole week and helped us to buy favorable clothing to the weather conditions here.. along with fruits.. vegetables.. juice maker.. dish washer.. and a washing machine along with a TV.

They organized a small home warming party along with P'Ohm and his boyfriend P'Toey who is also a student in Stanford university and is going to be my classmate.. I could not help but think why they asked me to call him P.. if he is going to be my classmate.. Then P'Toey explained that he is 2yrs elder than me.. he discontinued his previous course and then took up this.. because of which he was going to be my classmate.

While having dinner.. P'Forth has managed to convince P'Ohm and P'Toey to stay with us while we would be here.. At first they hesitated but soon accepted.. I could see P'Toey was looking at me with a longing expression from time to time.. Don't get me wrong.. it was in a brotherly way.. not other way.. and I guess P'Ohm already understood that as he kept on calming him down from time to time..

At one point.. I don't know what got into me.. but I did the next thing I felt like.. I stood up and hugged P'Toey.. everyone were shocked.. I could feel tears rolling from his eyes..

"P'Toey.. I don't know the reason.. but P.. let it out.." I said. I was surprised when he turned around and hugged me as he sobbed a little more... I let go of the hug when he calmed down.. he left saying that he would wash his face and join us again.. I sat down in my place and looked at P'Ohm who spoke.

"You remind him of his brother Nong, whom he lost a couple of years back.. you both look a little similar.. especially your smile.. and another thing is.. though you have different eyes.. both of your eyes are expressive.." P'Ohm explained.. I felt bad for him.. even the others. Soon P'Toey joined us back..
"P'Toey.. will you be my brother..?" I asked him.. I could see he was surprised but soon smile widely..
"Thank you Kong.. Thank you.. I swear I will treat you no less than my brother.. and always support you.." He said as he hugged me.. this time it was a happy hug sealing our bond.

"Hey.. don't you dare take my little brother away from me.. " P'Forth exclaimed making us laugh..
"So what if I..?" P'Toey asked as he held me close..
"Ohm.. I swear I will kill your boyfriend if he replaces me in Kong's life.." P'Forth said.
"Oh.. trust me.. if that happens.. Kong would surely make you see hell.." Pa said.. while no one could say no.. because they know how stubborn I am..

Soon all of us called it a day.. P'Ohm and P'Toey were going to move in after Ma.. Pa.. P'Forth and P'Beam leave.. I felt happy that P'Beam cares for me as my brother though we never interacted much because of him being busy doctor and me being in university.. I heard him speak to P'Ohm.. telling how important I am to them.. in what situation I am and asking him to look after me...

That was how my first month into pregnancy ended.. I wrote it down in the diary.. this is my new found habit.. and I treat this diary as P'Arthit.. the one and only love of mine.. and named it Oon.. his nickname which I always loved.. I even kept a picture of ours in the diary.. It became my new habit to look at it before I go to bed.

It was the pic our friends captured.. when I was teasing him a little with his pinkmilk.. it was when we were new into the relation.. It felt good.. I slept remembering about those days..

The next day came sooner than I expected.. soon we gave a send off to my parents.. P'Forth and P'Beam who were going to visit me again in a month but at different times.. P'Ohm and P'Toey also were there with us..

After they left.. we went back to our home.. I and Em helped P'Ohm and P'Toey to settle in while May said that she would prepare something for us..

Soon all of us settled in and after having our lunch P'Toey showed us around the campus.. he even introduced us to three other classmates.. Gulf who was also a Thai native.. and the other two were Jessy and Lawan. Jessy was an American while Lawan is half Thai - half American.

May became comfortable with the girls.. we were also introduced to Gulf's boyfriend P'Mew who was also a friend of P'Ohm.. I thought that P'Mew knows about my case and already told Gulf but I was happy when P'Ohm said that no one knows..

I wanted to take some time before I tell them.. I know there would be some point where I will have to tell them things.. but for now.. I wanted to wait for a while. I was glad that we have Thai friends.. and also happy that our English was reasonably good as we could communicate with Jessy as well.

I still made time to write things in my diary everyday.. The second month went quite good.. Though I was having extreme nausea.. P'Ohm have been assisting me from time to time and gave me the required medicines.. He even makes sure that I take some vitamin tablets from time to time while P'Toey and May make sure that I would eat healthy food.

Ma.. Pa visited us after 3weeks and stayed for 3days.. Ma cooked and bought many different snacks.. most of them were sweets.. while P'Forth and P'Beam visited the next week after Ma and Pa left.

I started craving for pinkmilk.. spicy tom yum noodles.. chocolates.. ice creams with weird combinations and may more things.. especially sweets.. P'Toey.. P'Ohm.. Em and May have always been at my call.. even though it would be mid night and they would be tired.. they would get me what ever I craved for. But all my cravings reminded me of one person who I wanted to move on from.. but it seemed impossible to me.

One thing no one still don't know is that.. I still miss P'Arthit.. and sometime I hope it was P'Arthit who is doing all these for me... I buried that feeling deep inside my heart.. trying to forget about it.. but every night.. I would still cry like it was just yesterday that it happened..

By the end of third month.. Gulf.. Jessy and Lawan became close to us.. that they now were sharing their personal things also with us.. Gulf was similar to me.. he could get pregnant.. and his parents said they would disown him if he falls in love with a guy.. but still Gulf chose to spend the rest of his life with P'Mew... P'Mew's parents have accepted them.. and they would return back to Thailand after P'Mew's contract would end which was due 5 more years.

Lawan preferred girls romantically and her family already knows and has accepted her.. she wants to work here for a while before going back to Thailand.. while Jessy wants to explore the world freely. Lawan reminded us about Prae. It has been nearly 3months and we haven't contacted her or Maprang yet..

So finally one day at 6 in the morning at our place.. and called them.. it would be night there as Bangkok is 14hrs ahead of us.. We decided to use May's skype account.. Our first call went unanswered.. we called her again.. it went unanswered.. and we decided to give it a last try..
" Who the hell are you..?" I heard Prae shout..
"Prae.." I called her... we could see her the next second.. she had tears in her eyes..
"You idiots.. stupids.. I hate you three.. I and Maprang were loosing the hope about you contacting us.." She scolded us..

"Sorry Prae.. we were busy coping up here.." I said..
"I hate you the most Kong.. you left without anything for me to contact you.. and above that when I already know that you are in a bad shape.. you know how worried was I..?" She said..
"I am really sorry Prae.. come on smile now.. I will let you hit me the next time we will meet." I said..
"We will meet right..?" She asked me.
"Surely.. but after 4-5 yrs.. I will return to Thailand by then.. after doing my masters in economics and business management." I said and gave her an assuring smile..

Prae connected Maprang's call also.. we spoke to them for a couple of hours before saying bye.. as it was time for our university and time for them to sleep.. We promised them to call them at least once a week while they promised to keep it a secret.

In the fourth month.. I shared about my past and the reason behind my transfer to P'Mew, Gulf, Jessy and Lawan.. I also told them about my pregnancy by showing them my first ultrasound scan reports.. I have even kept a copy of those in my diary without anyone knowing.

P'Toey and Em held me tightly.. as I felt tears rolling out.. it still hurts a lot and it feels like it happened just yesterday... After that I was done telling them.. they arranged for a movie date for all of us to cheer me up.. with some popcorn and tom yum.. along with drinks.. of course I had my pinkmilk.

After that day.. all of us became more close.. and everyone of them pampered me a lot.. in the 5th month we came to know that I was carrying twins.. everyone were happy including my parents.. P'Forth and P'Beam. I have already started taking my online classes..

Though they were not happy about my stay over here after my graduation to do my masters in economics and business managements.. they accepted it.. in the 6th month we came to know that I was carrying a baby girl and a baby boy.. They organized a mini baby shower.. and invited Pa.. Ma.. P'Forth and P'Beam along with their friends secretly.. which was a biggest surprise to me..

Soon we were done with our final exams.. and all of us managed to clear them with proper grades.. I topped the class while P'Toey and Lawan were second.. I wrote the exams separately.. but at the same time.

After that we were given 2 and half month break... I was glad that I would be delivering the babies in my break.. The college also gave me permission to take online classes for the first two months of my final year.

Entering the 8th month.. I was facing discomfort.. frequent pains and all.. everyone were helping me in their own way.. my new found habit is taking to our babies from time to time.. I was referring to myself as their papa.. when they grow up a little.. I will tell them that they have two fathers.. and I gave them birth.. I will let them call me Mama inside our house and in front of my people...

There was time I wanted P'Arthit beside me.. I wanted to feel his warmth.. but he doesn't belong to me anymore.. I could not help but think about him being with the girl I saw that day.. I just hope he is happy.. I continued to write down every emotion of mine in the diary.

I requested my parents to get me P'Arthit's memories which I have.. I wanted to recreate his presence in my life at least even though he wasn't there. Though P'Forth was angry.. P'Beam has managed to calm him down and Ma explained how it feels to have our partner beside us and how it feels without them during this time..

So he gave in finally.. though he was not happy but still he supported me.. 3 weeks before my due date.. They also came and decided to stay with me.. with the help of P'Ohm.. they rented a flat in the opposite building for 2 months..

They helped me to prepare the baby room.. There was time I imagined how it would have been if it was me and P'Arthit preparing this for our baby.. but still I was happy that I had these many people around me.. I have friends.. P's.. my family.. who treat me as a precious person..

Today was no different.. due date was in a couple of days. These days.. P'Forth was the one to always accompany to walk around especially at night time when I feel uncomfortable... and sometimes P'Toey or P'Ohm or P'Beam accompany..

Em whined about them snatching me away from them.. which resulted in me spending a whole day with my friends.. Em.. May.. Jessy.. Lawan.. Gulf.. I don't regret it because I enjoyed a lot.. At the end of the we were having out dinner.. Mae was feeding me when I suddenly felt pain.. I could not take it anymore.. It wasn't like every other time.. It was more..

I screamed.. I could not hold it anymore.. I wanted P'Arthit beside me.. but he wasn't there which made me cry a little.. but soon.. P'Forth.. P'Beam rushed me to the hospital.. saying that my water broke. P'Ohm and P'Toey were ahead of us... I was laying in my Ma's lap..

"Ma.. if at all there comes a point where you have to choose.. please save my babies Ma.. Please.." I said trying to hold my pain..
"Don't worry son.. nothing will happened to any of you.. stay strong sweetheart.. you will make it.. you are really strong son.." She said as she held my hand tight..

The rest went in a blur.. The only thing I remember is pain.. and saying P'Ohm to save babies before I fell asleep.. which I don't know if it is temporary or permanent..

Hello guys.. I know I have completed a time period of 8 months in this very chapter.. I do know some people enjoy the time during pregancy.. I will surely write that once Kong is together with his partner..

Will both the babies be safe.. and will Kong making back healthy..?

Please to vote and comment..!

Stay safe and stay happy..!

