CHP 2: Teresa

We've been in this place for 3 months and everything seems to be going well. The thing that's bugged me the most is that Thomas and I have rarely talked, and when we do, it's awkward. I can tell that he still hasn't completely forgiven me for what I did in The Scorch. The first few weeks of our arrival in Paradise, I gave him some space, figuring he needed some time after going through what had happened. I always thought that we could at least be friends again... But now that doesn't seem to be the case and it's really killing me. I've tried to approach him quite a few times, but he's always with friends or fending off some annoying girl trying to flirt with him. As a result, I've been hanging out with Harriet, Sonya and Elizabeth, girls from Group B. Don't get me wrong, they're fantastic friends, but I want to be with Thomas. He's the person that I've known the longest and am closest to. He is.. Or was my best friend. I don't want to throw that all away. So I've decided once and for all to confront him today and settle everything.
It's lunch time and I'm sitting in the Mess Hall, chatting with my friends when I see Thomas walk in and sit down. He starts talking to Newt and Minho and I can't help but stare at him. I look at his chocolate brown eyes and messy brown hair. His adorable dimples and cheeky smile. I'm probably drooling by the time Sonya gets my attention.

"Teresa? Teresa!" She playfully punches my arm. I turn away from Thomas and face her, "Oh, uh sorry."

Harriet gives Sonya and Elizabeth a knowing look. They all grin at each other. "What?" I say, annoyed.

"Well it's pretty obvious you love Thomas.." Sonya says, with a smug grin on her face. 

I stutter and blush my face turning red, "Wha-? No, no I don't."

"Yes you do." Elizabeth chips in.

I give in, not wanting to argue anymore.

"Alright, you win. I like Thomas, but it's probably not going to go anywhere." 

"Oh c'mon, don't be so negative." Harriet says. 

I sigh before replying, "Thomas still hasn't forgiven me for how I betrayed him in The Scorch. I don't think he will. Ever." I say. 

Harriet replies, "You don't know that." 

I pause before replying, "Okay, I don't, but I doubt that things will ever be the same between us." I say gloomily. 

Elizabeth suggests, "You should talk to him, alone. You have to do something!"

"I know, I know. I'm going to talk to him tonight, after dinner." 

My friends sigh in relief. I roll my eyes. Finishing my breakfast, I get up and return my dishes to the cooks. I'm about to leave the Mess hall when I meet Thomas' eyes. We hold eye contact for a good 10 seconds before we both look away. My stomach flip flops. I walk out of the Mess hall, ready for my duties of the day. I have no idea what's going to happen after dinner tonight. I can only hope it'll be good.

🔼🔼 That's the end of Chapter 2. I'm not sure about 1st person. Should I switch to 3rd person? Sorry about the lack of Thomesa. There will definitely be some soon. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. Reviews are always appreciated. Until next time!🔼🔼
