Chapter 6: A Lover's Dream Cairo, Egypt 2009


A week later my family and I visited the ruins of the Malkata Palace. When we'd arrived, Ankhesenamun, Tutankhamun and I traced our way to what used to be Tutankhamun's bedchambers.

"This is where we spent our final moments in the palace" Ankhesenamun whispered as we stood next the spot that Tutankhamun had lied helpless with his wounded knee

"Well at least Tutankhamun is alive and well, thanks to Mark" I smiled as I took my lover's arm and I sighed contently when we wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

That night, we were camped outside the ruins of the palace, I was sitting under the full moon near one of the far walls when Tutankhamun came over and offered me a blanket to protect me against the chill night air "Couldn't sleep?" he asked and I nodded. "I had a dream about Horus last night" he said after a moment,

"What did he say?" I teased, though I all ready knew the answer

"He said that he was sorry for what he did, and that he'll try everything to make sure that we're safe and happy" he replied as he started kissing my neck

"Tutankhamun" I gasped

"Yes" he smiled as he cupped my face in his strong hands

"W-we just had a baby"

"I know, but I need you"

"I need you too" I whispered as he kissed me while we fell back against the dessert floor to surrender our souls to the night sky.


A few days after we returned from the ruins of the Malkata Palace, Sam and I were playing with Kiya in the backyard. I was quietly humming a love song as Kiya climbed onto my lap, when I felt Sam's warm hand moved a lock of behind my ear, which made me look up at him. "I love you Ankhesenamun" he murmured as he leaned over and tenderly kissed me, when he let me go I blushed

"And I love you Sam" I smiled as he kissed me again.

"Gross mommy" Kiya giggled as she wrinkled her little nose and I smiled

"No it's not" I said as tickled her. That night Sam was staying over for the night so that we might spend some more time together. Once I'd put Kiya down for bed and Alexandria had gone to bed with Tutankhamun, Sam and I were in my room

"Ankhesenamun" he said as he pulled me into his strong arms

"Yes Sam?" I smiled as I turned around and stroked his cheekbones "Love me" he asked making me blush. After a moment I nodded, realizing how much I wanted him to make love to me.

The next morning I told Alexandria about what had happened "How was it?" she asked once the children were playing outside with Tutankhamun, Sam and Alexandria's brothers

"Oh it was wonderful Alexandria, despite how long it's been since the last time I made love" I sighed as I watched Sam get tackled by the twins. When the children and the boys came in a little while later, Alexandria and I had lunch ready

"Mommy, when are we going to see Aunt Sarah?" Thutmose asked as my best friend started feeding Amunhotep's

"Soon my child, soon" she smiled.


A week and a half before Sarah's wedding, we flew to New York, in the United States. Since it was mine and Ankhesenamun's first time flying in a airplane, Jack gave us some medicine that was supposed to help with the pain in our ears. Several hours later we landed in in New York City, and after we got off the plane Jack and Susan led us to get out bags, and afterwords we went to where Sarah was picking us up. When we were in the car Sarah asked us questions of what we were doing in Egypt till we arrived at her house just outside of the bustling city. Once we'd settled in and had put the children down for a nap. Alexandria and I were talking with Sarah about our plans for the future when Ankhesenamun came down "And there's my wonderful sister" I smiled as I kissed her hand

"Hello Tutankhamun" she laughed as she hugged me. Once we'd settled down Sarah told Alexandria and I some surprising news about our marriage

"You know that here in this time period, your marriage doesn't exist"

"What" Alexandria gasped, but after a moment she sighed "Well I guess that since we don't have the legal paperwork from this time period and all."

That night after the children had been put to bed, Alexandria and I were in our guest room talking "What do you think about marriage?" I teased

"You know that I'll say yes" she giggled as I pulled her into my arms and kissed her deeply. When I let her go she was flushed

"I love you" I murmured against her lips as I tenderly kissed her again

"And I love you" she smiled as she curled up against me.


A couple weeks later, when we'd returned home from Sarah's wedding, and had gotten unpacked, Tutankhamun and I started planning for our own little wedding. After a while we decided to have a small, quite wedding with some of our closest friends and family. We decided to have the twins be the flower girl and ring bearer, and to have Ankhesenamun as our Maid of Honor and Sam as the Best Man. 2 months later, after discovering what we needed to do for the wedding, and what plans we needed to do, we had our peaceful little wedding. At the reception, Mark came over to talk with us "You two seem to be getting happier and happier every time I see you" he smiled

"And we are happier, and more in love. We can feel our love growing everyday" Tutankhamun chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in close, and I too wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his strong shoulder.

Later that night, once we'd returned home and had put the children down for the night, Tutankhamun and I celebrated our 'marriage'. When we finished, Tutankhamun pulled me close and tenderly kissed my hand "I love you" he muttered as he stroked my cheek

"And I love you" I giggled as I kissed him deeply

"Actually I have a question about having to marry again" he said as he let me go

"What about it?"

"What are your thoughts on it?" he wondered as he moved a lock of hair from my face

"Well I'm not sure, but I do know that even if we hadn't gone through with it, I would still think of you as my husband" I smiled as I kissed him again as my fingers ran through his short, dark brown hair.


A week after Alexandria and Tutankhamun's second wedding and things had gone back to normal, Sam was taking me out on a date to our favorite restaurant "Ankhesenamun, what do you think about marriage?" he asked once we'd sat down and ordered our food

"I think that it's a wonderful idea. Why, are you asking me to marry you?" I teased and he chuckled as he shook his head

"No my love, sadly I am not yet, I was just wondering because of your brother and Alexandria"

"Oh" I flushed

"But lets hope that we can someday get married"

"I hope so too" I giggled again as he kissed my hand. When we returned home later that night, Sam took me up to my room, where he started to passionately kiss me "Oh Sam, are you sure that we should make love right now?" I gasped once he let me go

"Only if you want to" he smiled

"Of course I do" I giggled as I kissed him deeply. Later on, I lay curled up in Sam's arms listening to his strong heart beating in my ear, and his steady breathing warming my head while his fingers tenderly combed my long hair. "How was it?" as he pulled my face to his

"It was very beautiful" I smiled as I kissed him deeply. Right before I knew it, he was on top of me again "Oh Sam are you sure that you want to do it again?" I gasped as I wrapped my legs around his waist

"Only if you wish to" he smiled and I nodded. So for the remainder of the night we made passionate love together, and only went to sleep when it was close to 3 in the morning, I felt happy with Sam being by my side.
