
As my eyes fluttered open I was vaguely aware of the sound of someone else breathing and I froze instantly, barely daring to open my eyes as I was 90% sure I was about to be murdered by a psycho who had broke into my room. What it actually was was more shocking but honestly I couldn't help but smile. It was Oikawa. Still on Skype and fast asleep. He was curled up, a hand by hand face and cutely covering his nose and mouth. An idea popped into my head and I snuck downstairs to find a paper bag my mum uses for her lunches. When I came back up I filled it with air, holding it in one hand. I almost didn't wanna wake him as I looked at his serene sleeping face that almost seemed.. prettier than usual.

But I'm an asshole.

So I slammed my hands together, the bag popping with a loud bang in the middle and Oikawa almost shit himself as he jumped awake. I fell about in giggles and he was confused for a millisecond before he pouted.

"You're so mean" he sighed sleepily

"I know" I grinned as he sat up, his hair sitting up awkwardly on one side of his head and my hand itched to flatten it even if I couldn't. I kicked myself mentally for thinking about how cute it was.. I remember how I fell asleep, we had been discussing the possibility of aliens on the moon and I drifted off... he must of done the same; neither of us hanging up. A small blush came to my face as the thought of "you just virtually slept together" popped into my head.

"You wanna go get breakfast before school?" he asked, scratching his head.

"Are you buying?" I smirked

"Yep" he grinned

"Then I'm in" I giggled

"Meet me outside the train station in an hour!" he sang as his image disappeared from my screen; leaving me smiling to myself as I moved to find my uniform and start on the mess that was my morning hair. I showed up outside the station 10 minutes early but he was already waiting, when he turned he smiled.

"You look like a chibi pirate" he laughed as soon as I got there, I gave him a swift kick to the shin "ow!"

"Where are we getting breakfast?" I asked, not even acknowledging the pirate comment.

"I know a place" he smiled, leading me down the street in the direction of the school. I moved fast to keep up with him "so how's the eye?"

"Bruised and really gross" I smiled "wanna see?"

"I'm fine thanks" he laughed

"What a wimp" I shook my head with a teasing smile. He chuckled, pushing his hands into the pockets of his trousers. The girls uniform was almost a direct copy of the boys, checked skirt, red bow, blue shirt, white blazer - somewhat more formal than Karasuno's was.. Oikawa chatted away bout the English homework as I walked beside him. He stopped outside a food truck a few blocks from the school.

"Mornin' - what can I get ya?" the woman leaned over the counter.

"Two lots of your finest waffles please" Oikawa grinned and the lady smiled back, turning into her truck to make our breakfast.

"So, why did you pick here for breakfast?" I asked

"My dad took me here after volleyball all the time" he chuckled "their waffles are like heaven in a greasy bag"

"I'm excited then" I giggled, he smiled down at my laugh "what?"

"Nothing" he shook his head as the woman came back with a sort of cone shape of waffles in a very greasy looking bag; covered in whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

"Holy shit" I breathed as Oikawa paid

"I know" he laughed as I took a bite

"Holy SHIT" I repeated, this got him properly laughing

"You've got cream on your nose" he said, reaching over and wiping it off with his thumb. I blushed and dropped his gaze as we continued walking to school. His hand brushing mine every so often, by the time we got to school Oikawa had me nearly peeing myself with laughter at some dumb as joke we told. Iwaizumi noticed us laughing from across the corridor and walked over.

"Hey guys" he said warily

"Hey" I breathed, finally getting my breathing under control "I wanna stay but I gotta go talk to Tomoko, I'm disbannde from volleyball this weeks thanks to this thing" I pinged the strap of my eye patch slightly "catch you guys in homeroom!"


Oikawa watched her leave with a small smile of fondness on her face as her brightly dyed hair disappeared down the corridor.

"Don't even think about it" Iwaizumi snapped, bringing him from his trance.

"Think about what?" he frowned

His friend sighed "you'll date her a week and decide you don't like her that way like you always do, and I like having her has a friend - so do not think about it"

"I.. I don't know how I feel" Oikawa admitted as the two boys moved to their lockers "yes, that is how it usually goes with girls - cause they never actually want to date me they want to be able to tell their friends they dated me"

Iwaizumi raised his eyebrows at the sudden honesty "but she's different, she's smart, headstrong as hell, independent" he sighed with a small smile on his face "and god, I never know where I stand"


"Sometimes she'll blush and smile and be cute, and other times she'll snap insults" he sighed "not sure where I stand" he repeated

"I might not approve of it" Iwa sighed "but please work through your feelings before you try anything, she's a good friend and I don't want to deal with her heart broken if you throw her aside" then shrugged "she might not even be interested"

"Yeah" Oikawa sighed in response "I guess you're right, Iwa-chan"
