
I stared at the boy, and the boy stared at me. Our faces were matching the same hue of red. He couldn't help himself from looking down and back up at my face. With the gesture of his eyes I suddenly felt cold. The air changed slightly causing me to pull my arms closer to my body. oh..god I thought with the sudden realization that I was fully nude in someone else's room. I didn't even know who was staring at me.

" uh.." He mumbled around looking for something to help cover me up. He didn't dare come close enough to grab the towel that was laying at my feet. "Here" he said holding out the black shirt that he had just taken off his back.

"Kiba?" I asked. He was now topless and I was naked. He gave a nervous chuckle as I took the shirt from him. I hadn't seen him if a long time, I almost didn't recognize him. Just as I pulled the shirt quickly over my head and Down my torso when the door to the dorm swung open. I was still freaking out because shirt wasn't quite long enough to cover everything. I quickly knelt down and picked up the towel to cover myself. 

"Haha hey Kiba, you bring the girl home?" The switch was turned on. "You should put a sock on the door of some.." His words trailed off when Shikamaru saw the half naked girl in the room was me. He started to see red in a very different way. "How in the world did this happen?" He yelled. He clearly thought something completely different had just happened.

"Hey whoa Shikamaru, that's your sister man" Choji said with a slight blush.

"Shikamara? Where are you pants?" Naruto asked looking at me in a weird way. He was one of my closet friends and we joked about everything. Not right now, no one dared make any remark. They all knew how Shikamaru was about me.

"Shikamaru, I can explain." I said holding my hands up trying to calm the angry boy. He was not hearing any of it. He took a step toward Kiba with his hands balled into a fist.

"Shikamaru, that's your sister, you know I wouldn't do anything like that to her, no matter how great she loo..." He was unable to finish that last sentence before my brother had landed fist perfectly across his left eye. The hit was so hard it threw Kiba into me and caused us both to hit the ground.

"Son of a.." I screamed as Kiba rolled off of me as fast as he could in fear of Shikamaru unleashing more rage at the fact he has now just touched his sister. They all looked at me as I was curled up on the floor holding my newly wounded wrist. The fall caused me to fall awkwardly and I felt something snap. Kiba was holding his eye groveling in pain. He took his hand away from him eye and looked at me. 

"Look what you did Shikamaru. You need to relax when it comes to your sister." Kiba stated as he stood up. He walked behind me and placed his hands under my arms and picked me up to my feet. "Let's go to the campus nurse." Kiba said looking at me wrist and then at me. Shikamaru grabbed a throw blanket and attempted to wrap me in it, realizing I was still bottomless and wrapped in a towel. With my right, uninjured, hand I snatched the blanket from him.

"I've got it from here." I snapped. Naruto helped wrap my waist in the blanket. He gave me a look as if to ask if I needed him to come with me. I gave him a shake of my head letting him know that I will be fine. 

"I thought I was the hot headed one" Kiba mumbled under his breath as he held the door open for me. He chuckled a little at himself. He hasn't changed a bit. I thought. We made our way to the campus clinic in almost complete awkward silence. You would think after two years we would have tons to talk about. But right now felt awkward, both of us injured and half naked. Right now just didn't feel like the time to start a social conversation. 

We had made it to the clinic in about 20 minutes by walking. Kiba told me to go sit down while he went to grab the sign in paperwork. He held out one of the clipboards as he sat down. I gave him a nervous smile as I glanced at my possibly broken writing hand. 

"You really are a pain in the ass aren't you?" He signed. "First your brother punches me and now I have to do all work" a small laugh came out of him mouth.

"I didn't ask for him to punch you or for you to fall on me." I was getting a little angry and now I remembered why I almost forgot he existed; he annoyed the living carp out of me. 

"I was just kidding, Shikamara, I don't mind." Kiba laughed. I knew he was laughing at my short temper. With this trait alone we were one in the same, Kiba and I. "Name?" He asked more seriously now. I was a little confused. Why is he asking my name. He literally just said it.

"What?" I looked at him. Confused as to why this boy I grew up with would such a stupid question.

"Name?" He looked just as confused as I did and slowly pointed the pen the packet of paper in front of him.

"Oh.." That's embarrassing I thought. "Nara, Shikamara." I replied.


"September 22nd"

We went down the list with out anymore out bursts.         

"Allergies?" He asked.         

"Grapes" I replied with out skipping a beat. I noticed the pen was not writing away. I looked at the clipboard board and then at Kiba. "What?" I asked with a nervous smile on my face.

"Grapes?" He chuckled rather loud. It made me a little annoyed.

"What's wrong with grapes?" I asked more seriously now.

"Nothing it's just weird" he giggled as he wrote the word grapes next to allergies. 

"Forever only eating peanut butter sandwiches" Kiba looked at me with a confused look. I looked at through my peripheral and threw a smile on my face. He smiled along with me. 

"What's wrong with strawberry jelly?" He asked flipping the pages over. 

"Ew." I growled in a way to show my disgust. "That's gross." I laughed. I forgot I was holding my wrist in my right hand and the force of my made it move. "Ow, crap." I whined in pain. Kiba looked at me.

"Sorry," he said rubbing the back of his head. It caught me off guard.

"Why are you apologizing? This all happened because I couldn't resist your dog." I joked. I gave him a slight nudge. He was looking down at the paperwork turning the pen around in his hand. "Hey, it's really okay. This isn't the first time I had broken anything. You do realize my best friend is Naruto, right?" He laughed a little at the thought of me and Naruto. I got a look at his smile, the canines we slightly longer then the rest of of his teeth. He had a strong jaw line. Little Inuzuka all grown up. He had a body that had perfectly formed muscles. They were not big and he was not big but they worked, and they were perfect. Wait what am and saying!? I quickly realized it was staring and turned my head toward the empty chair I front of me. 

"You grew up too, you know" he smirked as if to know what I was thinking. "Like really grew up" he gestured at his chest as to illustrate himself having breasts while puffing his cheeks out. 

"You're such a dog!" I laughed while pushing him sideways out of his chair with my got hand. He laughed as well. I reached out my right hand to help him up. He gladly accepted and he pulled himself up. Our hands together seemed to last a little longer than was planned. I looked at him with a smile slowly fading from my face. I was feeling something different, something that I haven't felt in a very long time and I didn't like it. He looked at me and his face looked as though he was feeling something too. A faded sound pierced through the silence.

"Nara, Shikamara" The sound said again. I blinked and yanked my hand back a lot faster than I intended. I grabbed my left wrist and walked toward the nurse.

I was in there for about an hour and the doctors had determined that it wasn't broken. I only had a sprain. I admired my brace and walked out of the office in to the waiting room. I was about to walk out of the clinic when I noticed someone sleeping. Kiba? What is he still doing here. I walked over to where he was sleeping. His head was resting his hand and was drooling a bit. He had pooled the blanket we had brought up over his shoulders. He looked so comfortable I didn't want to wake him up, but it would have been rude to leave him here. I bent down to place my hand on his shoulder to wake him when I stopped. I noticed a bandage on his left eye where Shikamaru had hit him. He must have hit him really hard. I slowly touched above his bandage and traced traced it down to his jaw.

"Sorry" I whispered.

"Careful, Shikamara we are both already half-naked." he smirked without opening his eyes.

"You really are a dog, aren't you!" I shoved him in the shoulder. He let out at defensive laugh and threw hit hands up in the air. I helped him out of his seat and folded up the blanket. "You didn't have to stay?" I said to him.

"Do you realize how pissed your brother would have been if I had left out here without any pants, all by yourself?" Kiba asked with a smirk.

"I don't think he likes the fact you were with me the whole time either." I threw a smile his way.

"We should probably get back,  I have my first class in an hour." I took one last look at him before we walked back to the dorms cracking jokes.
