Chapter 9

Anna stuffed another forkful of mashed potatoes in her mouth and watched her sister and Hiccup interestingly. Elsa seemed nervous for some reason and Hiccup? He just looked to tense. Anna glanced at the other end of the table where Hiccup's friends where sitting. One of them looked of the guys winked at her. Anna felt her face flush red and looked away rolling her eyes.

"What was that all about?" Kristoff asked her looking at the guy suspiciously. Anna's blush deepened.

"Oh uh it w-was nothing really!" Anna said hurriedly stabbing her potatoes nervously. She didn't want Kristoff to become overprotective husband...again. Kristoff still looked unsure but stayed silent. Anna inwardly sighed in relief and turned to look at Hiccup and Elsa again. Elsa was giggling and Hiccup was blushing, Anna had the sudden urge to eavesdrop . Then she saw both of them look at each other in the eyes and lean closer and closer...


Hiccup felt uncomfortable sitting next to the Queen and all. He looked at his salad in disinterest.

"So...hows your stay so far?" Elsa asked him. Hiccup jumped in his seat she had been so quiet and her sudden question startled him. Elsa smiled and patted his arm lightly.

"Uh did I scare you?" Elsa said casually trying to hold back a fit of laughter.

"Um no-no!" Hiccup said embarrassed he then knocked a fork off the table. Elsa giggled and they both reached for it and bumped their heads.

"Sorry!" They said in unison. Hiccup laughed and set the fork back down. Elsa was looking in his eyes and Hiccup looking deep into her icy blue ones. He felt trances and leaned forward she did the same. Hen a face flashed through Hiccup's face. Astrid. He stopped leaning in and moved away from Elsa his face hardening. Elsa looked confused and was that disappointment?

"Excuse me" Hiccup stood up and walked to the doors leading outside. Elsa looked at everyone's stunned faces. She stood up and the chair fell, she ran outside to Hiccup. She found him laying on his back in the middle of a field. Elsa slowly walked to him, Hiccup looked up at her then continued looking at the night sky. Elsa laid down next to him. She felt Hiccup tense up next to her but he stayed quiet.

"What's wrong you can tell me" Elsa said turning to look at him. Hiccup sighed.

"I had a girlfriend her name was Astrid

And I've never loved anyone like I loved her. She made me laugh, smile, and she made me confident. And one day when we were fighting an outcast clan she-she took a bad turn" Hiccup said his voice shaking.

"I-I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked" Elsa said scolding herself.

"No it's fine I wouldn't have told you if I hadn't trusted you" Hiccup said then he realized his mistake, he mentally face palmed himself.

"You trust me?" Elsa asked hopefully.

"Well yeah" Everything was silent. Then Hiccup grew the courage he needed to do what he wanted so badly to do. He propped himself up on one elbow and leaned closer to Elsa. Elsa looked surprised and propped herself up on her elbow.

"Hiccup wh-" But she was cut off when Hiccup kissed her. She smiled and kissed back. They both pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Love isn't keeping them forever sometimes it's letting them go" Elsa said to Hiccup brushing a strand of Hiccup's reddish hair away from his green eyes. Hiccup nodded and they both laid down again except this time Elsa put her head on Hiccup's chest. She listened to his heartbeat and steady breathing and soon fell asleep.


Logan watched the seen carefully. The girl was now laying her head on the boys chest. He watched her fall asked a small smile playing at her lips. She was a real beauty he couldn't deny that. Logan snickered softly, they sure looked peaceful now but wait and see. He had to be patient wait for the right moment to kidnap her. Logan stepped back and disappeared in the shadows.


Sorry I take a looooong time to update but thanks for all the votes it makes me really happy! So leave comments if you want cause I love to read them! And if you have any suggestions for the next chapter I would love to hear them but to be honest I might not use some or none just telling you now so you won't get mad if I don't use yours. Well bye! ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😄😄😄😄😄😊😊😊😊😊
