|Chapter 2| Improvements

Aphmau's POV
After Laurence left, I shut my door and waited a while before going outside, just to make sure he was gone. What? I didn't want to bump into him again. I noticed that the town needed some upgrades so I decided to help out. First, I went to get some wood to replace the old gravel road weaving around town. Then, I helped the farmers with their farms. They were very excited about farming in their new fields. And finally, I wanted to give the guards a surprise. I wanted to build them a place to put dem bad guys! (SORRY! JUST HAD TO! XD) I walked back to my house and stayed there until most of the guards' shifts were over. I got dressed again and stealthily snuck over to a nice open space and began to build.

*3 hours later*

PHEW! Finally done! Their going to LOVE this! I started wandering around the building thinking of the looks on their faces when they saw my creation. My eyes felt heavy and I dragged my feet behind me as I walked home. I quickly got back into my kigorumi I always wore to bed and plopped down on my purple bedspread. Almost immediately, I fell asleep.

Garroth's POV
I woke up, ate breakfast, and put on my armor. I sighed, Yet another normal morning... As I walked down to my post, I see this big stone building in front of me where there used to be nothing! Shocked, I kind of shuffled into the building and noticed cells were inside along with a note.

Dear guards,

I saw that you didn't really have a place to put anyone when you lock them up or a place to call headquarters. I hope you don't mind that I built this... There's a second story and you can do whatever you want with it. You don'y have to use this building for anything if you don't want. You can even tear it down!

Sincerely, Aphmau

P.S. I left cookies upstairs for you guys! :3

I left the note there for the other guards to find and ran upstairs to find cookies on a table on the second story. Aww... She's so sweet! MMMMMMM! These COOKIES! I think in my head as I eat three of the cookies she left. Chocolate chip! Yum! (YAH ,YAH! I know... RED ROBIN! YUM! And I first saw that on Wattpad on one of Gamergurl135's stories. GO CHECK HER OUT :3) I leave the delicious cookies on the table and sadly walk away towards my post... Goodbye cookies... :'C

Hey guys! Sorry this one was so short but I have to go to soccer now so... xc And always remember those cookies guys! Dem cookies that could make Garroth and Aphmau become cookie masters.... #COOKIES4LYFE
