✧The past ✧

The room the two of you were in was cold. Water drops falling through the roof's hole down the wooden floor was the only sound that could be heard. Not even a single breath could overcome that sound.
Letting out a shaking breath you looked up at the male before you. His indigo eyes pierced your soul as he looked directly at you, making you feel like you'd been brainwashed by his emotions. The fear, anger, relief, emotions which you have yet never felt before. It all filled your mind within seconds
"Don't you dare act like that after all you have done."

His voice had a clear tone of disappointment. After all you've been through, you only thought about one thing, and that was to find him. Now you did, but it felt as if you were the seeking target now. Being tied to the chair, unable to move, and ready to be slain by the man before you. It wouldn't surprise you if he would actually go through with it.
"What on earth made you disobey my rules?"
He uttered while narrowing his eyes. You bit your lower lip, trying to pull yourself together "I-"

"Did I allow you to speak yet?"
He looked at you with his usual cold expression before pulling his hand off your chin, allowing you to look down at the floor again
"Rules always come with priorities, that also means if breaking them the responsible person has to take the consequences" He spoke while a slightly noticeable smirk formed on his face

"I trust you already knew what would happen if you would get caught, but somehow you still had the audacity to go through with it?"
He spoke in a teasing manner while wandering around the room in circles
"And here we are, you got caught, and now you have to face the consequences. A little punishment wouldn't hurt you after all you've done"
Scaramouche mumbled while putting his hand beneath his chin into a thinking position.
You shot your gaze upwards, to look at him
"Your insane."
You stuttered with fear reflecting in your eyes

"Maybe so, but isn't that what defines us from normal beings?"

You repeated with a puzzled look. Suddenly he stopped walking, staring with silence to the roof he began to laugh, though you have heard his laugh several times before, this one it sounded different.
The smile that had formed on his face looked forced like there was a serious more saddening reason behind it
"I believe by now it shouldn't be surprising that I am not human. I wouldn't even think of myself as something similar to that"

You looked at him, as he continued his speech "I don't even own a heart, it's laughable really, but not for you. You're just as miserable as me, not being able to feel certain emotions or to understand these weird human emotions-"

"You're wrong."
You interrupted his sentence, before continuing
"Just because I can't understand them fully doesn't mean that I am completely different from them. Human or not it doesn't matter in this world, nothing does"
You spoke, trying to hide the fear that had built up from inside of you

"Does it not, huh? Would you still not care about it, if you knew that you used to be human, but got turned into some kind of monster, all because your own family gave you away in order to continue living a perfect life for their own sake?"
Scaramouche stated, looking at you with his cold intimidating eyes. You on the other hand stared directly at the floor with wide eyes, your heart felt as if it sank to the floor after hearing him say that

Your hands began to tremble, and so did your legs. Scaramouche rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh he continued

"Ugh, as I was saying, you used to be a human being, but you and your family were poor, too poor to live a normal happy life and to be able to pay off debts on time. Then one day someone from the Fatui made an offer. They could hand someone from their family to the Fatui instead of having to pay off their monthly debts. Your family took the offer and handed you over without a second thought. Now look at what happened to you. You have become some kind of non-human monster due to the experiments performed on you in the Fatui.
And you're trying to tell me that you don't care? Aren't you craving revenge ?" Scaramouche spoke while glaring at you with his piercing eyes.

Was he saying the truth?
Or was he lying?
You didn't want to believe it, but the rage that filled you overtook your mind
"Also, I think it's important for you to know that the next mission we're going to take on in Sumeru involves asking your then family about the remaining monthly debt. If they are unable to pay, you will undertake the execution" he spoke in a teasing matter
"I told you that you'll get a punishment, didn't I? I thought this will do precisely"
You stared up from the floor directly into Scaramouche's eyes

"And there I was thinking that I'll get a real punishment."

I had to rewrite this chapter so often OMFGGG. I am still feeling conflicted about certain parts, but I hope that you enjoyed it anyway😗😗
See you in the next chapter!!!
