Chapter 2

     I awoke to a patch of brilliantly gold buttercups. Confused, I sat up slowly, noticing that some of the delicate buttercups petals had crimson stains on them.

"Ow~" I moned, noticing that my forearm was the source of the crimson coloring on the beautiful flowers.

The whole length of my forearm was crimson red. Blood spilled from a huge gash in the center of the sickening crimson waterfall on my arm.

Fun fact about me. I can't stand blood. No, if it's someone else's, I can stand it, but my own? I get queasy every time. All I could think about was not throwing up.

"Wowie! That seems like a nast cut you got there! Sorry I can't help, buuuut I don't have arms." A squeaky male voice piped up in front of me. I jerked my head up, still begging myself not to barf, to look at a beaten, but sentient, buttercup in the face.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" He exclaimed, way too enthusiastically. I jumped back a little bit, making his face turn into a concerned frown.

"You are ok? Right?" He asked, showing genuine concern. "Yha. J-just give me a sec." I responded shakely before reaching down, pulling up my old, torn sweatshirt, and ripped the bottom part of my purple T-shirt off and tying it tight enough to slow the blood flow just above my elbow.

Now, I can't remember why, but since I was a child I always insisted on wearing something purple every day. It wasn't even my favorite color, still isn't, but every day I put on something purple.

"Looks like I have a crop top now." I sighed, pulling my sweatshirt back down over my bruised stomach. "Well, if you didn't want a 'crop top', why did you rip your shirt then!?" He questioned, clearly confused. "Do you want me to pass out from fucking blood loss?" I retorted.

"Profanity!" He cried. "Shut up.""No." We both started laughing, why I don't know... until he exploded in a rather large ball of fire. His cries of pain were unbearable.

They reminded me of the cries from the other side.

I had taught myself to smi-block out those cries, the cries of war, but I couldn't block this, for this was not a snippet from the other world.

This was my world, the world I was cursed to roam until death's wings came to bring me to whatever world lay beyond my own.

I watched in horror as he turned into nothing but blackened ash.

"What a terrible creature, torturing suce a poor, innocent, youth." A strangled female voice rang out from the looming shadows.

I looked up, tears in my once vibrant eyes, from the flowers' charred remains to see a raggedy goat step out of the shadows.

A bloody red aura seemed to be outlining her. "Ah, do not be afraid, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down.

"You are the first human to come here in a long time. Come! I will guide you through the catacombs." She smiled, not realizing that she had just killed a poor, innocent creature.

      I stood, grabbing the majority of Floweys remains without her noticing, and walked past her open hand. "I don't hold hands. Just show me the way." I mutter.

I saw her give a small, sad, and maybe angry, nod before heading into the catacombs she called the Ruins with me right behind her. "We're all going to Hell~. Goodbye!" I signed under my breath.

Word count:603
