
I grinned as I rounded the corner, the familiar Karasuno volleyball gym coming into view and I found myself increasing my pace to get there fast. The door clanked open loudly as it always did and the familiar smell of sweat and floor cleaner clogged into my nose.

"MAKI-SAN!" came an excited yell and I smiled as I saw Noya and Tanaka running at me. The both of them smothered me into a hug and happy tears pricked as I struggled in moving my hands to hug them back.

"Guys" I wheezed "I can't breathe"

"Sorry" Noya laughed as he let me go, he looked down at my Aoba Johsai track suit top "ew, how dare you walk upon Karasuno soil in that"

"I'm sorry" I giggled "I just came from practice"

"Rena!" Koushi's voice came and I looked past the two second years to see my friend. They let me walk past them and I half jogged into his open arms.

"Urgh, Koushi I missed you" I grinned as he squeezed me. He held me at arms length and grinned happily.

"I missed you too, gosh!" he sighed "I'm not lasting in Geography by myself"

"Are we invisible?" Daichi's voice came and I turned to see Asahi and Daichi looking on with raised eyebrows. I may have known Suga my whole life but those two had been my friends for all of high school. I ran over to hug them too.

"You up for a game?" Daichi asked, looking to Coach Ukai for a moment for permission who gave a vague nod.

"Always" I grinned


I sighed as I walked into training after a long day on Monday. The weekend had been amazing, I stayed at Suga's and we played a lot of video games with Asahi and Daichi and ate more pizza than three self respecting teenagers should. It made me realise how much I was missing Karasuno, especially when I ran into Yui and she told me the team wasn't the same without me. I was feeling blue.

Training went normally - warm ups, drills and then individual practice for our routines. I found myself tuning out, not particularly interested and feeling very dejected today. Plus the weather was just awful.

I heard a shout and then suddenly pain in my face as I took a skate of a 2nd year practicing a camel spin. I felt my skates give up under me and I slid backwards, crashing on to the cold ice ass first. My hand shooting to my face. The team stopped, all skating over frantically. I could feel warm, sticky blood seep on to my hand.

"Maki-san, are you okay?" Tomoko asked, I removed my hand, trying to open my eye but all I could see on the left was red blood "shit, that looks like it hurts - I think I need to take you to the hospital"

I groaned as a load of hands helped me to my feet. Tomoko put my hand around my waist as another girl pushed tissues into my hands. I wadded them up and held them to my closed eye, sucking in a breath at the pain. I stumbled as we left the gym and towards Tomoko's little car in the rain, only her taking off her skates but walking out in her socks.

"Maki?" came a voice and I turned as we left the school grounds to see a slightly damp Iwaizumi in his tracksuit, his eyes widened when he saw I was holding a load of bloody tissues to my face "shit, what happened?"

"Took a skate to the face" I said "I gotta go to the emergency room"

"Wait, I think I have an ice pack from lunch.." he said, digging in his bag before pulling out a bright blue pack and handing it to me. I pulled the tissues and replaced it with my ice pack.

"Thanks so much" I said, moving to Tomoko's car.

"Text me when you're better!" Iwa called after us and I managed a thumbs up as I walked into Tomoko's front seat - my face now throbbing in pain. I groaned at the pain in my face.

"You seem a bit distant today, are you alright, Maki-san?" Tomoko asked

"I'm fine" I smiled "I mean I might have a black eye... just tired as all"

"Okay" she smiled as she hit the gas. I bit my lip, my eyes watering through the pain.


"You'll be totally fine" the very kind nurse said as she attached the last butterfly stitch to my cheek bone. Apparently the blood was nothing to worry about, the skate had barely grazed me- just a shallow cut that had bled a lot. I was going to have a load of bruising and I was getting an eye patch to wear as well "I'll just get you your pain killers, back in a moment" and with that she left. I sighed, fishing my phone out my bag and my eyes widened.

5 missed calls - Oikawa

I jumped as it started ringing in my hand again, Oikawa's name started flashing on my screen and I frowned as I picked up.

"Oikawa, is everything okay?" I asked

"Maki!" he exclaimed "Are you okay? Iwa-chan said he saw you go to the hospital and you were bleeding?!"

"Don't get your panties in a knot, Oikawa" I giggled "I'm fine, just a bruise"

"Oh" he said "you're really alright?"

"I'm fine" I blushed

"That's good - are you in pain?" concern was laced in his voice

"A little" I shrugged "the nurse is getting me something to help"

"Are you alone?" he asked

"Yeah, Tomoko drove me but she had to go home when she knew I was okay.." I said

"I'll come walk you" he said

"No, it's okay - honestly I'm fine" I chuckled, my cheeks hot now at his sudden caring attitude "might walk into a lamp post cause of the eye patch but apart from that"

"Eye patch?" he asked

"To stop my cut getting infected" I shrugged

"I bet it looks cute on you" he chuckled "send me a picture?"

"You want me to send you a picture of me with an eye patch?" I cocked my eyebrow

"Yeah!" he laughed

"You're so weird" I sighed, the nurse came back in "I should go, the nurse is back"

"Okay, call if you need anything, okay - you promise?"

"I-I promise" I stuttered

"Okay, I hope you feel better soon" he sang happily as he hung up the phone. I stared at the screen with a blush on my face.

"Boyfriend?" the nurse asked

"N-n-no" I said quickly "just my friend"

She smiled almost knowingly as she handed me my pills and let me be discharged.


I sighed as I pushed open the door to my empty hose, the sound of the door clicking shut behind me echoed through out the house. I sighed, looking at my painkillers and threw them on to the couch. My phone beeped and I pulled it out as I trudged up to my bedroom.

One new message: Oikawa

Hey, I wanna see that eyepatch! ;) x

I chuckled as I pulled off my training clothes and slid into my sweat shorts and an old T shirt and fuzzy slipper boots before opening my camera.. couldn't hurt right? I held it up, smiling kind of awkwardly and sticking out my tongue. The movement of skin on my face hurt a little but I ignored it as I sent it to Oikawa. 

While I waited I pulled open my laptop as I sat at my desk, should probably start my homework at least.However, the sound of someone phoning me on Skype made me look to see Oikawa's picture flashing on my screen. I dithered about answering, but in the end I hit the green button to accept the call.

"What?" I deadpanned

"Oh it's real!" he laughed, his image on my screen was a little fuzzy but I couldn't help but smile at the fact he was wearing alien pyjamas while sitting on his bed "the picture was so cute I had to see for myself"

I shot him a pissed off look "can I hang up now?"

"Noooo!" he whined "talk to me for a while"

"Do I have to?" I smirked and he just jutted his bottom lip out more and I caved "fine - what are you doing?"

"Playing Magic Mystica" he answered and I only just noticed the controller in his hands

"You mean the great Oikawa Tooru is a massive video game nerd?" I gasped in mock horror "I will alert the media, your fans will be devastated!"

"I know, imagine Oikawa-senpai liking something other than volleyball?" he said with a touch of frost and my eyes widened

"Can I play?" I asked, trying to unpluck the nerve I'd just hit "I love that game"

"Really?" he grinned "Sure!"

I moved from my desk to my bed, booting up my Play Station and curling my legs into my chest. Oikawa was smiling on my screen on the bed in front of me.

"What? I asked as I loaded up the game

"You look cute" he chuckled "are those socks or slippers?"

"They're both you uncultured swine" I giggled

"Of course, my mistake, many apologies" he chuckled

"Can we do a multiplayer quest?" I asked as the title screen popped up "what's your username?"

"ExtraTooruestrial" he said and there was a beat of silence before I dissolved into giggles

"Oh my god, you're such a dork" I managed between laughs as I typed it in and sent him a friend request.

"Says you, Makirena" he sighed "how boring!"

"it sounds like macarena!" I said indignantly, and he laughed

"Right, obviously - how didn't I notice that?" he smiled, looking me in the eyes through the screen. As the game loaded my eyes widened at his game avatar.

"Holy shit, Oikawa - you're pimped the fuck out" I said "how did you get dragon skin boots?!"

"More hours playing this game than I would care to admit" he smiled and I found myself grinning as we started a quest. We played for absolute hours, laughing and joking over Skype as we did. We took a quick break for me to take some pain killers and for him to answer the door for the pizza he'd ordered.

"This is really fun" he smiled through a mouthful of cheese and tomato and I smiled at the sploge of sauce on his chin.

"Oikawa" I said, he looked up and I pointed at my own chin "you got a little.."

"That's so embarrassing" he pouted

"It's not, it's cute" I said then realised what I'd said and blushed, I looked at him and his eyes were wide as if I'd totally caught him off guard and he didn't know how to snap back something witty for once.

"Th-thanks" he mumbled

"Wanna play another round?" I asked quickly to cover the deafening silence.

"Sure" he smiled, I noticed the cute pink blush that had risen to his cheeks and I decided. This was my favourite Oikawa.
Oikawa at 2 am with pizza on his shirt, blushing at being called cute and geeking out about a pair of heart cure potions in a game meant for kids ages 5 - 14.
