The Darkness Grows Closer

In Fiore, there was a place far under the capital city Crocus known as the Hell Palace. A deadly place with seeminingly no exit and a maze that stretched for miles and miles underground. It was where only the worst criminals were sent...and when times warranted it, the secret unit of the king, the Garou Knights, would come to execute especially high level criminals. They had only failed once in their execution missions, and that had been when they fought Fairy Tail during the Grand Magic Games. Mission 1500 as it was called, the only failed execution.

However, mission 1521 was about to become the second failure. Because the two criminals the Garou Knights were trying to execute now...were on a whole new class of combatants.

As the battle raged below the earth, the soldiers above ground were in a panic, running all over the palace of Crocus and giving grave reports.

A particularly large knight, Arcadios, walked down the halls of the palace as one of his subordinates filled him in.

"It's a disaster!" said the soldier. "The Grand Magic Council only sentenced these guys to Hell Palace about a week ago...we thought we would starve them before sending in the executioners, just to be sure, but these guys...they just went into some sort of meditative state and used their own regenerating magic energy to take the place of the Garou Knights went in themselves!"

"Yes.." said Arcadios. "So what's with all the ruckuss!? Are the criminals not dead!?"

"No!" said the soldier. "Th-they're practically playing with the executioners sir! Those two are like gods among demons! That Gore Beastwalker criminal isn't even using magic yet, his sheer physical strength took down Neppa in two hits!!"

"WHAT!?" said Arcadios. "Impossible!"

"It get's worse sir!" said the soldier. "Uosuke was just knocked out by the one called Aurumnus Rager...h-he didn't even stand a chance! He got frozen in molten gold...and then it just went from there! This Hydra Head...are they all monsters!?"

"Blast!" said Arcadios. "How did the official guilds even manage to capture these two!? Try to get some communication down to Kama! Get him to retreat! We can let those two abominations rot in the underground.."

Down in the vast undergound caves of Hell Palace, the masked man with his double scythes strapped to his back known as Kama, leader of the Garou Knights, hid behind a rocky outcropping, panting and bruised. In his arms he held two women, one woman, a girl named Cosmos with pink and green clothing and rather large puffy hat coughed. "Th-that didn't I expected and Kamika's dance...totally ruined in 3 seconds.. not beautiful at all."

"These two.." said Kama. "They're on a different's like they were expecting us to come...and even if they didn't prepare for it..their sheer power overwhelmed us.."

"I-is Kamika going to be alright?" asked Cosmos.

"I don't know.." said Kama. "looking at the near unconsious woman in his other arm who was dressed in a robe like dress. "She took too many hits from that Golden Dragon Slayer.."

"Neppa? Uosuke? Wh-where are they?" asked Cosmos.

"I don't know..." said Kama glowering angrilly over his shoulder at where he knew the criminals were approaching. "I lost them in the halls.."

Suddenly a voice rang in Kama's head. "Kama of the Garou are ordered to retreat now and leave the criminals to their inevitable doom within Hell Palace. Gather your people and get out of there! Uosuke and Neppa are both unconscious within cavern two, you have 16 minutes."

"Blast!" said Kama. "So Uosuke and Neppa were both taken down that easily! We need to find them and.."

"BOOMM!!" A massive fist crashed through the outcropping and grabbed Kama as Cosmos screamed in fright.

The monstrous hulking Gore Beastwalker held Kama in his one hand while his sharp teeth frowned in a bored expression. "What a call yourselves executioners? They should call you babysitters instead...because that's all you're capable of people are such a bore...I would ignore you, if it weren't my mission to find you.."

"LET HIM GO!!" Cosmos yelled as massive vine plants shot out of the ground at her command and came at Gore.

"DEATH SLICER OF THE GOLDEN DRAGON!!" there was a flash of golden slashes, and the vines were shredded in an instant. Aurumnus Rager landed with his messed up golden hair in front of Gore, his elbows had golden blades protruding from them. "Tsk tsk...wait your turn girly, we'll get to you in a moment."

Aurumnus punched his fist to the ground and a blast of liquid gold came up to Cosmos's torso and held solidified, holding her there.

"Now..we can get some business done here." said Aurumnus grinning up at Gore. "Hey brother bear! You up for interrogating? I'm just way too tired up to talk right now!"

"Fine.." said Gore. "You..Kama, is it? You're the leader of the Garou Knights...correct?"

"If you're looking for the way out..." growled Kama. "I'll never tell."

"We already have a way out stupid..." continued Gore in his low slow deep voice. "We came down here on purpose looking for somthing else."

"Wh-what!?" said Kama. "B-But you can't have chosen to come here! It was up to the Magic Council to decide if-...wait...there's a mole, isn't there!?"

"'re the first to figure that out.." said Gore. "But right now you have more pressing matters then a mole in the whether I let you live.."

"If I didn't have this damn mask in the way, I would spit in your face." said Kama. "You guilty criminals are all alike.."

"One difference." said Gore. "Some of us have power...and some of us are just weaklings struggling to survive...I prefer to stay with the more powerful either you answer our questions...or my superiour here will ensure your friends..serve us in quite a method."

"Your superior!?" said Kama.

Gore turned Kama to look at a spot behind the restricted Cosmos. A molten pool of magma had erupted behind her, and rising from the magma, in his demonic armor, giving off a presence of power and terror, was none other then Diablo Etwatia.

"Greetings Kama.." said Diablo. "I am looking for a key if you must know...and you would do well to kindly tell Gore where it is...or, well, have you ever heard about how I usually get my assorted servants?"

A crevice opened up near Cosmos and out from the glowing earth beneath reached out some burned skeletal hands that began groping at the golden bonds that held Cosmos.

"Y-you wouldn't!!" said Kama.

"Yes..her soul would become mine to serve me for the rest of her hellish existance." said Diablo. "Oh? I think I recognize Constantine's skull in there...he's always amused me with how much he complains..."

Diablo kicked aside a burned screaming skull that had just poked out of the crevice. "Behave yourself."

"You conniving monster! This key you want... All who serve the king have sworn their lives to guard it! I will not give it up so easily!"

"Even to save a friend's soul?" said Diablo as the skeletal hands reached out and began pulling the gold frozen Cosmos closer.

"Don't tell him!" growled Cosmos. "I don't care what happens! We swore to the kingdom we would keep quiet!"

"Your kingdom isn't going to be around by the time we're done here." said Diablo. "There's a reason Gore didn't make a big deal out of you knowing of the Grand Magic Council's infiltration...mainly because, this capital is about to become ours...and just a mere 12 hours ago, the Grand Council became no could say that Hades made a more thorough job then Tartarus did that last time."

"So.." said Gore. "Are you going to talk...or is your friend here going to serve us in more ways then one?"

"Fine.." said Kama dejectedly. "But know that even if you have the key, there is no telling whether it will give you what you seek."

"The key to the Gates of the After World..the Soul Society..the world of Shinigami." Said Gore. "Where is it?"

"It no longer resides within the shrine of this palace." said Kama. "It was taken by a dragon...over a month ago. She was going to give it to her daughter."

"Thundaarix.." Diablo breathed. "She already knew our motives. So The Railgun now possesses the key to seal the gate...however. Should we find the gate before she does, it will not matter..."

"And where is the stupid gate to where spirits go when they snuff it?" said Aurumnus. "Cause if we're going to attempt some sort of mass suicide just to get there, I'm not that dedicated.."

"Do not worry Aurumnus." said Diablo. "The answer...lies in a mirrored world."

Psychic City in Edolas #2.

"And with this, our dignity is gone.." Mikoto muttered.

She, and the rest of Fairy Tail were currently riding a bus...however, it wasn't just any bus. The bus was colored green. had big rubbery baloon wheels, and a cutsely cartoony face with a goofy mouth and sparkly eyes, plus a long red tongue that lolled out as the bus went. "Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk!"

The bus was flying through the air towards the domed cieling of the jungle as Twilight Prankster goofilly tugged and pulled on the wheel singing a silly tune.

"When he said he'd get us there in the most ridiculous and cartoony method possible...for a moment I really didn't take hims seriously.." Said Gray.

"This is Night Reveler's Edo self we're talking about here." said Lucy. "I think 'serious' with this guy sort of depends on your point of view."

"Now now kiddies!" said Twilight Prankster. "I'm going to drop you off in one of the school district areas..far from any of the Science Bureau divisions! And don't you worry, I already have all your disguises lined up for you!"

"Disguises!?" said Mikoto. "Wait a second, what disguises-?"

"NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!!" said the harlequin cheerfully. "Now is time for me to...DRIVE DRUNK!!!"

"SAY WHAT!?" said the rest of the group with shocked looks on their faces from what they were hearing.

Twilight Prankster took out a bottle of what appeared to be beer. He uncorked it and dumped on his mask, of course not drinking any of it due to lack of a mouth hole.

"Oh darn!" said the harlequin throwing his bottle over his shoulder. "I tend to act like a stinking drunk anyways!! TIME TO DRIVE LIKE I USUALLY DO!!!"

Twilight Prankster cackled madly as he floored the gas peddle and the bus lurched forward, leaving behind a sonic boom.

Everyone screamed and soared out of their seats where they all piled into the back window of the bus with a wham.

"OWWW!!" Mikoto yelled as Erza's armored torso hit her face. "What the heck!!?"

"THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" shouted Lucy as her chest smothered Natsu's slowly reddening face.

"Mmphh..What am I touching...?" said Gray from under the pile of people. "It feels...squishy."

Mikoto squealed and shot random lightning bolts from her bangs. "GRAY YOU FREAKING PERVERT!!!"

"ARE YOU INSANE!?" said screamed Charle. "What kind of driver are you!?"

"To answer your first question." said Twilight Prankster. "Yes, I am completely insane!! As for the second question....One of kind! That's right! I'm one of a kind!! YEEEEHAAAW!!!!"

The bus shot straight at the domed cieling and rammed straight through the metal cieling. The bus shot into the sky and twirled around so that Fairy Tail suddenly tumbled into the right side of the bus. Mikoto's face rammed against the window so she could she that they were now circling the entire city. She was amazed by what she saw.

It looked like a ginormous floating island. All below the the giant city disk were clouds and  humungous jet rockets were sprouting out of the back of the city, propelling it forward.

"Whoah." was all Mikoto had time to say before the bus veered around in a 90 degree angle and shot towards the city, causing the entire group to fly into the back again.

This time Mikoto ended up on top of the entire group, feeling the full power of the g force in her face.

"AGH!" shouted Gray from some place under Mikoto's bottom. "What the heck is in my face!?"

"GRAY!! AGAIN!!?" Screamed Mikoto.

"Why does this keep happening to me!?" Yelled Lucy who's chest was smothering Natsu's really red face again.

"And we will be arriving at our destination in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" shouted Twilight Prankster who suddenly rammed on the brakes.

The bus came to an abrupt stop, and all of Fairy Tail rammed into the front window of the bus and fell to the floor groaning.

Natsu looked the worst, his motion sickness had apparently gone to the max while on this crazy ride. "S-somebody..kill me..I can't go on..."

Mikoto got up and dizzily staggered around for a minute. " think I,....woah, everything is spinning.."

Erza grabbed Mikoto's shoulders steadying her. "Is everyone okay?"

Gray looked completely red. " Mikoto."

Mikoto just looked too out of it to say anything. "H-hey...they're three Erzas.."

"Now, I have the bus all cloaked with magic." said Twilight Prankster. "But it won't be long before their magic detectors find me, so I'll have to get you your disguises quick and leave you on your way."

Twighlight Prankster snapped his fingers, and immediately everyone was wearing school uniforms. Natsu and Gray both had on black shirts with red ties and black pants, Natsu still had his scarf on thankfuly for him. Mikoto, Erza and Lucy now wore blue skirts, white shirts and red ties. Wendy wore something similar, only her shirt was red.

"Eh!?" said Lucy. "School uniforms?"

Later kiddies!" said the harlequin. "You'll find everything you need to blend in in the bags!"

"Bags!?" said Elli. "What bags-mmf!" Suddenly a bunch of heavy looking gym bags appeared on top of Elli.

"I think I'll leave them on that pleasant looking throw cushion!" said Twilight Prankster. "Ta ta!"

Suddenly a trap door opened under the bus and everyone fell through as the bus rose into the air.

As Mikoto spat grass out of her mouth and looked up, the bus shot into the sky with while the final cackles of the mad clown could be heard echoing through the sky.

"I am so going to punch that guy, the next time I see him." said Natsu as he staggered to his feet and nearly fell over again.

"Where are we?" said Wendy.

"Well, judging from the amount of people wearing school uniforms." said Mikoto looking around. "And the mansion like school buildings everywhere..I'd say this is some sort of cluster of schools..weird...Academy City never kept so many schools in one place."

"Psychic City is mostly militarized." said Erza. "Perhaps they dedicate most of their districts to studying weapons, and therefore leave all their schools clustered in a certain area.."

"That would make sense." said Mikoto. "Urgh..I still feel like I have a thousand knots in my back.."

"Hey, Natsu!" A girl ran up to the group and hugged Natsu. "What's the matter, I thought you were going to meet me later!"

" I wasnt." said Natsu. "I don't even know you."

The girl laughed. "Oh you're a riot Natsu! Always pretending to be clueless!"

"I'm not pretending." said Natsu frowning. "I have absolutely no idea who you are."

"hahahah!" the girl laughed again. "It's even funnier a second time!" The girl walked off

"Erm..there wouldn't happen to be another Edolas Natsu would there?" said Lucy.

On a whim, Mikoto opened one of the sports bags and found a note on top of some oddly wrapped packages inside.

The note read this.

Hello! Twilight Prankster here! You may be wondering why everybody here acts like they know you even though they probably shouldn't, well there's an enchantment on the disguises you're wearing that implants false memories in the people you don't already know..a perfect disguise! However, it won't work on high level espers or keep on the down low...

P.S. this message will turn into an obnoxiously loud gerbil in 5....4...3..2...1...HA! I can't believe you actually read the countdown! HAHAHAHAHA!!

In a large puff of smoke, the note turned into a gerbil which fell to the ground and screamed. "I LIKE PIE" The gerbil then scampered off into the grass.

The others just stared for a moment.

"What..was the point of doing that?" asked Charle

"He's just like Night Reveler." said Happy shaking his head. "I wonder if he's got a creepy cyborg face under his mask!"

"He thinks I'm a throw pillow.." Elli muttered.

Mikoto picked up Elli and hugged her. "Well, you are soft and fluffy."

"So we've got disguises." said Gray. "I guess that means our cover isn't quite so blown anymore. As long as we avoid guys like the Edolas espers we'll be able to think up a new plan."

"Well we should probably head back to Academy City." said Erza. "This was originally a reconaissance mission. At the moment, we're not suited to fighting all of Psychic City on our own. We need to gather up a larger force."

"No.." said Mikoto.

"Huh?" said Wendy. "Why not?"

"Guys, there's been something I've been trying to tell you, but with all the craziness, erm, I might have forgotten...hehe."

"Eh, I never remember anything." said Natsu.

Mikoto explained everything that had went on during the period she had been held by her Edolas self. As well as the strange feelings she had been getting since she got here.

"She tried to dissect you!?" said Natsu. "That's just sick!"

"But more importantly." said Erza. "If what Birdway said was true, then we can't just go back to Earthland. By the time we gather enough forces to make an assault on Psychic City, Dravis might be here...if he intends to attack as soon as possible, there is no time to lose."

"Right now I can sense that he's still sleeping in the Pacific." said Mikoto. "He just needs to gather a little bit more power before he's at half strength. And that's all he'll need to make an assault on the city. Remember how he was when he first came to Academy City? He took out part of Mt. Fuji!"

"Actually you both did!" said Happy. "You turned into a humungous dragon remember?"

"Whoah!" said Elli. "Mikoto turned into a dragon?"

"Aye!" said Happy. "She was like super huge, and all glittery with lightning everywhere!! She was so big and savage and angry and.."

"Okay, that's enough of me being a huge ferocious monster.." said Mikoto.

"But it was so cool!" said Wendy. "And you looked so beautiful with golden scales and everything!"

"Gravix told me that Dragon Borns can actually turn into dragons like Black Whisper after years of intensive training." said Erza.

"Hey guys!" said Mikoto. "Big doomsday dragon on it's way to Edolas here!"

The group stopped talking for moment.

"So what should we do now?" asked Gray. "Any ideas?"

"Easy!" said Natsu pounding his flaming fist against his hand. "We wait until that stupid Dravis get's here and wipe the floor with him!"

"Natsu, we're talking about a dragon who makes mountains look like playschool toys." said Lucy

"Yeah, but if I hit him hard enough..!"

"You might just make him feel enough of a slight itch behind his ear so that he scratches you down with one claw." finished Lucy. "Face it, we need another plan of attack here."

"I don't know.." said Mikoto. "What Birdway says makes sense...but I can't help but feel there is another reason Dravis was coming other then some superiour military resources.."

"You think that key your mom gave you might have something to do with this Soul Society." said Erza.

"Yeah..and Birdway said the gate was hidden in one of 4 worlds...maybe she meant our Earthlands and Edolases...maybe the gate to the Soul Society thing is in this world." said Mikoto.

"If that's so..." said Gray. "Then the first thing we should try to do is seal it so Dravis doesn't throw the multiverse out of balance and leave everything vulnerable."

"Aye!" said Happy. "But where would we look for the gate in the first place?"

"I think I can help with that.." Leivinia Birdway strolled down the street and stopped next to the group. Standing next to her was a tall blonde man in a suit.

"Well what do you know Mark Space." said Birdway. "Looks like I'm joining with the Faries on their little Edo tour after all."

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Trivia, Part 3

 1. Gravix is considered to be a large expert in Dragon Slaying Magic. Due to his years of having studied different types of lost magic, he is also an expert in Time Arc, Death Magic, and God Slayer Magic, though he has never performed or learned how to do this magic as a principle he gained being a man of the Western Forge. Gravix's Gravity Sphere, is a lost magic he learned when he first started his studies.

2. Dragon Skin is a very dangerous technique when used improperly. If the Dragon Born in question tries to use it before finishing years of intensive training, they risk shredding their muscles apart with their own magic

3. Dragon Borns, unlike other Dragon Slayers, can easily eat God Slayer magic of their own element. (For example, Mikoto is actually capable of eating Orga Nanagear's lightning.)

4. Dragon Borns have existed in both our world and the world of Fairy Tail. Black Whisper and Mikoto are currently the only living Dragon Borns from our world though. There are many techniques that have been developed by magic groups like Necessarius for dealing with Dragon Slayer magic. Innocentius The Witch Hunter King is one of those techniques.

5. A.E.A armor was originally developed by the Edolas counterpart of the 2nd Level 5 Teitoku Kakine (Dark Matter). Teitoku Kane was a genius among the 7 Divine Generals. His strategic brilliance rivaled that of Mikaris Misaka. Edo-Dark Matter eventually betrayed the Divine Generals in order to sale the A.E.A armors to foreign rebels. However, he was defeated spectacularly and killed by Mikaris who outwitted Dark Matter in both combat and strategy. Dark Matter's place was taken by 'The Slicer' Kanzaki.

6. Thunder Dragon Mode arent the first wings Mikoto ever formed. Using formulas similar to those she use for her Iron Sand sword, Mikoto can fly if she is surrounded by a large amount of atomised water vapor. She manipulates the water vapor forming it into wings using the static electricity from interactions between particles. By using her electric power to induce electrolysis on a large body of water such as the ocean, she can obtain enough hydrogen and oxygen to use as fuel. However, unlike her Thunder Dragon wings, these wings are purely meant for flight, and cannot be used as a defensive shield or morphing attack weapon. The Thunder Dragon Wings also have limits, being only capable of inducing flight if there is a lot of magnetism to induce levitation and not being able to reach super sonic speeds like the wings formed through water particles (Thundering Arch Angel does surpass these limits however). However, it is possible for Mikoto to combine both her wings into a superior version if she uses the same principles while in Dragon Slayer mode.

7. Before Mikoto awakened her Dragon Slayer Powers, her Level 6 shifting form looked quite different from the forms described in the 3rd and 4th book. At her final stage, she had a halo and multiple ribbons of energy erupting fom her body. Ever since her successful level shift during the Grand Magic Games, whenever scared or upset to a breaking point, Mikoto starts to shift again uncontrollably. According to theories developed by both Mavis and Aleister, this is because a part of her mind never recovered from the level shift and therefore part of Mikoto is considered to be already a Level 6. Though theories are still sketchy at best right now. In the words of Mavis "It's safe to say that we'll never know completely about Dragon Borns who are also espers, Mikoto and Black Whisper are the first of their kind after all, espers who bear the blood of dragons." She said this to Markorav during an unconfirmed date.
