Mmm! Sandvich!

     As our goose protagonist exited the sewers, it looked back onto the to do list to see what task it would do next.

     Steal the BLU Heavy's Sandvich

     This should be easy.




     Outside of the BLU base, a tiny gathering made up of three friendly hoovies, both RED and BLU, were giving out sandviches and just trying to be nice to both teams in general.

     But, the peacefulness of the tiny gathering wouldn't last long and just a single kill would cause a long pointless argument about friendlies and "tryhards", which no one would win.

     A BLU Hoovy was arguing with the RED team's "Tryhard" Scout, also commonly known throughout the community as a "Scunt".

     As the two fought, the other two RED Hoovies noticed a goose exiting the BLU team's base.

     "Yo, when did they add geese to TF2? This is a casual match right? We didn't join a community server on mistake right?" One of the RED Hoovies asked the other.

     "We did join a casual match, weird." The other RED Hoovy replied.

     "Maybe that forgot to tell us about this? Well, whatever it does, this will be a great clip to add to the video."

     The duo of RED Hoovies threw their Sandviches at the goose, yet the goose didn't care for theirs.

     They watched the goose snuck up on the BLU Hoovy, the goose eying his Sandvich that was currently in his pocket.

     Then, our goose quickly snatched the BLU Hoovy's Sandvich, hoping that he wouldn't turn around and notice their "weapon" missing.

     After a few seconds of our goose taking his Sandvich, the BLU Hoovy still kept squabbling with the Scunt.

     Our goose protagonist was relieved that the BLU Hoovy didn't notice and passed through the hole that it made to enter the match of 2Fort.

     Since, it had the idea to save the Sandvich for later after it finished with the to do list.

     Steal the BLU Heavy's Sandvich ✔️




     "You recorded that right? I would cry if you didn't." One of the two RED Hoovies said to the other.

     "Yup!" He other RED Hoovy replied.

     "Yes! This is going to make a great clip lol." 

     Don't forget to leave your constructive criticism in the comments!

To do:

Enter 2Fort ✔️, Drag the Red Pyro's Back Scratcher into the sewers ✔️, steal the Blu Heavy's Sandvich ✔️, cause the Blu Spy to get annihilated by the Red Engineer's Sentry, be the reason that a sniper misses their shot, trick one of either team's classes to take a swim, steal both of the team's intelligence and bring it back to the nest.
