
What are we?

Clarissa PoV:

Just like Leonora, I tried to help as many students as possible. And to my suprise, the students let her help. I watched her with a smile on my lips. She really did look like a mother, with how she took care of them.

"You wanna keep staring at Red, or do you wanna help me." I blushed and turned around to Anemone, kneeling down to a injured student.

"Sorry, I was just… How she is helping the others, it amazes me." She smiled at me and we both took care of the prince infront of us.

When I stood back up, Lesso was already waiting for me. "Are you alright?" She asked, pulling me with her. I nodded, looking around. Who could have ever thought that somthing like this could happen. We had to deal with that thing as soon as possible.

"You know you can talk to me. I'm not just some friend, don't forget that." We both looked at each other and I got lost in those beautiful eyes of hers. She was saying it. She wasn't just a friend like Anemone, but what was she?

"Princess?" "Hm?" Her hand took mine and she pulled me with her outside, so that we could talk a bit more openly.

"What is on your mind. And don't say it's just all this. There is something else." Why did she just had to know me that good? "It's…" I sighed, leaning my head on her shoulder.

She didn't push me to say it, and I loved that about her. She gave me the time that I needed.

"Get lost!" I winced and she placed her hand on my back. "Don't worry, just some students luring around in the halls." I wanted to turn around and make sure they were alright, but Lesso hugged me close.

"The others are taking care of them. Now please, tell me… What is going on in your mind." Her eyes were filled with worry and I hid my face again. Should I ask her that now? Was that a good timing?

I groaned, stepping back and rubbing my eyes. "Why does this have to happen now? After everything we just went through with that dickhead of a man!" Leonora chuckled, leaning against the wall and watching me.

"I mean, comon, can't we have a break? Do something for us? Spend some time together without having to worry that someone bursts in and tells us that something terrible happened?" I stopped and turned back around to look at her.

"But that's not what you wanna hear, is it?" She shook her head, walking over to me. Her hands fell back to my waist and I looked to the side. "Do I have to ask you again Princess?" Two of her fingers made me look at her. How could she be so soft sometimes?

"You said your not just some friend. But what are you? What, what are we?" My voice was shaking and I just wanted to disappear. This would make everything real. This would make us real.

Her hand placed itself on my cheek and she stared deep into my eyes. Have I said something we weren't ready to talk about just yet?

"What we are? Humans… Unless your some sort of alien." I started laughing and leaned my forehead against her shoulder. That was what i needed, something I could laugh about and relax.

"You know what I mean Lesso." I mumbled, turning my head to the side. "What are we?" "Girlfriends?" She whispered. Her voice sounde scared, as if I would start laughing and call her an idiot for saying that.

"I would love that." I whispered back. We both smiled at each other and I looked over her shoulder. It seemed like she had the same idea, because when I turned my head back to her, she cupped my face and kissed me.

I melted into her touch, hugging her close after we parted. "Now comon, we can cuddle later Princess, they need us." I nodded in agreement and we both walked back into the hall, trying to help the remaining students that weren't injured to badly.

After what happened today, we all grew more paranoid. We had to get rid of that thing, else we would all be soon dead.

I was walking up and down my room, something I did way to often. Leonora sat on the bed, taking off her suit top and tie, changing into some more comfy clothes.

"Do you wanna walk through the ground or come and cuddle with me?" Her voice got me out of my thoughts and I turned to her. "You know what is bugging me." With that, i started walking again.

There was a sigh and before I kinew it, two arms wrapped themselves around me from behind. "Yes, i do know what is bugging you, that's why I'm telling you to get into bed with me. I wanna kiss all your worries away."

I smiled and relaxed into her touch. "Well, if you wanna treat me like a queen, I won't stop you." We both chuckled and she pulled me with her back to the bed.

"I won't treat you like a queen, you deserve better than that." I blushed and laid down, waiting for Lesso to do the same. "Sounds even better."

As soon as she laid down, I snuggled close to her, wrapping my legs around her waist. "What? Are you a little baby? Wanna have Mommy's breasts?" I blushed and hid my face in her neck.

"You can say it if you want them, I wouldn't judge you, you know." Her hands started scratching my back and I suppressed a moan.

Why did she always have to tease me so shameless? I got a goosebump and closed my eyes. "Not now, I just wanna sleep." She chuckled and I felt how she gave me a kiss on the head, holding me close.

"Then let's try to get some sleep, shall we? You need your full strength." "And you don't or what?" She chuckled, her hand playing with my locks. She was calming me down.

"No, what do you think we have coffee for? To just look at it?" I looked up at her. "You need to get enough sleep, it's healthy." "To sad I'm not listening to you." I rolled my eyes, cuddling back into her.

"If I ever have to punish you, I'll just make you go to bed." She chuckled and gave me another kiss on the head, holding me close. "Sounds like a terrible punishment, I'll better behave, hm?" I rolled my eyes, even when she didn't see it this time, she knew I was doing it.

"Now sleep tight my little rose. Have sweet dreams and don't even think about killing your head with thinking even more about what is going on right now. I will be mad at you else." "Will you lay me over your knee?" I mumbled, with a sleepy smile on my lips.

"Yeah yeah, keept laughing. Now sleep Princess." I nodded, pressing myself more into her, as she pulled the blanket over us.

"You too Nora. I love you." With that, I fell asleep.
