
No, we have coffee for that.

Leonora PoV:

When I woke up the next morning, the bed was empty. "Princess?" I sat up and looked around. The room was empty aswell. "Princess?"

I stood up and looked into the bathroom. Nothing. She just seemed to have disappeared. Or maybe something took her…

Worry started to grow in me and I searched my clothes together to put them on. As I grabbed my cane, the door opened and Clarissa walked inside.

"Clarissa!" She looked at me shocked, as I wrapped my arms around her tightly. "Don't ever do that again! I thought that thing took you!" My hands rested on her arms, as I leaned back to look at her face.

"I just wanted to check on the students, before I woke you. You would just have stood there annoyed." I smiled at her, pulling her back into my hug.

"I thought I had lost you… Again." Now she wrapped her arms around me aswell. "You won't get rid of me that easily, trust me." We both chuckled and I leaned down to kiss her.

"Care for some breakfast?" She asked and I nodded, pulling her back to the bed. "I didn't mean me!" "Pff, then not." I pushed her onto the bed, walking out of the room.

"Hey! Don't leave me!" I chuckled to myself, hearing her little steps following me. "Not funny…" "Oh it is, Princess. Just not for you." She rolled her eyes and punched me.

After that, we both walked into the dining hall. My wolves were working on repairing the wall, which wasn't really going that fast. Anemone sat on her seat, her nose in a book.

"Did you even eat something?" Clarissa asked, as she sat down next to her. "I did, but that's not as important as this here. I think I may found another way to kill it." She looked up and hell, she didn't look like a beauty teacher at all.

"Oh lord, did you sleep?" "No, we have coffee for that." She mumbled, turning back to reading. "See, I told ya." Clarissa glared at me and I lifted my hands, starting to eat.

"So, what did you find out?" She turned to us and placed the book aside, before taking a sip of her coffee. "Actually it's pretty simple. We have to rip out its heart, if we don't find it's owner. Which we won't, let's be serious."

I nodded and turned more to the two to listen. "The only problem is, that this isn't as easy as it sounds. We have to get close to it, and that is one problem. The bigger one is, that the person who does it will be hit with loads of some sort of energy or magic. I couldn't really understand that part."

She showed us thebook, which showed an illistration of the thing and it's open chest. The heart was comepletely black, as if it was burned out.

"And I don't know if you can survive that. So even when we solve problem one, we have to find someone that will deal with problem two." Clarissa turned to me and I saw how much this stressed her already.

"I can let one of my guards do it." "No! No. No one dies." I lifted my hands again, leaning back. "Then what do you wanna do? We can't stay like this forever. Look at our students." She turned her head. Everyone sat there in silence, no fights, nothing. Just scared looks.

"We have to do something. If not for the schools, then for them. Their our ki- students…" The two woman looked at me and I cursed myself mentally.

"Did you just wanted to say kids Red?" "I don't know what you mean, beauty teacher." Clarissa smiled to herself and I rolled my eyes. "Back to the important and real things. Before we worry about the who, how do we capture that damn thing?"

There it was, silence. No one knew how to deal with it. Getting rid of it was one part, but how would we get there? I sighed and took a sip of my own coffee. Why did this had to happen? When I was students, nothing ever happened. Maybe because the evil itself was here.

"We could lure him into a trap." "But how do we do that? And what does it need to capture it?" Anemone countered Clarissas idea. She was right. In the books was basically nothing, because those things almost didn't exsist and we had to deal with it now.

No information, nothing. I groaned and pushed my blade to the side, letting my head fall to the table. "Leonora!" Her hands landed on my back and I smiled. She was so sweet when she cared about me.

"I'm alright, just frustrated." "Don't hurt yourself. Never." With that, she turned back to Anemone and the two started discussing. Well, it was more Clarissa getting thaught everything about that thing.

I didn't really listen to them, I was more lost in my mind. If we didn't find a solution for this, we would soon be all dead, this was clear. But what if we could manage to defeat it, but she would have died along the way?

I turned my head, feeling the tears fill my eyes. "Red, your… alright?" Clarissa placed her hand on my cheek and I closed my eyes. God, why did feelings feel so awful? On the other hand, I loved to feel her love and comfort, feeling safe when I cuddle into her at night.

"If you want, we can go back to our room." I shook my head, wiping away the tears. "Just worst case scenario." She sighed and leaned down, kissing my cheek. I felt myself blush and turned away.

"Your two are sweet… and somehow weird to look at." I glared at her. "Nora behave." I turned my gaze away. Why could she command me like a dog? I was the one in control, right?

"Yeah, listen to your owner." Now this was enough. "She doesn't control me!" Everyone turned their heads as I stood up and glared down at Anemone. "Actually I do. Now sit. Down." She looked up to me and I sat back down.

I turned my head away. Damn this side of me. She leaned closer to my ear, whispering to me. "Good girl." Her lips brushed over the shell of my ear and I closed my eyes.

"If you behave now, I will reward you tonight." A shiver ran down my spine and I got a goosebump. "Understood?" "Yes." I breathed out, hoping that none of the students really payed attention to us right now.

"So, what do we do now?" Anemone asked, after some minutes of silence. "Try to find a way to capture that thing. You know what, no. Tell the fairys to read through the books. Your gonna go to bed and get some sleep." The face she made was just perfect.

"But, this is too important for me to-" "No discussion. You look like you would collapse in the next three seconds. We got this covered. Go to sleep, but somewhere were your not alone. We can't risk getting you killed from it."

She sighed, but nodded, closing the book. "Your right, I think I'll sleep for the next two years." We all chuckled and she wished us a good day, before she left the hall.

"So now it's up to us and the fairys." Clarissa mumbled and leaned back. "Why is this all so complicated?" "It's evil, pure evil. Nothing you can just get rid of with a true loves kiss. This is what most villians can't ever achive."

She turned her head to me. "Something you never achived, right? That's why Rafal dropped you." I looked away, not thinking she would bring up that topic.

"We don't talk about what he did. But we can be glad that he dropped me, because that's how I found you." She smiled at me and I took her hand in mine. "Yeah, you did. Besides all the fights because you couldn't face your feelings." I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"See, your walking away again. Coward!" I shook my head and walked out of the dining hall, over to my school.
