Chapter nine: Papa's jobs?

Sunghoon bent over to Jay who was surprisingly asleep. "Hey. Jay." Sunghoon whispered. "I'm heading out soon."

Jay woke up, his black hair messy and he looked at Sunghoon, half asleep.

"Sorry, but I need you to watch Jungwon. And the house." Sunghoon said, before leaving Jay's room.

"Where are you going Hoon Papa?" Jungwon ran to Sunghoon, who was tying his shoe laces. The blond smiled at Jungwon. "Im going because of my job. Jay will play with you sweetie."

"Can I come too?" Jungwon asked, grinning at Sunghoon. "Sorry baby. I'm going now. Be good, okay?" Sunghoon asked, taking his coat.

Jungwon frowned, but nodded and watched Sunghoon leave the apartment.

When Sunghoon closed the door, the boy headed to Jay's room. He opened the door and smiled when he saw the older.

Jay was still lying on the bed, tired. Jungwon got on top of Jay, shaking him and jumping on his bed to wake him up. "Jay Papa! Play with me!"

The kid was about to cry at this point because Jay wasn't answering him. But instead he got off Jay and left his room quietly. He quickly changed his clothes and opened the front door, leaving the house.

He beamed when he saw Sunghoon, who was waiting for the elevator. He was about to step into elevator but the doors already closed, leaving him to use the stairs.

I'm gonna see Papa's job!

Jungwon followed Sunghoon everywhere, smiling at random people along the way. He hid himself behind a sign, his eyes turning to heart ones when he saw a puffy dog. He got permission from the owner and played with the dog a little, petting and hugging it.

"Bye-bye!" Jungwon waved to the dog and the smiley owner. "Huh?" He turned around, he seemed to have lost Sunghoon now.


Jay yawned, standing up front the bed as he rubbed his eyes. He searched for Jungwon in the living room and his room but he wasn't there.



"What's this about, now?" Heeseung asked, turning off the caffee blender as he turned to Sunghoon.

"It's about the j-jobs." Sunghoon stuttered, gulping nervously.

"Proceeding smoothly, I assume?"

"Um... well, l needed some advice..." The hitman whispered, afraid of Heeseung's response.

Sunghoon got scared to death when he heard his phone ringing in the silent bar. He prayed that Heeseung wouldn't murder him right now.

"What now? Heeseung hyung is already pretty pissed at me!" Sunghoon whisper-yelled.

"Jungwon... is he with you?" Jay asked, his voice cracking.

"What the fuck? Of course not!" Sunghoon said, sounding confused. His eyes widened when he realized "Wait, don't tell me..."

"He is gone."

"Are you kidding me?!" Sunghoon shouted, completely forgetting that Heeseung existed which would make him regret later.


"How long's he been missing?" Sunghoon asked, examining the living room and even looking at the balcony for any sign.

"How am I supposed to know?" Jay asked, ruffling his already messy hair.

"What the hell's wrong with you? Jungwon could be in serious danger right now." Sunghoon scolded Jay, he couldn't believe how irresponsible his partner was being. "I have to look for him." Sunghoon said, before looking at Jay with disappointment, making Jay feel guilty.

"Wait, I'll come too!" Jay yelled, trying to reach out for Sunghoon.

The duo got out of the apartment and decided to search for Jungwon separately.


Jungwon was still searching for any sign of Sunghoon meanwhile Jay and Sunghoon were still searching for him.

He suddenly bumped into someone who just exited a bar, a little uff escaping his lips when he fell on the ground.

The man who he bumped into was tall, had a black suit and stylish hair. He picked Jungwon up only by his hood, looking at the child with emotionless eyes.

"Sorry for bumping into you." Jungwon whispered an apology with innocent eyes. The man sighed and put Jungwon on the ground again, leaving the area.

The door of the bar opened, making Jungwon turn to the door. Heeseung stood there, watching the suited man leave and his eyes caught Jungwon who smiled at him.


"Any luck?" Sunghoon asked, out of breath because of the running, his hands on his knees.

"No, what about you?" Jay asked, trying to control his breathing and swiping the sweat from his face with the back of his hand.

"Fuck, same." Sunghoon cursed, fixing his posture.

"I think it's time, we have to call the cops." The blond yelled, making Jay's eyes widen.

"What? Us? Sunghoon are you out of your mind?" Jay said in disbelief.

Sunghoon started to shake Jay by his shoulders. "What choice do we have?! Someone might've kidnapped him to get back at us! But he's also so cute, some creep might've just run off with him..."

"Damn it!" Sunghoon shouted, pushing Jay from his shoulders. "I'll find whoever took him and tear them apart!" Sunghoon said, making weird gestures with his hands, probably imagining the torture he would do.

"Suspension, blindfold, knife, waterboarding, gas burner, pliers, fingernails... What else would you recommend Jay?" Sunghoon asked, clearly starting to loose his mind.

"As much as I would love to do that, we don't even know where he is. Plus I'm thirsty." Jay said, pointing towards Heeseung's bar.

"I'll kill you Jongseong!" Sunghoon yelled, making Jay smirk. "You know you can't lay a finger on me Hoon, now stop worrying too much. Let's go." The assassin said, dragging the hitman from his wrist who mumbled some curse words.


The bell of the bar rang when the couple stepped inside with whacked faces, only to see Jungwon sipping a juice that Heeseung made.

"Jungwon?!" Sunghoon shouted, wide eyed. Jay wasn't any different, the child was at the last place they expected him to be.

"Papa?" The kid asked with a smile on his face. Sunghoon ran to him and hugged him tightly. "I've been looking everywhere for you!" "Sorry papa!" Jungwon laughed.

"Shucks, we were looking everywhere for this kid! Never thought we'd find him here! You're a lifesaver, Heeseung hyung!" Sunghoon smiled, finally a heavy burden has been lifted off his back.

"And what about my jobs?" Heeseung asked, back to cleaning glasses.

"W-We're on it, of course. We're splitting it. It's going great! We'll get it all done just right!" Sunghoon stuttered and smiled awkwardly, looking at Jay for approval. "Really?" Jay mouthed with a raised eyebrow, receiving an eye roll from Sunghoon.

"I can't afford to extend the deadline. You're sure it's going well?" Heeseung asked again with suspicion.

Sunghoon sighed, "The truth is, we're a little bit behind. We haven't had time to sleep."

"Three days without sleep." Jay added, crossing his arms.

Heeseung nodded "If the child were out of the picture, could you finish the jobs?" He asked instead.

"Out of the picture?" The couple repeated, looking at Heeseung with confused eyes.

"I'll look after him." Heeseung corrected. A gasp left Sunghoon's lips. "No, you can't!" Sunghoon snapped, slamming his hands on the table. "Not even you'd be cold-blooded enough to-" He stopped yelling, looking at Jungwon for a second and then to Heeseung again.

"Wait, what'd you say?" Sunghoon asked, now fully understanding what Heeseung offered.

"l'll look after him so that you can focus on my jobs." He said, leaving the two speechless.

"Thank you for the drink!" Jungwon grinned.


The family stepped inside the apartment, Jungwon was already asleep in Sunghoon's arms. They tucked the boy in the bed and decided to think about Heeseung's offer together.

"The rest of the jobs will require a day trip. We can't make it through today without Heeseung hyung's help." Sunghoon said, reading the papers from the daycare once more.

"I think we should really consider Heeseung's help, like he said we can't finish the jobs with Jungwon, because he doesn't have daycare at the moment." Jay stated, he had a point.

Sunghoon nodded, Jay was right.


"Thanks a lot Heeseung hyung." Sunghoon said, smiling at the older.

"Make sure you meet the deadline." He said, letting Jungwon inside of the empty bar.

"W-We know okay? Be a good boy baby." Sunghoon smiled, Jungwon hugged him, turning to Jay who sent him a 'What?' look.

"Jay papa, hug!" Jungwon started clinging onto Jay's leg. Jay sighed and took Jungwon in his arms, giving him a soft hug. Sunghoon watched Jay with a happy expression, he wouldn't admit it but he found Jay cute.

"Have a good trip!"


"Might I ask your name, dear?" Heeseung smiled at the boy, who was sitting in front of him.

"I'm Park Jungwon and I'm four years old!" The kid said, moving in his chair.

"Alright, would you want something to drink?" He asked, turning to the drinks.

Jungwon nodded his head and watched Heeseung prepare a drink for him.

"It is complete. For you my prince." Heeseung served the drink, adding a fancy pipette in the glass. "Thank you for the drink!" Jungwon said before sipping his strawberry drink, humming in satisfaction as his eyes started to sparkle.

"What do you think?" Heeseung asked.

"It tastes like heaven! It's to tasty, thank you mister!" Jungwon gave Heeseung his brightest smile.

"You're very welcome."


"Heeseung hyung is more cold-blooded than he looks." Sunghoon mumbled under his breath as he was driving the car.

"He's quite a lady killer as well." Jay said, adjusting his guns.

Sunghoon panted when he imagined his little sweet Jungwon with the cold blooded Heeseung. "We gotta get this job done and come back ASAP!" He yelled, pressing the pedal hard, speeding the car.

The speed startled Jay and made him drop his guns with a groan.

"Heeseung hyung?" Jungwon asked in his seat, finishing his sweet drink. Heeseung turned to the boy and smiled.

"Are you Hoon and Jay Papas friend?" He asked "I am." Heeseung simply answered.

"Do you know what job they do?" Jungwon asked with a smile, hoping that the man could tell him what his papas do. "Of course I do."

Jungwon's eyes grew with excitement "I wanna know about their job! They won't tell me anything!" He pouted.

"Well, it's understandable that they'd want to hide it. They both have very special jobs." Heeseung explained.

"Special?" Jungwon tilted his head. "What are their special jobs?"

"Sunghoon's is... a stand-up comedian." He said with all seriousness, adjusting his glasses.

"A stand-up comedian? What is that?" Jungwon asked.

"It's a job where you make others laugh. But he frequently bombs, so he's too embarrassed to tell others about it. He'll be out there on some stage right now, bombing his heart out." Heeseung explained.

"And Jay papa?"

"He's... a Middle Eastern oil baron."

"Buh?" Jungwon had question marks surrounding his head.


"He's going to spill everything! There's no way he is keeping quiet!" Sunghoon whined, crawling in the vents.

"We'll see." Jay said, speaking through his earpiece, his eyes catching something when he looked through the binoculars, finding the target.


"That's a face?" Heeseung asked, looking over at Jungwon's picture.

"This one's Hoon papa and this one's Jay papa." Jungwon pointed at the faces he drew with crayons. "It's my daycare homework! I have to draw their jobs." He continued to draw.

"You're a talented artist." Heeseung complimented Jungwon, his hands on his hips as he watched the kid.

Heeseung's smile disappeared "Jungwon, don't you want to go home? Isn't your family worried about you staying with people you don't know?" He asked, receiving a 'No, I'm okay' from the younger.

"Hoon papa and Jay papa will be with me forever!" He shouted.


"Yeah. Hoon papa's food is super delicious. Jay papa is super good at video games."

"And it's toasty warm when we all sleep together!" The boy giggled.

"You like these two?"

"Yeah! I love them so much!" Jungwon stopped drawing and turned to the older with a smile.

This answer was enough to satisfy Heeseung.

"I see."


"We're back! Sorry it's so late!" Sunghoon apologized, harshly opening the door with an exhausted Jay behind him.

"Welcome back." Heeseung said, taking some notes on his paper.

"Where's the kid?" They asked, Heeseung pointed on the sofa, a sleeping Jungwon was to be seen. "He just fell asleep." He said, Sunghoon thanked his hyung.

"Let's head home then." Jay said, carrying Jungwon in his arms and taking his bag on his shoulder.

The couple thanked Heeseung again, exiting the bar and getting into the car.

Jay placed Jungwon in his seat, sitting in the drivers seat after they put the guns and everything in the back.

They closed the doors of the car, Jay started the car, his eyes catching Sunghoon who was weirdly smiling at him.

"Jay you started to like Jungwon." Sunghoon nudged him on the shoulder, receiving a groan from Jay.

"Sunghoon stop being delusional."

"But do you know how cute you looked when you carried him into the car? You looked like a real dad." Sunghoon giggled.

Jay ignored him and smirked to himself, knowing the frowning face his partner was making. A few minutes passed and Sunghoon eventually fell asleep in his seat, his head resting against the window of the car.

Jay noticed that and looked at the backseat, Jungwon was in the same position as Sunghoon was, a little smile was on Jay's lips when he realized how similar these two actually were to each other.

He stopped the car in front of their apartment, parking in the parking garage. He sighed and looked over at Sunghoon.

His chest was rising up as he was breathing, his plump lips slightly open. Jay licked his lips as he examined the blond, he was really beautiful, the street light hitting his side profile had a special effect, but Jay wasn't going to admit that out loud.

Jay got away from his thoughts and started to shake Sunghoon "Sunghoon wake up, we're here already." He whispered, making Sunghoon open his eyes.

"Ah, fine." Sunghoon mumbled and rubbed his eyes. They got off their seats and carried Jungwon to the apartment.

Sunghoon tucked Jungwon to bed, his eyes trying their hardest to keep themselves awake.
Jay watched Sunghoon, leaning against the doorframe of Jungwon's small but colourful room.

Sunghoon placed a small kiss on Jungwon's chubby cheek, sliding his hand through the boy's soft brown hair.

"Jay-ah." Sunghoon whispered softly, making Jay perk up, his attention on the blond. "Can you carry me to my bed?" He asked.

Jay looked at Sunghoon as if he was joking "There's no way I'm doing that, you have feet, walk." He said, crossing his arms.

"You weren't the one who was crawling inside vents the whole day, Jongseong." Sunghoon could still argue even though he was tired and his legs hurting.

Jay cringed at Sunghoon using his full name, he huffed "You owe me at least 5 games." He murmured and went over to Sunghoon who was waiting to be carried with an annoying smile on his face.

Jay picked the younger up, Sunghoon's hands found Jay's shoulders as he carried him up the stairs. Sunghoon's face was close to Jay's neck, his hot breath hitting Jay's tanned skin, which made the older shiver.

He opened the door of Sunghoon's room with a grunt, he laid Sunghoon on the bed. Jay held his back, he hoped that nothing broke. "There, I did as you asked." Jay said.

"Thank you Jay-ah, you're such a good partner." Sunghoon laughed and moved around in his bed. "Are you going to sleep?" He asked Jay, who was ready to leave the room, he was as tired as Sunghoon even though he didn't show it.

Jay simply nodded and wished Sunghoon a good night before going to his room, hoping that he would at least get 3 hours of sleep after such a long day with several missions.


"Papa Hoon, thanks for always making delicious food! Papa Jay let's play games again some time!" Jungwon said, presenting his drawing of his dad's jobs to his classmates. Jake and Sunghoon werde watching and listening to Jungwon with proud expressions while Jay just wanted to get out of the place filled with loud children.

"I love my comedian Papa Hoon and oil baron Papa Jay very much!" Jungwon giggled, making Jay and Sunghoon smile at him.

"Papas, please take care and work hard at your jobs!" Jungwon yelled, running to give Sunghoon a hug hug meanwhile the other parents clapped and whispered to each other.

Sunghoon took Jungwon in his arms, hugging him tightly. "Thanks for the pictures, sweetie." Sunghoon placed a small kiss on Jungwon's cheek, making the little boy blush.

"Well done." Jay mumbled, avoiding eye contact while patting Jungwon's head who looked at him with eyes filled with joy.


"Payment for the jobs." Heeseung placed two envelops on the table, passing them to the couple. Sunghoon bowed, Jay was reading a magazine and sipping his drink.

"Now we won't have to cut back on spending." Sunghoon said, glaring at Jay who ignored him.

"I had intended to take action if the child's presence had once again interfered with your work." The older said, his back facing Sunghoon as he cleaned the wine glasses.

"I'm sure you're aware that this is grim business, in which human life is exchanged for money." He explained, Sunghoon and Jay listening intensely.

"Of course we know, but-" Sunghoon was cut by Heeseung mid sentence.

"The world will not accept you taking in a child and playing at family life. And if you do anything to betray the organization..." Heeseung turned to the duo with ice cold eyes, making Sunghoon shiver and gulp, Jay became serious, he and Sunghoon knew the consequences.

"Jay, you know those awful consequences better than anyone." He pointed to Jay, who furrowed his eyebrows.

"Not to mention that we're the ones who killed his father." He added.

Sunghoon stared at the ground with nervous expression. He was squeezing the hem of his shirt.


Sunghoon and Jay perked up, their lips parted, their heads puzzled as they listened to Heeseung.

"After spending some time with him, I've begun to understand why you did it." He sighed, a small smile on his face.

"Heeseung hyung..." Sunghoon whispered, trying to take in Heeseung's words.

"He's a good kid. And he might just change you both..." he reasoned. "Though I don't know yet if it'll be in a good or bad way."


"That's not... why we..." Sunghoon tried to speak up, his voice was small when he spoke, but Heeseung wasn't finished with talking yet.

"We could all die tomorrow. Others might resent us and seek revenge on us."

"There's a chance that we could put others in our lives in danger."

"Are you prepared to accept that?" Heeseung asked, his hand on his hip while the other one was by his side. He stared at the two with a cold expression, just like the day they met and got their first mission from him.

Sunghoon stopped squeezing the hem of his shirt, his hands were sweaty. Jay noticed how tense Sunghoon was, it was his idea to keep Jungwon after all, he felt guilty. He reached for Sunghoon's hand under the table, he held his hand gently as he stared at the blond.

Sunghoon seemed to relax a little with the touch of his partner, he wasn't alone in this, he had Jay by his side. He held Jays hand with both of his hands, squeezing them as a thank you.

They took a deep breath and nodded.

"Then don't regret it."
