I Want You

I was sitting at the bar alone. Now sipping on some whiskey. It burned going down but I was longing for something else to feel other than the pain I felt in my heart.        

"So met again" a familiar voice rang through my ears. I looked over to see Deidara leaning over the bar. I gave a smile and looked back at my drink. "'Tender, we'll have two more please." He said as he grabbed the seat next to me. Its been over a year and his eyes still said the same thing. I humored him and look his drink.

"Do you like live here of something?" I said taking a sip.

"I just know where the fun and beautiful women are" He replied taking a sip of his drink. He reached over and placed his hand on my cheek. "And it looks like I have found the the prettiest one" He leaned in close to me as he spoke. I instinctively backed up.

"Just because you nice things doesn't mean anything is going to happen." I turned back to the drink and emptied the glass. Letting the familiar burning pour down my throat.

"What has gotten into you" he asked noticing me swallow the drink down. I was unable to tell if he was concerned or not, what with the three shots and the glasses of whiskey I was unable to tell much of anything.

"Boys Suck" I huffed as I smacked my hands on the bar cueing the bar tender to get another round. He refilled my cup while looking at Deidara. He leaned in close and turned to look me in the eye.

"Last one. You're cut off." He then turned to tend to his other patrons. I glared at the man behind the bar angry that he would not feed my desire to forget.

"How much have you had?" Deidara laughed. "It's only eight." He had a smile on his face but I did not return it this time. I stared at my drink and a tear ran down my face. "Hey don't cry, this a place for fun." He said shimming a little bit. I think I killed his mood and he was trying to get it back. I only looked at him through the corner of my eye as another tear fell.

"Boys suck," I repeated.

"Well I don't suck. Come one let me help you change your mind." He held his hand out for me to dance with him. I wiped my tear and looked at his hand he had held out for me. He had a tattoo of a mouth with its tongue out on the palm of his hand. I looked up from his hand to his face and raised my eyebrows. "What?" He asked with a smirk.

I smirked back and grabbed his hand. He led me to the dance floor. It was a shock to me that I could even stand. As soon as we got to the dance floor a song started playing.

Well babe I've got this drink, Turns out I've got some space.

I let the music take over me. I put my arms around Deidara and he pulled me close to him. Our hips moved together as the music swayed us.

I've seen a couple things, I know the way it goes.

I know had my back to him and he never let me get to far from him. I let my hands slide down his side. and he ran his hands across my chest. The music swayed as we followed the beat. I knew I probably should have left. I knew I should not have put myself in a situation like this again. Now knowing No one was here to save me. Did I really need someone to save me? Was I that pathetic that I really did need someone to look after me all the time? I just looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck over my head as he placed his hands on my hips. We stayed dancing for a while. The music ran through my through my mind as everything happened around us.

I've been so tired on the weekends, I've been holding on too tight

I suddenly felt all of Deidara's weight leave me but that didn't stop me from dancing. I was now dancing alone. I was starting to get dizzy.

I've spent the whole summer sleeping, You've been staying up all night.

I heard commotion behind me. It sounded like someone was getting punched. I kept on dancing alone trying to forget the pain I was feeling. What I really wanted was another drink.

Why do you show me round, and I can show you off.

I don't know why I cared so much about Sasuke. I don't even know if I liked him. I guess I was more upset about the fact that I let myself get too close. I hated myself for this. I looked at the ground when I realized I had stopped dancing. I almost didn't realize I was crying. I looked around and noticed no one had noticed me. I searched for Deidara, him being the only thing that I knew at the moment. I didn't see him anywhere. I started to panic. I felt alone. My heart was racing.

I never thought I'd be thinking.

The room felt like it was closing in on me. The room started to spin when it suddenly stopped. I looked up and saw the one thing that I wanted to see. It was him, he was always coming to my rescue. My eyes grew wide as I looked at him. I reached up and placed my  hand on his cheek.

"I want you"

"Kiba.." I whispered. The song slowed and the world felt like it stopped spinning. My whole body seemed to give out and I slumped onto his chest. He reacted and caught me as I passed out.
I don't really know what happened next. I felt like I was floating. I opened my eyes a little to see what was going on. I looked around and saw that I was outside. I was moving, floating. How is this possible. I can't fly. Oh god am I dead? My breathing started to pick up in a panicked fashion. I looked up and saw him. Kiba? He was carrying me. I looked at his face in the moonlight. He didn't notice that I was awake. He didn't look strained or annoyed. He looked peaceful. The moon hit him in a way that made his canines glow. I threw on a smile and passed out again.

I woke up again but this time I was laying on my bed. I looked over at the other bed and saw Kiba asleep. He had his left hand under his head and the other one resting on his chest. I sat up slowly with my head pounding. I placed a hand on my head trying to ease the pain. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged my legs. I looked down and noticed I was in sleeping shorts. He changed my clothes? I thought. I slowly scooted off the bed and walked over to his. I looked at the the clocked as I passed. 2am. It had felt like a lifetime. I felt like I was sleeping for months. I reached his bed and looked down at him. His breathing was relaxing to watch. He was above the covers and he wasn't wearing a shirt. he was only in his boxes. I blushed a little at the sight. I walked back over to my bed and grabbed my blanket that I was using and walked back over to him. I slowly sat down on his bed and looked at him. He looked so peaceful. I don't know he always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. I treated him so poorly over the last year and he has done nothing but try to be my friend.

I took my finger and moved a piece of hair from his forehead. He wiggled a little bit at my touch and mumbled something about beef jerky. I couldn't help but smile at him. I didn't deserve for him to be my friend. Maybe I deserved for all of this to happen to me. Sasuke with Sakura, Deidara being a creep but I knew I did not deserve for Kiba to even look at me much less even get me out a bad situation that I may or may not have been in. I ran my fingers down his face softly and rubbed my thumb under his eye and down his cheek. My fingers reached his collar bone and I traced it slowly and down his chest until I reached a fang like triangle on his chest. 

Was that always there?

I traced the triangle with tip of my fingers. I reached the tip of the triangle and placed the palm of my hand on his chest. I watched it rise and fall with his breathing. My heart started to race and my stomach started to do front flips. What was this feeling. I didn't feel this way with Sasuke. In fact I didn't feel anything close to this with him. Why did I ever let Sasuke get to me. I am so stupid. I felt tears threaten to flood again. I started to lift my hand to wipe the tears when I felt Kiba's hand touch mine. He slowly wrapped his fingers around mine. He didn't hold on tight but I didn't even try to pull away. He took in a deep breath and let out a air through his mouth. I looked at him thinking he was going to wake up, or if he had been awake this whole time. He didn't move again. His breathing stayed steady. I could feel his heartbeat at my hand stayed on his chest. It was beating almost as fast as mine. Was he awake? I thought turning a deep shade of red. Was glad that it was so dark that nobody couldn't tell I was blushing so hard.

"You awake?" I whispered almost inaudible. I really didn't want him to be awake catching me in another awkward position. He didn't answer me and I let out a sigh. I felt my eyes getting heavy. It was getting late and class was tomorrow. I slowly lowered myself down and rested my head on Kiba's arm with my hand still on his chest. I smiled and fell asleep.


I just wanted to say that I think everyone who is reading! It has been awhile and I hope you guys like it. In not let me know! I really want to know how I can make it better!

As for this chapter I hope it makes sense that I wrote the bar part to this song and I hope it works..

I Want You- Marian Hill. (Incase the video does not work).

Thank You all again!
