Swoon on the Moon

At Negaduck's hide out...

Liquidator: Tired of your angry, cheapskate boss? Would you rather take orders from a hot, snow witch with smooth curves, boiling red hair and yellow eyes filled with the deepest of cosmic evils?

Negaduck: You're both ticking me off.

Reina Penelope: We're sorry.

Liquidator: Speak for yourself, sister, cause I'm not.

Negaduck: Sorry my tail feathers! I hate you, yet, I can't bring myself to really hurt you. LEAVE. And you, Liquidator, make yourself useful and go rob a bank or something!

Liquidator: Ugh! Eeeee... alright, fine.

Reina Penelope: (sigh) Kay. I need a walk anyway, Negster.

She leaves for a stroll but is confronted by the Shadow Android. It yells in Japanese.

Reina Penelope: (girlish squeal) Well hello there! I'm not surprised you accidentally ended up here too. But hmm, I wonder who fixed you and reset you. (She swiftly freezes him with her staff and presses his eyes like a button.) Powered off. Good. You obviously retained some old memory files or else you wouldn't have come up to me. I'll take you to Quacker Jack's toy shop.

Later, at Quacker Jack's Toy Shop...

Quacker Jack: Holy peanut brittle, he looks so real. Turn him on, turn him on!

Reina Penelope: I need you to use your tinkering skills to reboot him with English as his default language first.

Quacker Jack: Any opportunity to let me make him into the best toy ever, is one that I just can't pass up! Come on, Megavolt, let's take him to the operating table and turn him into our minion.

They bring him to the table. Megavolt zaps the android. He wakes up and hops off the table, eyeing them suspiciously.

Quacker Jack: Hello, my evil new toy! My name is Quacker Jack. I'm your new master.

Megavolt: Hey how come you get to be his new master? I'm the one who filled him with electrical energy just now. He'll answer to me, not you.

Shadroid: I take orders from no one.

Quacker Jack: Oh look, he spoke English.

Reina Penelope: Soooo Shadow, do you know who I am at all?

Shadroid: Psh, no. And I don't care either.

Reina Penelope: Guess I was wrong about your memories being retained.

Megavolt: What about that disk you took from SHUSH? Could they be on there?

Reina Penelope: Brilliant! Turn him off and I'll stick it in.

Quacker Jack bounces behind the android and shuts him off with a drill. The android falls over in pain and blacks out. Reina is about to insert the disk but it reshapes into a chip and fuses onto the android's back, causing an epidermal layer to form all over him, making him look astonishingly real.

Megavolt: That disk must have been the finishing touch.

The android wakes up, stands and stares at them, blinking and thinking.

Quacker Jack: Didja change your mind about taking orders from any of us? Because I'm the most fun to take orders from.

Shadroid: Nothings changed, you babbling fool but I do remember... you, Mary Sue.

Elsewhere... Drake is having really weird dream.

Darkwing: Boy is it COLD. (Holds himself, looks at his chest... blush) Yikes! (He folds his arms over his boobs protectively, sees his reflection in a crystal-like wall.) DAH, I'm Reina Penelope! That's the last time I snack on caramel-corn before bed.

BING sound!

Emerald: Mortal, raise your head and gaze above... for It is I, The Damn Fourth Chaos Emerald. The white one, yes that's me!

Darkwing looks up, the emerald is spinning above his head.

Darkwing: Now I get it, this must be that memory exchange she was talking about. Hmmm, maybe I can use this supernatural experience to figure out how to catch Negaduck. She probably has all sorts of demented memories of him.

Emerald: Silly mortal, I decide which memories you get to see, not her. The staff is what attracts me not her or her memories. Now, welcome to Europa, Jupiter's icy moon!

Darkwing: Europa? No wonder I'm so cold! That's all the way across the galaxy! What are we doing here?

Emerald: She is a resident of this moon, one of a very few. I was teleported here when an android tried to chaos control but, being that he was inorganic, he was unable do so properly. And I have since been drawn to that mighty, magical staff.

Darkwing: You said that already. Wait, an android? The one from today I bet!

A yellow blur zooms past him.

Emerald: Yes, Darkwing Duck... that is the android that brought me here. I tried to use him to steal her staff. I tricked her by appealing to her weakness for bad boys and now you get to see the whole thing from her point of view. Isn't that superb?

Darkwing: I guess it could be worse.

Emerald: You see that blur blazing along the ice caps in the distance? That's him, she figured out that he wasn't real and got ever so angry.

Darkwing: To be fair, he looks very real.

Emerald: Well of course he does, he's a Shadow Android! Modeled after Shadow the Hedgehog, who is very real and the key to many-a fan girl's heart. Seriously Darkwing, get with the program.

Darkwing: Hey, I have plenty of fan girls, okay? And you're saying this robot is an evil version of a crime fighter in some other world. I get it. He's somebody's Negaduck.

Emerald: Negaduck is an organic life form and he plays a part in all this too. She won't catch Shadow, he's too fast. She'll have to use her staff. Oh, how I have such a crush on that staff. I think we could make some really cute crystal babies together.

Darkwing: That's... great. Look, shut up for a second. I wanna observe so I can solve a case.

Emerald: Observe all you want. This is after all, just a memory. She can't hear or see you, you're inside her head watching out of her eyes like a movie.

Darkwing: Perfect.

Reina Penelope: It's that stupid emerald! Its taken over your internal computer. Now you're a mindless, violent... WAH!

The Shadow Android jumps on her out of nowhere and pins her into the snow. On her back with him on top, she blocks him with her staff. He tries to yank it, pulling her to her feet accidentally.

Shadroid: Hand it over the staff so I can use it to teleport out of here!

Reina Penelope: Did the emerald promise you a better life away from the moon? Why are you letting it control you? You have such a powerful free will chip inside of you, Shadow!

Shadroid: You're just upset because I love a rock more than I love you! Get some self esteem, you little brat!

Reina Penelope: I'm upset because you're a douche bag! Let go of my staff, you jerk!

She yanks the staff from him. He jumps in the air, about to pound her but she bats him so hard with the staff that it breaks in half and he goes flying over a hill.

Reina Penelope: Oh man, didn't realize my own strength! I hope I didn't kill him.

She runs over the hill and find the Shadow Android busted opened with wire-guts spilling out of his torso. He is so totally dead.

Darkwing: Wow, that staff really IS powerful.

Reina Penelope: (Gasp) Oh no! I did! I killed you! Oh, I'm so sorry! You were like a boyfriend to me! (sob)

She holds the android delicately in her arms and cries... cause, it's Shadow, ya know? Or at least, close enough.

Darkwing: She does not have good luck with guys.

Emerald: HA! That's nothing. We haven't even explored her past with Negaduck yet.

Darkwing: That's the part I need to see so I can figure out how to catch him! I have one goal and that's to put a felon in jail.

Emerald: I suppose.

Darkwing: You suppose? Don't you feel bad for what you did? You know, me and Morgana are an odd couple too but that doesn't mean we don't make it work.

Emerald: Of course I don't feel bad. I am the force of chaos, I have no feelings. How silly of you to even ask! And the girl was in love with a robot. If you wanna talk morals then I did her a favor. Now wake up, Darkwing Duck!
