Chapter 8

After what felt like not long enough, the bell rang indicating the time for lunch. The classroom got quiet as no one knew what they were supposed to do. We all watched as Shota slowly rose from the floor and made his way to the podium. 

"It's time for lunch," he said in his usual exhausted voice. "Go to the cafeteria to order from Lunch Rush and then come back here." Shota began to leave the classroom and turned one last time to look at the class and made eye contact with you. Nobody else noticed, but you saw the small smile that had crept onto his face for less than a millisecond. He left the room and everyone got ready to go to the cafeteria. 

The class left as a group but a few people turned around when you started walking in the opposite direction. 

"Shirakumo-Kun, aren't you coming to lunch?" Uraraka asked. A few people kept walking toward the cafeteria but the others stayed behind and were standing next to Uraraka wondering the same thing. 

You looked at them. "Ah, I'm going to the bathroom first. You can go without me, I'll catch up." 

"Oh, okay," Uraraka seemed to be trying to decide whether to stay with you or go to the cafeteria. Luckily, someone else decided for her. 

"Come on, Ochaco!" Hagakure pulled Uraraka's arm, saving you from trying to convince Uraraka to go. You sighed with relief. "Thanks, Hagakure." 

You made your way to the bathroom and slipped inside until you were sure that your classmates had turned down the corridor and could no longer see you. You walked out of the bathroom and went to the teacher's lounge. As usual, Nemuri is the first to notice your arrival. 

"Hey, Y/N!!" Nemuri waved from the table she was sitting at. "How do you like your class?" There was a slight smirk in her expression. 

"It's better than I thought it would be," you say walking by her table toward the "kitchen" area. She gets up and follows you. You can tell she wants to hear more and you aren't surprised. Nemuri has always been the type to gossip. You decide to continue. "They aren't too bad, at least so far. A few of them are pretty loud but I'll manage." 

"Not as bad as Hizashi 24/7?" Nemuri says completely reading my mind. 

I nod. "Mhm, exactly." It turns out that this conversation wasn't being held privately considering the deafening scream you hear from across the room. 

"HEY!!" Hizashi shouted, stomping over to you and Nemuri. You stand there, staring at him blankly as Nemuri fails to hold in her laughter. Hizashi continues to "angrily"  make his way toward you and Nemuri but not before failing to keep up the act and bursting into laughter. You stood there, stone-faced, watching the two wheeze and cackle from both sides of you. You soon walked away and began to microwave the mac and cheese you left in the fridge that morning. At one point when you weren't paying attention, Shota walked in because he came up behind you while you were staring at the mac and cheese spinning in the microwave. 

"What's up with those two?" he said, making you jump. He pointed at Nemuri and Hizashi still dying of laughter behind the two of you. You glance back to see exactly what you were hearing. 

"Who knows at this point," you say, turning back to the microwave. Shota nods his head at a tilted angle to show his agreement and then began to make his lunch. 


About 20 minutes before the bell rang, you said your goodbyes to the school staff and made your way back to your homeroom. Realizing how much time you had, you decided to go back to the music room. Arriving at your destination, you slid into the room and closed your eyes, and inhaled. Taking in the smell of brass and metal instruments. After a moment, you opened your eyes to see someone sitting at the piano staring at you. It was the same boy you had seen that morning. You both just stared at each other not knowing what to do as you were both introverts. You realized that he was becoming more and more uncomfortable and decided that you would have to make the first move. 

"Um," you began not knowing what to say. His head tilted up from the floor as he looked at you again. "I-I'm Y/N Shirakumo." You thought it would be the safest to introduce yourself plus then you would know his name. "Nemuri said his name is Hitoshi Shinso but I want to make sure of it myself."  

"A-Amaj-jiki... I'm T-Tamak-ki Amaj-jiki," he stuttered out. His face was tinted a soft pink which you found cute. 

"I knew Nemuri was wrong." 

"Class 3-A," he suddenly said. You showed little expression of your surprise to his statement but tilted your head. Even he seemed surprised he said anything but continued. "I-I'm in Class 3-A." 

"Oh," you came to the understanding of him telling you his homeroom and nodded. "I'm in Class 1-A." "So he's a third-year." 

The two of you stayed in the music room until the end of the lunch break. Just introducing yourselves and slowly getting comfortable with each other's presence. You bonded over music and learned that he mainly plays the piano and you enjoy the violin. 

The bell rang much sooner than the two of you had wanted as you both groaned at the sound of having to go back to your respective homerooms. You stood up from the piano stool where you had taken a seat halfway through the conversation. Amajiki did the same. Walking to the door together, you said your goodbyes. 

"It was nice talking to you," Amajiki said, turning to you as you reached the doorway. 

You smiled at him. "Same time tomorrow?" 

"Sure. See you tomorrow, Shirakumo-San." And with that, Amajiki slid open the door and started walking down the hall toward the third-year hallway. You also stepped out of the room but instead of heading to your homeroom, you shouted to Amajiki down the hall. "Call me, Y/N!!" 

Satisfied, you spun around and walked in the opposite direction to your homeroom. Since your back was turned, you didn't see Amajiki turn back with a smile and blush as he watched you turn the corner. 




I don't know about you guys but if I were you, I would be very excited that we finally got to have a real conversation with Tamaki. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed!! 
