Mind Games

"What did you say?" said Mikoto as sparks jumped out of her bangs.

Meribeth Shokuhou sighed. "Honestly...I thought I just told you...hey, you there grunt!"

One of the soldiers immediately straightened his stance and saluted. "Yes ma'am!?"

"What is my number one rule?"

"You don't like to repeat yourself!" shouted the soldier. "And whatever anyone does, never make you repeat yourself!"

"That's a good subordinate." Said Meribeth. "Did you hear that Earthlanders? I hope you won't make me repeat that."

"Sorry, but you don't have the luxury to enforce your rules on us." said Mikoto. "We're not your subordinates.."

"hahahaha...my you really are the Earthland Railgun!" said Edolas Mental Out. "All we need now is that eyepatch and an emotionless angry expression, and we'll have made a perfect copy! Now as for this one..."

Meribeth took a look at Misaki. "Well they don't call Earthlanders inferior for nothing do they?"

"Inferior?" said Misaki. "Well my twin seems to have a pretty full head."

"Wow you really are the same.." Mikoto muttered.

"Boys..." said Meribeth. "I think we can take care of these fools pretty easily...if you would?"

The soldiers trained their guns on Mikoto and Misaki and fired off a continuous round of bullets. Mikoto stepped in front of Misaki and let loose a web of electrical energy. All the bullets were repelled ouwards by the magnetic force.

When the bullets dropped to the ground, Mikoto realized that round ends of the bullets actually had needles on the end...

"Pretty extreme for tranquilizer." said Mikoto. "Trying to bring us back with broken bones?"

"To be honest, I never liked Mikaris that much." said Meribeth. "So since I can't cause her any pain, having such a precise look-alike to take her place will ease my anger a little."

"Wow, I am quite brutal aren't I?" said Misaki with a little shock in her voice.

The soldiers trained their guns on their targets again. But before they could fire, Mikoto shot out a stream of lightning from her outstretced hands which knocked out all the soldiers. Edolas Lucy ran away and stood by Mikoto and Misaki as her captors fell to the ground.

"Oh no you don't." said Misaki pressing a button on the metal brace that adorned the wrist of her Ability Enhancement Armor. "Where do you think you're going?"

Lucy Ashley stopped in her tracks, the sparkles in her eyes signalling that her mind had been taken over. Lucy walked back over next to Misaki and stood there.

"Let her go Misa- I mean Meribeth!" said Mikoto. "This won't go well for you..you're looking at two espers that are pretty much immune to your ability.

"Oh really?" said Meribeth with a sly smile. She clicked a few more bottons on her wrist, and suddenly Mikoto's expression went blank and sparkles appeared in her eyes.

"M-Misaka!?" said Misaki. "What's wrong?"

Mikoto mereley thrust her hand out at Misaki and shot a powerful lightning bolt at her, which narrowly missed.

"No..impossible.." said Misaki staggering backwards. "Railgun isn't affected by my ability.."

"Under normal circumstances, that would be true." Said Meribeth.  "But let me ask you something Earthland me...why is the Railgun immune to our Mental Out ability in the first place?"

"An electrical field surrounds her mind and blocks me out." said Misaki.

"Bingo." said Meribeth. "You see, by knowing the strength, you can also find the weakness. Electrical signals operate on certain wavelengths see? This outfit I'm wearing is called Ability Enhancement Armor. It was custom made to each of the espers who are or serve the Divine Generals...they send energy into our nervous systems, boosting the effectiveness of our powers, as well as our physical healing, strength, and etc. But they also come with a special armament tailored to our signature ability uses.

Meribeth held up her metal bracelett. "This is called Mental Bypasser. It enhances my ability by allowing me to access certain areas other then just normal human brainwaves. The possibilities are endless. I can take control of animals, computers, satalites, magical barriers, anything that has a wave. All I need to do is configure the brace to the right wave and I can get in."

"So you configured your bracelett to the electrical waves surrounding the Railgun's brain." said Misaki with a grudging smile. "I'll admit, that's a handy device."

"Yes...except one setback." said Meribeth. "You see, it doesn't have a measure of attack for other telepaths."

"That's good for me.." said Misaki. Misaki's eyes widened and a bead of sweat traveled down her brow as she took a remote out of her bag and clicked it.

Meribeth suddenly staggered back and clutched her head, then she stood her ground determindly.

So you're going to go with that approach hmm?" Misaki heard Meribeth's voice in her mind. "I guess you don't have many options, if you don't I could have Railgun fry you, or I could have that other girl kill herself. But it's a futile attempt, after all, my A.E.A increases my normal psychic abilities..."

Misaki grinned. "Misaka was right, I do talk too much. But who said I was doing this to beat you? I know my limits...and if you say that armor enhances your abilities while you are a Level 5 like me...then it's obvious I wouldn't win this."

"Then certainly you must see that your attempts are futile."

"My attempts yes...but his are a rather different story."


"Amazing Punch!!!" Meribeth whirled around to find a fist hurtling at her. A burst of telekinetic energy later, and Meribeth hurtled through the air till she smashed against the asphalt, tearing apart rock as she tumbled, her bracelett let out a spark as it suddenly broke.

While Lucy Ashley remained blank and under Meribeth's control, Mikoto suddenly blinked and shook her head. "Huh?! What just happened!?"

The boy who had hurled the telekinetic punch grinned. "That should do it! Hey there you two! It's been a while!" The boy wore a white t shirt with the image of a sun on it. He wore a headband and a jacket on his shoulders like a cape.

"Gunha Sogiita!?" said Mikoto. "Okay, seriously! What the heck just happened!?"

"When we first decided to go looking for little Edolas Lucy here, I gave Attack Crash a call to meet us and help search." said Misaki. "Oh, and if you're wondering about the brief memory lapse, you were just under mind control."

"Wait, when the heck did you get Gunha's phone number!?" exclaimed Mikoto.

"Well ever since your little Level 6 rampage during the Daihaseisai last year, I thought it would be best to have him on speed dial."

"Of course you would." Mikoto muttered.

"Well well well." said the number 7 level 5 as he made his way to the other two. "This town's getting weirder huh? I mean the MISAKA clones I got used to. But now you Mental Out?"

"That's not a clone." said Mikoto. "It's a little more complicated then that."

"Well whatever she is, she sure is tough." said Gunha. "Cause it looks like she's getting back up."

Indeed, Meribeth was picking herself out of the cracked ground and dusting herself off. "Oh dear, you seem to have broken my Mental Bypasser. Oh well, I guess I could get a new one made later."

Meribeth looked up. "My, you look like 'Mega Punch' Sogin. How amusing."

"Mega-who?" said Gunha. "Did she just throw a derrogatory term at me or something?"

"No.." said Mikoto. "She thinks she still has the advantage because she has her under her control."

"That's quite right." said Meribeth as Lucy walked torwards her. "I have you precious Lucy Ashley right here, ready to kill herself if you so much as make a..."

Suddenly Lucy moved her hands quickly and took the surprised Meribeth over her shoulders and pulled her arms and legs downwards in a painful stretch. "Torture Technique 12! The Back-Crack Bridge!"

"WWWWWWWAAAAAAHHH!!!!" Cried Meribeth as tears streamed out of her eyes. "What the heck!!!?"

"Hahahaha!" Edolas Lucy laughed. "Take over my mind will ya!? Well get ready for Torture Technique 31! Studly Bomber!!"

 Lucy wraped her legs around Meribeth's  back from the rear and stretched the Meribeth's arms upwards in a painful stance.

"W-wow.." said Mikoto. "Lucy was right...she is violent."

"But how did you break free!?" cried out Meribeth.

"I guess I must have broken her concentration enough for her break out of the mind control or something.." Gunha muttered as he rubbed the back of his head. "Yeesh, glad I'm not the one on the end of that move."

Lucy Ashley was currently drilling her elbow into Meribeth's head as he held her in a head lock. "HAHAHAHA!! I was saving this one for the next time Natsu actually decided to talk back to me!!"

"H-help!" begged Meribeth. "This girl is a monster!!"

"Oh I don't know.." said Misaki with her usual innocent expression. "I don't think I wan't to get in her way.."

"Torture Technique 28: The Give Up Already Lock!"

"Please!" shouted Meribeth. "I'll do anything!!"

Mikoto, Gunha, and Misaki looked at each other.

"Anything?" said Mikoto.


"You promise?"


"Hmmm.." said Mikoto. "should I?"

"Well she makes a pretty convincing offer." said Misaki shrugging. "Just remove the bracelett when you get there, it may be broken, but she could still use it as a suggestive medium to control her normal powers like I do my remotes."

"Alright, I'm coming." Mikoto walked over with an amused smile on her face. "Hey Lucy, you can stop now.."

Suddenly Lucy grabbed Mikoto in a headlock with one arm as she headlocked Meribeth with the other. "New Double Torture technique! Head Drill!"

Edo Lucy brought the two girls's heads together and started noogying them against each other.

Mikoto, who always thought of Earthland Lucy as her Big Sister, felt hurt and confused.  "L-Lucy!? Why!?"

"Hah!! Thought you could get the drop on me by being nice! Eh?! General Mikaris!" said Edo Lucy. "Well now you're going to get a little bit of the pain!!"

"L-Lucy stop! I'm not-!"

"Get ready for my New Double Torture technique! Headlock Hell!"

"STOP!!" Like an instant miracle, Lucy Heartfillia ran in from behind Lucy Ashley and pulled her Edolas counterpart off of Mikoto and Meribeth.

Mikoto took that moment to rip the metal bracelett off of Meribeth's wrist and throw it in a nearby dumpster with a well aimed throw.

"Huh?" said Lucy Ashley taking a moment to look at her other self. "Hey! You're me from Earthland! Does that mean I actually made it!? Where's Natsu!?"

"He's alright, he's actually eating some barbeque-"

"No time for that!" said Edo Lucy, grabbing Lucy's shoulders, we have to get away from those Divine Generals before they capture us!"

Edo Lucy pointed at Mikoto, Misaki, and Gunha.

"Divine General?" said Gunha. "Is that like a video game or something?"

"Er.." said Lucy. "I don't know how to put this, but those aren't the divine generals...you're in the wrong Earthland, you see?"

"EH!?" Edo Lucy looked at Mikoto. "Hmmm...guess that explains the school gettup and no eyepatch."

"My Edolas self has an eyepatch?" said Mikoto. "How the heck did she lose an eye!?"

"Hehehehe.." Muttered Gunha. "Railgun the Pirate."

"Hey guys!!" Natsu ran over accompanied by Elli and Happy.

"Wow!" said Elli. "There's two Lucys!! And two Mental Outs!! Just like there were two Natsus! Oh Mikoto! Can we call one of your Sisters so we can have a twin party!?"

"Lucy can call out Gemini and we can play guess who is the real one!" said Happy.

Natsu, however, didn't stop to talk. He raced past Mikoto and the two Mental Outs, his fist engulfed in flames.


"ALRIGHT!!" Said Gunha with an excited expression. "LET'S DO THIS!!! COME ON NATSU!!"

Gunha and Natsu jumped into the air, preparing to throw down with each other. Suddenly there was a huge flash of lightning, and Gunha and Natsu lay charred on the ground.

"Do you two have to have a brawl every time you see each other!?" Mikoto yelled.

"But it's fun fighting Natsu..." Gunha whimpered from his place on the ground.

"Yeah...fight between bros yo.." said Natsu weakly pumping a fist bump with Gunha.

"And the intelligence level in the area lowers by about two degrees." Lucy muttered.

Mikoto kneeled down next to Meribeth and held her up by the collar of her A.E.A.

"Okay Misa- I mean Meribeth. Time to do good on your word." Said Mikoto as her bangs sparked dangerously. "And I don't think I should have to tell you what will happen if you don't fufill your promise."

Mikoto nodded at the two Lucys. The Edolas one cracked her fist and grinned menacingly.

"Fine.." grumbled Meribeth. "What do you want?"

"I want you to find a way to get us to your Edolas." said Mikoto.

Meribeth stared for a moment, then laughed. "You want to go to Psychic City!? You'll be screwed the moment you go in! You Earthland espers are no match for our A.E.A.s !!"

"I don't need an A.E.A to get my own powerboost." Mikoto growled. Immediatly, Mikoto's back sparked, and some massive wings made completely out of sparking electricity blasted outwards. some scale like patterns appeared on Mikoto's forearms and the edges of her eyes, and her teeth became more fang like.

"Wh-what are you!!?" said Meribeth. "How are you using magic without overloading!?"

"I'm a special girl." growled Mikoto as her wings dissapated and she returned to normal. "Now what's your answer Mental Out? Still think I don't have what it takes?"

Meribeth gulped. "Damn..my superiors aren't going to take this well....then again.."

Meribeth smiled slightly. " Leivess did say I had to bring them back alive, she didn't say if she wanted them captured or not. Hmmmm..........fine, when do we leave?"

"Right now of course." said Mikoto. "Lead the way."
