Chapter XV

Finally the day came! The Tsarevich Viktor Alekseievich Vasilyev and his brother Alexander Vasilyev, along with the Guard, came to the castle. They were welcomed with elegancy and were treated very well.

They all first ate and had a nice conversation while eating the midday meal.

Tsarevich "I am surprised to have been welcomed like this. I expected... less, honestly."

"I wished to make everything as great as possible upon your arrival, Your Royal Highness." Friedrich said, having a deep respect towards the crowned prince.

Tsarevich "And the food is also tasty, worthy of being served to the most prominent monarchs of Europe."

Melissa then spoke as she, Leah and Anna nodded their heads, also thanking the prince for the compliment "Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

Prince Alexander "Friedrich, you had told me before that you had some paper you wished to show us, right?"

"That is right, Your Highness." Friedrich responded.

Tsarevich "Then as soon as we finish eating we will go see said paper."

At that, Friedrich nodded then kept eating.

Later, after the meal, Friedrich and the two princes reunited in the war room. Arcadius was with them, as well.

Friedrich took the paper and showed it to them. The seal of the King of Prussia, vassal to the Tsar of Akhens was there. It was legitimate.

Tsarevich "I assume you wish to get the march back to you, but the march does not exist anymore. It ceased to exist when Astrina itself was destroyed by the Tsar's forces."

Prince Alexander "But we came here to inform you that the duke of Aesiar had died due to a terrible disease; he died with neither descendants nor capable relatives, so he declared you as heir apparent."

"That was... unexpected." Friedrich said.

"Just as the Inquisition: nobody expects it." Arcadius commented as in joke.

Tsarevich "You will have to travel to Akhens, first. From there, after meeting with our father the Tsar, you will be free to go to your duchy."

Friedrich nodded then the princes turned towards Arcadius. The Prince Alexander spoke to him "Sir, I have heard you are a Zarkist, and if so, then we have an 'offer'."

"What is it?"

Prince Alexander "Your vast empire once seized almost all the East and center of Europe; it was nearly a couple hundred years ago, and despite the western people have forgotten about Zaratia, the eastern Europeans did not."

"All of that is right, but where do you want to get to?"

Tsarevich "It is simple. Let us marry your sisters, so we could have certain claims over these lands, which are pretty important to face the Roman threat from the Southeast."

"Hm. You suggest a union between our houses? That would be interesting."

Prince Alexander "You would get prestige by getting bonded to our house, and we would get claims over these lands."

Arcadius took a brief moment to think then he spoke further "Alright, I will go tell my sisters. Go with me."

They, except Friedrich, walked away. Friedrich went to prepare everything for the journey to the capital, Akhens. They all later went to Akhens, the four Zarkists, the princes, the von Astriniens, Apollo and Roland. The Imperial Guards also accompanied them. It would take around thirty-two days to get to the glorious city of Akhens.
