Chapter 9

     I must have fallen asleep again, because I woke up to someone shaking me. "It's a dream!" A new voice was saying over and over again in a hushed voice. I reached up and pushed them away, wiping away fresh tears as well.

"Guys! She's awake!" The new commer called out. I sat up as there were footsteps coming towards the now open door of the room I was in.

I looked towards the door as Dream and another, shorter skeleton walked in. "I fell asleep?" I asked, completely confused. "Yha, you did. Don't worry it happens all the time, especially with those not used to my type of magic." Dream smiled.

I nodded. "Who are you two?" I asked, looking at the other two skeletons in the room. "I'm Ink, and this is Blue." The skeleton that had walked in with Dream responded. "What's your name?" Blue, who was still sitting on the bed with me, asked.

"Bess." "Elizabeth" Dream and I said at the same time. We stared at each other. "You go by Bess now?" He asked. "Yha. I have for as long as I can remember." I tailed off, remembering I had some sort of memory loss.

"So is it Bess, or Elizabeth!?" Ink cried, completely confused. "Bess. For her sake." Dream answered for me. Ink smiled, then walked over and got up on the bed with me. He was so small he had to actually pull himself up onto the bed.

"A word from you and you will not like me." He said, looking me dead in the eye. I choked my giggle back down. "Give her a break Ink. She's already been through a lot." Dream smiled, stifling his own giggles.

"No, no it's fine. I learned that it's alway the short ones you should fear the most. They can get into the smallest places after all." Ink gave me a dark look that brightened as I continued the sentence. "See! She gets it!"

"Uh. I think she just made it so that she could call you short, without calling you short straight up." Blue pointed out. "Hush! You've ruined my plan!" All three of them laughed.

Slowly, a silence filled the room. "Bess? Can I ask you something really important?" Dream finally asked, an uneasiness creeping into his voice. I nodded. He came closer to the bed and kneeled down.

"Could your friend's name have been 'Nightmare'?"

Word Count: 406
