Follow the Leader

The villains find Negaduck still snuggling the emerald at the hide out.

Negaduck: Where have you losers been?

Megavolt: Tell him.

Reina Penelope: Nope, this idea is between you four and him.

Negaduck: What idea? You guys haven't been trying to think have you?

Megavolt: See, THAT! Right there, that's what we're talking about! This is why you'd make a better leader! That's why we want to vote him out.

Negaduck: Vote me out? This ain't a democracy! Even if it was, this ain't majority rules. I'm in charge and that's that, the end. And you! Witch-face! You're lucky I don't rip your head off!

Megavolt: Jealous, are we?

Negaduck: Did I say you could talk, Sparky?

Megavolt: GRAAAHHH! DON'T... CALL... ME... SPARKY!!!!!

Bolts burst from Megavolt, one hits the emerald, it starts to levitate, then it spins.

Liquidator: Oh no! What did you do?

Rays start flying out of the emerald. Meanwhile, outside, Darkwing sees the chaos while riding the Rat Catcher. He turns around and heads toward the rays.

Darkwing: Electrical rays? The suns about to rise, don't tell me those guys have been at it all night! And yeah, I wasn't really gonna quit crime fighting, I was just flustered, okay? Anyhow...

Back with the Bad guys, a bolt almost hits Megavolt's butt.

Megavolt: Holy smokes!

Reina blocks a bolt with her staff, it bounces and...

Darkwing: I am the terror that flaps in the....

...hits Darkwing.

Bushroot: Where the heck did he come from?

Reina slams her staff onto the emerald. It stops. The F5 stand over Darkwing.

Liquidator: I think he's dead.

Negaduck: Really? YES! GREAT! Good work, Megavolt!

Megavolt: You mean it? Even after we wanted to vote you out of the Fearsome 5?

Negaduck: Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that...

Negaduck grabs Megavolt.

Bushroot: Hey, you guys, look! Darwking's still alive!

Darkwing awakes.

Negaduck: Get him!

Quacker Jack, Megavolt, The Liquidator, and Bushroot tackle Darkwing.

Negaduck: You see, they'll always listen to ME.

Megavolt: Hey, we shouldn't have to do what Negaduck tells us. We like Penelope better, remember?

Liquidator: Yeah, but we hate Darkwing Duck.

Quacker Jack: Do YOU want us to kill Darkwing Duck?

Negaduck pulls out a huge gun.

Negaduck: GRAH! You saps! Get out of my way! You, finish this creep.

Negaduck tosses Penny the gun.

Darkwing: Too chicken to finish me off yourself huh, Negaduck?! We already know she won't do it!

Darkwing snatches the gun, leaps over them and grabs the emerald.

Negaduck: What's the matter with you!? Why didn't you shoot him!?

Reina Penelope: Why me? Why not one of them?

Negaduck: They're too incompetent.

Darkwing takes off.

Bushroot: Hey, Darkwing's getting away!

Negaduck: Well, then quit standing around and go get him!

Megavolt: (folds his arms) I thought you said we were too incompetent.

Quacker Jack: Yeah, you don't think we can, so why should we try?

Negaduck runs after Darkwing but Darkwing gets on his bike and drives away before Negs can catch up. Negaduck stomps back inside.

Negaduck: You're all a bunch of KNOBS!!!

Reina Penelope: Negaduck, if you hate Darkwing so much, why didn't you shoot him when you had the chance?

Megavolt: Well, I hate him too.

Liquidator: Yeah, so do I...

Quacker Jack: (as mr. bb) I speak for us all when I say, that we have a mutual hatred for Darkwing Duck.

Negaduck: And if you want to be apart of the Fearsome 5, you have to hate him too!

Reina Penelope: But I don't, I can't just hate someone because you tell me too.

From outside a troop of Shush police surround the building with Darkwing Duck. They speak over a megaphone.

Shush Official: We've got the place surrounded, see? Release the Shush hostages and come out with your hands up!

Liquidator: Shush hostages? What's he talking about?

Quacker Jack sticks mr. bb out the window.

Quacker Jack: I don't know. Mr. Banana Brain will find out... (as mr bb) We don't know what your talking about! Leave us alone!

Back w/the GOOD guys, DW grabs the megaphone.

Darkwing: Fun's over, Quacker Jack! Face the wrath of Darkwiiiiig Duck.

Shush Official: I give the orders around here!

Darkwing: Well what do you plan on doing? Sit here while Quacker Jack puts on a puppet show? We're waisting time!

Shush Official: We have to make sure the Shush agents are safe before we attack.

Darkwing: Then let me go back in there and find them for you!

Shush Official: No! It's your fault they were captured in the first place! Our head leader is in there and its because of you!

Darkwing: How is it MY fault? I mean, sure I introduced a criminal to your secret spy equipment, but it was an accident! Give it a rest already!

Shush Official: We cannot rest until the hostages are freed!

Darkwing: I KNOW that! Enough of this! You can't tell me what to do!

Darkwing heads up the stairs, Reina greets him by appearing with the icy spin of her staff.

Reina Penelope: Back so soon?

Darkwing: What-dah, who-da... Oh, it's just you. Like I should really be scared of YOU.

Reina Penelope: Just because I show you a little mercy, doesn't mean I'm not just as bad as the rest of those guys up there.

Darkwing: Why do you help those guys? They're not your friends, ya know.

Reina Penelope: I know. That was a lot of chaos energy. You probably have all my memories now.

Darkwing: How could you just have my memories? How could I have yours?

Reina Penelope: Ask that emerald you jacked from Negaduck. Maybe it thought you were him. That, and I used dark magic from my staff to read into you, but just a little bit.

Darkwing: Whatever. Just because I show you a little mercy, doesn't mean you're not a criminal.

He shoots puddy all over her.
