Chapter 6: Training With Kakashi (Flashback)

Shockingly I was able to get THE Kakashi Hatake to help me with my training.


I was walking around the village when I bumped into a pointy green object.

"Ouch!" I rubbed my head and I saw a gloved hand extended towards me. A man with silver hair asked if I was okay and helped me up. It was Kakashi! 

"You... you are Kakashi Hatake!" I blurted out (oops! I covered my mouth).

He scratched his head and gave me his closed eye smile and said "Maa maa it's alright, you are the new girl the Hokage was talking about right? But how do you know my name?" He narrowed his eyes.

I started sweating, "Uh well you are a famous jonin ummm... hehe anyways I am Kiyomi nice to meet you!" Then I pretended to peer curiously into his book to switch topics and asked what it was, even though I knew it was Icha Icha Paradise. He flushed red and stuttered that it was inappropriate for me to read.

I pouted and pointed a finger at him saying, "Fine how about we spar and if I win then you tell me what it is about." He sighed and said, "Well seeing as it is my day off, some training couldn't hurt." and started walking towards the training grounds. I facepalmed at what I did since I knew I wouldn't win against him but I followed him anyways.

He launched a water dragon at me, I froze it and threw ice spikes at him. I then created a clone to throw shuriken at him and hid underground. I saw his eyes widened slightly probably since I used ice, but he quickly melted the ice with a fireball and skillfully blocked the shuriken with kunai. I tried to come up behind him to deliver a kick which he effortlessly blocked, then I threw a punch which he also blocked and he kicked me back and I crashed into a tree.

Wow he is so strong. I rubbed my back in pain. I decided to go all out and create a snow golem. After imagining a golem in my mind and focusing my chakra, a giant snow golem slowly formed and attacked Kakashi. He summoned his ninkens to hold the golem down and started forming Chidori to take it down. I started to panic since the golem kept getting bigger and bigger and I didn't know how to call it off.

"Kakashi-san! I can't stop it!" I screamed.

Then there was a green blur followed by "Dynamic Entry!" And the golem was destroyed in one hit. I sighed in relief. It was Gai... he's more energetic and stronger than I imagined it him person. "What are you doing my youthful rival?" Gai asked.

Kakashi sighed and said "No we are not rivals Gai and I am just sparring with Kiyomi here," he gestured to me.

Gai spinned around and exclaimed in a booming voice "How are you today my fair maiden, I am Might Gai the noble green beast of Konoha."

I waved, "I am Kiyomi, I'm new here. I assume you are one of Kakashi-san's friends?"

He flashed a smile (seriously they were as shiny as the anime depicted) and gave me a thumbs up before saying, "We are eternal rivals!".

"Now now, calm down Gai" Kakashi deadpanned.

He then looked me with the serious expression, "The ice, how did you do it? No ordinary ninja could do that."

I said "It is a kekkai genkai, but I am not too sure how to use my powers. I actually have some sort of amnesia, I but I think I might be from the Yuki clan.

I then turned to Gai and said "Your taijutsu is amazing, I would really love it if you could teach me!"

Gai's eyes lit up and he exclaimed "The power of youth! You have found the right person I shall teach you but beware my training is not for the weak! Meet me at the grounds at 7 am tomorrow!" before he left.

I sweatdropped, that's so early... but I said "Thank you Gai-san! I shall not fail you! And Kakashi-san thank you for the match! It was fun!"

Kakashi POV

I should have probably warned Kiyomi about about Gai's training but maybe she can handle it since her ice golem was an advanced technique. Seeing it was just me and the girl I said "Mah mah no need for formalities just call me Kakashi, you are quite skilled you must have had some ninja training before."

"Well, I've had just a little training Kakashi-sensei," Kiyomi said, "I didn't go to the academy, but I want to get stronger to protect those I love."

Hmm she certianly has the will of fire ... but I haven't heard of someone from the Yuki clan for a long time. The Hokage asked me to investigate more but she doesn't seem to harbor any animosity towards Konoha.

Kiyomi said sadly, "I hope I get back my memories though, but I think someone is after me... even Yamanaka-san said that there was some seal on my memories when he tried to enter my mind."

We definitely need to look more into this or else Konoha could be in danger. She looked so sad, so I said, "Well don't worry we will help you I can teach you a few jutsus here and there if you want."

Her eyes lit up and she pumped her fists in the air yelling "yes!". Then she put on an annoyed face and said, "By the way, Kakashi-sensei are you a pervert? Icha Icha is a romance novel ya know."

I facepalmed. This girl...this was planned from the start wasn't it?
