Chapter Twelve - We Have Food And A New Friend Group

Chapter Twelve - "We Have Food And A New Friend Group"

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The smell of sweet, mouth-watering, decadent batter filled my nostrils as I breathed it in. I flipped the pancake over in the pan and waited patiently for it to get done. My stomach rumbled loudly, causing me to whine a bit. 

My parents were at work, it was about 9 in the morning, and I was starving. So to fix that, I was making some thick, fluffy, chocolate chip pancakes for myself and Melissa – if she ever got out of bed, that is. 

It had been four days since we got back from Oregon, making it a Thursday. Yesterday was Melissa's sixteenth birthday, and we just went out to dinner with my grandparents in the city. She had plans with her friends all weekend to celebrate it, doing whatever it is that sixteen-year-old's did for their birthdays.

I turned the stove off and put my pancakes on a plate. I got out some butter, the bottle of syrup, and a glass to fill with juice. While doing all those things, the front door opened and I didn't really pause to think about it.

"Honey! I'm home!" A familiar voice shouted, then the door shut.

"Hi hun," I smirked to myself.

"It smells delicious! I hope you made me something," Justin came waltzing into the kitchen with a smile.

"Indeed I did. There are some leftovers," I nodded to the extra pancakes on the counter.

"Awesome. Love you," he grinned.

I chuckled to myself and sat down at the table, while Justin got out a plate for his breakfast. He joined me a minute later with a plate piled high with a few pancakes, drenched messily in butter and syrup. 

"What are you up to?" I asked him, biting into my fluffy pancake forkful.

"Eh, nothing. I was bored and you're always alone and making food, so I figured I'd pay you a visit," he smiled.

"Well thanks. I could use the company," I smirked.

We ate our breakfast together in peace and afterwards, we curled up on the couch in my living room and watched random morning TV shows. 

It was nothing different than any other day in the summer. Having my best friend only a couple of houses down from me meant that he popped over whenever he wanted. But like I said, I never minded because I hated being alone. I'd gladly welcome Justin in my house any time, any day. 

"So when are you going on vacation with Chase?" He asked randomly.

"We're leaving Saturday night," I nodded. "It should be fun. He wants to have a party and invite everyone, like all you guys. And Grayson will probably have his friends over too."

"Cool," he nodded too, turning back to the TV. "What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I still have to pack."

"You haven't packed yet?" He raised an eyebrow, chuckling at me.

"I know," I laughed and shook my head. "I'm lazy, okay? Accept me for who I am."

"I do," he nodded, still laughing.

I pushed myself off of the couch and stretched my arms, turning to him. "I'm gonna make coffee, want any?" I offered.

"Sure," he said as he reached for the remote to change the channel. I nodded and walked to the kitchen, finding Melissa in there. She was sitting at the table, eating her pancakes and typing quickly on her phone.

"Hey Mel," I smiled to her. She smiled with a mouth full of pancakes, and I went over to the Keurig to make two cups of coffee.

"How are you?" I heard her voice from behind me.

I watched the coffee pour out of the spout and into my mug as I sighed lightly. "Fine, you?"

"Alright," she said. "I just... I like to ask how you are every now and then because, well, I'm your sister and I care about you.

I spun around to look at her and smiled, playing with the tie on my robe. "Thanks, Mel. I love you more than anything. You know that," I told her.

"Love you too," she smiled wide. 

Once Justin's coffee was done, I took it out to him and plopped back down on the couch, waiting for it to cool down so I could take a sip. It was quiet for a little while as we watched TV, and Melissa went back upstairs to her room.

"Hey," Justin's voice surprised me. I turned from the TV to look at him and he looked like he had a plan – a smirk on his lips and his eyebrows raised.

"What?" I smirked right back at him.

"Wanna go to Belmont?"

I raised an eyebrow now. "Belmont as in Belmont Park?" I asked.

"Yup," he clarified.

"I mean, if you want to," I shrugged.

"Why not? It's really nice outside and if we leave now, we can get there by eleven. We can bring Ashley or Chase or whoever. That place is like our second home," he spoke quickly, hopping off the couch and clicking off the TV. "Let's go, come on," he grabbed my hands and yanked me up.

"Alright, alright, but I need to get ready," I sighed, and he rolled his eyes in return.  I just waved him off and headed towards the stairs. "I'll be fast, I promise. Figure out who can and can't come in the meantime," I called over my shoulder, walking up the steps with my mug in hand.

"Okay!" He yelled back from the living room. I walked up to my room and shut the door, raiding through my closet for something to wear on this perfectly warm, summer day.

My phone pinged as I got a text from Chase, saying that he would come with Justin and I to Belmont Park. I smiled and answered him, then turned back to my closet. 

Grabbing a pair of ripped high rise shorts, I slipped them on with a flowy white cami for a top. I picked out my mint green Vans, then pulled my straight hair up into a high ponytail.

"Come on!" Justin whined, his voice traveling up the stairs. 

I rolled my eyes with a smile and grabbed my Ray Bans before leaving my room with some money and my car keys. I stopped by Melissa's room and knocked before I entered. 

"Hey," I smiled. She looked up at me from laying on her bed and smiled back. "We're going to Belmont Park for the day. Wanna come?"

"No, it's okay. You guys go and have fun," she shook her head with a smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, just go," she chuckled. "Jane wants to meet up in a little bit anyway."

"Okay. Text me," I nodded before leaving her room. I flew down the steps, slipped on my sunglasses and found Justin standing in the living room with his phone in his hands.

"So Ashley said she'd come with us. Chase too. But everyone else is busy," he shrugged, putting it back in his pocket. "I don't know why you wouldn't give up your plans to go to the greatest place on the planet."

"You're actually five years old," I laughed, ruffling his hair as we left my house.

"That I am," he shot me a grin. He hopped in the backseat of my car, then I picked up Chase and he got in the front.

"Thanks for the invite," he smiled, leaning over and kissing my cheek.

"No problem," I smiled. I picked up Ashley and she got in the back with Justin, and minutes later we were off to our favorite place in the state of California.

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After a few hours of being in the boiling sun and wandering around, going from ride to ride, we stopped to get food and relax. While Chase and Justin waited in line, Ashley and I picked out a table and plopped down on the benches.

"It feels amazing to be in the shade," I sighed, fanning myself.

"I know, I think I'm sweating to death," she groaned, pulling her blonde locks up on the top of her head. "And I'm starving."

"Well, they'll be fast. I hope," I chuckled. Chase and Justin were ordering something for all of us and I was hoping that it didn't take too long because I felt like I was going to drop to the ground if I didn't eat soon.

Seeing as it was a Thursday afternoon in July, the park was pretty crowded. I watched through my sunglasses, observing everyone enjoying themselves around the park. It was a really nice day – as it usually was in the summertime – and I was glad that Justin offered up this idea.

We used to spend every summer at Belmont Park almost every week, dragging our parents when we were younger and then coming on our own when we could drive.

It made me feel young again, just like my lake house did. It took me to a place where I didn't have to grow up and feel like I was a senior-in-high-school-to-be. With the sun shining and the noises of the rides and the atmosphere, I felt like I was on another planet. One that didn't have drama and past regrets and sadness.

One that was just happy. All of the freaking time.

"What's taking them so long?" I heard Ashley whine from across the bench.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. My eyes started following a trio of boys and my heart honestly felt like it started to race.

For what reason? I wasn't sure. But I was sure of who those boys were.

"Dylan!" I called out with a grin. I stood up and waved to him as he spun around to look.

His eyes searched for a moment before he found me, and a smile came to his face. He grabbed onto Caden and Beckett, quickly walking over to us from across the way.

"How many times am I going to run into you at the most random places?" I chuckled, walking over to him and wrapping him in a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good," he nodded, smiling at his two brothers.

"Hi Lindsay," they both smiled and traded hugs with me.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Alright. This is so weird," I laughed, shaking my head.

"We just keep running into each other," Dylan chuckled. "Who are you here with?"

"Oh! My friends are over there- come on! I'll introduce you," I smiled, grabbing onto Caden's arm since he was closest to me. They followed me back over to where Ashley was fanning herself at our table and she looked up at me in confusion. "Ash, this is Dylan. Remember, we met him at Level 3?"

"Oh yeah! Hi again," she smiled and waved.

"And these are his brothers, Caden and Beckett," I patted their shoulders as she grinned at them. When I got back from vacation, I explained to her how they had the house that was next door to mine, so she knew how close we got from that week spent together.

"Yeah, I had to entertain these guys for the day because my parents are gone for the weekend. A trip to New York for something I don't care about," Dylan explained.

"That's cool," I smiled.

"We have food!" I heard Justin's voice. I whirled around and saw him and Chase walking over to us with trays full of fried, greasy, delicious food. "Oh, and a new friend group."

"Guys, this is Dylan, Caden and Beckett," I introduced them to Justin and Chase, and they all shook hands in a musical chairs manner.

I couldn't help but notice that when Chase and Dylan shook hands, Dylan smiled, but Chase didn't have any sort of emotion in the slightest bit. In fact, he looked sort of pissed off. I was wondering if he remembered Dylan from that night at the club for my birthday.

He was probably just being jealous and annoying. Again.

"Well uh, we'll let you guys eat," Dylan nodded after an awkward minute of silence passed by.

"Oh no, you guys can stay, right?" I looked at Ashley for help.

"Totally! We don't mind," she grinned, nodding her head.

"No, it's alright," Dylan chuckled and denied. "I don't want you guys to have to babysit."

"We're old enough to not have a babysitter. You just have nothing better to do and-" Beckett started to say with sass, but Dylan elbowed him in the shoulder before he could finish.

"Alright," Dylan nervously chuckled, running his fingers through his hair. "Nice meeting you all. Lindsay, I'll see you later," he nodded at me.

"Okay, see you guys," I waved goodbye as they walked away from us. I plopped down next to Chase and picked up a couple of fries, munching on them.

"Was that the kid that was at Level 3 that night?" Chase turned to me and muttered. Ashley and Justin were having some sort of intriguing conversation, so they weren't paying attention to us.

"Yeah," I nodded. 

He nodded too, biting into his burger. "Thought so," he said quietly.

"You're doing it again," I sang, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm not doing anything. I just don't know him," he shrugged.

"Exactly. You don't know him," I repeated, rolling my eyes.

Chase didn't say anything after that, so we dropped the subject and moved onto something else that the four of us could enjoy talking about. I happily ate my burger as I ignored the remarks of my jealous boyfriend that could be overwhelming sometimes. But I guess that's how love works.

It's overwhelming.

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A/N - I sense some jealousy in the air with a couple of boys... what do you think? Is Chase just being overprotective and jealous, or does he have a weird feeling about Dylan that Lindsay doesn't see? How do you feel about Dylan- love or hate? And is Lindsay right when she says that love is overwhelming? 

I hope this chapter brought some warm summer vibes. It's freaking cold here in Jersey and we're suspecting a bad snowstorm for this weekend. I needed to spread some sunshine around somehow :)

Don't forget to comment, vote and keep on reading! I love ya lots.

Song: Perfect by One Direction

Photo: roller coaster (LIKE THIS STORY LOL)

xoxo, sabbbycat
