Chapter 10

You woke up just as Hizashi was exiting the room.

"FAREWELL, CLASS 1-A!!" Hizashi called out to the class with a dramatic wave of his whole arm. He then left before he could see the glare you were giving him.

Once he was out the door, you leaned back and sighed with your eyes closed, knowing that if you tried to go back to sleep, you would be woken up again by the bell within 2 minutes. But then you thought, "Sleep is sleep. And I'm going to sleep." ...until the most annoying voice you have ever heard interrupted your pre-nap.

"Rise and shine~" said the voice.

You decided to keep your eyes closed in hopes that they would get the hint. Unfortunately, they didn't.

"Hey." This time the person poked your arm. 

Your eyes flew open and you stood up. It was Mineta. "Never touch or talk to me ever again," you said to the miniature purple pervert with a deadly glint in your eyes.

He shrugged and looked at you with the most obnoxious face ever, completely ignoring what you just said. "All I said was 'rise and shine'. What's so bad about that?" As he said this, you saw his hand inch toward your leg. 

"Rise and shine, indeed." You said this with a stone-cold expression and a certain red tint in your right eye. Your wings fluttered out of your back and whirled the air up so that everyone began to drift upward. 

"Wahh!" your classmates screamed in the air. 

"What's going on?" Momo shouted as she held down the front of her skirt with her hands.

You floated up with the rest of your class. Good thing you wore tights underneath your skirt.

"Now, Mineta," you said to the small being with a slight smirk. "You have one last chance to save yourself, all you have to do is apologize. What will it be?" 

You could hear your classmates still screaming but most of them now were trying to figure out what was happening. "What did Mineta do this time", "What's Shirakumo doing", "She looks so cool right now", "Wait, she has wings", "Bro, she's low-key scary, look at her eyes", you heard them all say.

Still, Mineta tried to act tough and stand his ground that he couldn't reach from up here. 

"'Rise and shine', huh? I see the rise but where's the shine?" he said with a smirk, thinking that his remark had got you. 

You tilted your head to the right. "Very well then." You positioned your left foot and pulled back your right. As smoothly and gracefully as if you were on solid ground but instead you were standing on oxygen-particle-filled air. Leaning backward so that your right arm lined up with your right leg and your left arm pointed straight upward to the near ceiling, you looked down as bright sparkles sparked all around your hands, slowly creeping up your arms to your shoulders. You are now completely covered in pixie dust and are ready. "Just remember," you called to Mineta. "You asked for this!!" Your left leg lifted and you looked Mineta dead in the eye with a smile. Your entire body whirled toward him. "Shine!!!" 

A big gust of air blew everywhere from your body as you whirled twice and all the sparks darted toward the once "tough" Mineta who was now screeching at the top of his lungs with the most terrified face you have ever seen. You almost laughed at his expression. 

Mineta was consumed by the pixie dust and is now unconscious. He fell to the floor with a thud, his skin glowing slightly from the sparks. It was silent for a few beats. And suddenly, the entire class erupted in cheers and applause. 

"Whoo!! Y/N!" Uraraka shouted as she did somersaults in the air. The boys clapped and whistled as you turned to your classmates in surprise. There have been many times that you lashed out at someone because they had disrespected you just as Mineta did but never has anyone cheered afterward. Well, Nemuri and Hizashi don't count. Shota wasn't one to cheer but he did congratulate.

Everyone began to 'swim' toward you and they all crowded around.

"That was so womanly/manly!!" Kirishima shouted with so much excitement that it made you excited. 

The girls kept screaming and squealing over each other and no one could understand what any of them were saying. 

You never thought that being around so many people with so much noise could be fun but you were smiling and happy that you were in this class. Everybody ended up laughing since they couldn't understand the girls. 

Shota soon entered the room in confusion.

"What in the name of All Might," was all that he said as he looked up at his homeroom class floating in his classroom laughing. And almost immediately, the entire class swung their heads down to the front of the room where Shota stood. 

Denki was the first to speak. "Hey, Sensei!!" He waved and rolled in the air. 

Shota ignored him and turned to you who had the blankest expression to everyone except for Shota. He tilted his head at you. 

"Heh," you said, sheepishly. "Sorry."

You slowly decreased the air pressure and lowered your classmates down to the floor. 

"Aww!" they whined as many of their legs gave out the moment they touched the ground. A few landed on desks or chairs and simply sat there. Once everyone was back in their respective seats, Shota walked to the lectern and looked out at his class.

"Anybody care to explain." You weren't sure if he meant that as a question or not but it sounded more like a demand. He scanned the room for raised hands but of course, nobody did. But that doesn't mean no one answered him either. 

Iida cleared his throat. "From my perspective, it seems that Mineta had disrespected Shirakumo who put him in his rightful place," he explained, gesturing to Mineta's limp body in front of the lectern. Shota leaned over the lectern slightly to peek at the body but looked up again as Iida continued to speak. "With all due respect, sir, I believe that Shirakumo should receive no punishment for her actions. It has only been one day and Mineta has already annoyed all of the girls, and some of the boys as well, with his distasteful behavior." 

The class nodded in agreement and Shota looked around the room at how all of your classmates were defending you. Then he began to lean on the lectern even further. The lectern creaked as it tilted forward until it dropped on top of Mineta's body. It landed with a thud and a dust cloud blew out from under. Everyone coughed and looked from the lectern to Shota in shock. 

Shota shrugged with a sly smile. "Oops."

You and your classmates gaped at your homeroom teacher as he simply shrugged after dropping a lectern on one of his students on the first day of school. You began to laugh and the class joined you and applauded Shota.

"This is going to be a great year," you and Shota thought.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


This was a great chapter, not one dull moment.

I did quite a nice job if I do say so myself.

Okay, enough with the self-praise.

Thank you all for your support! You truly are my motivation.

My only motivation, if I'm being honest.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for the next one!

Make sure to check out my other stories as well!

Love you all!!! <3
