Chapter 9

Alexander was sitting in his office going over the estate books when someone knocked on the door.

"Enter!" He called out. Alexander looked up from the accounts to see Jamison, Asterleys' butler enter the study. Jamison had been with the family long before Alexander was even born. He was more than a butler, he was part of the family.

Alexander had planned on buying him a cottage, and giving him a generous stipend to live out the rest of his days in comfort. Of course when he had mentioned retirement, Jamison was quite insulted by the suggestion. Appalled that he was being 'put out to pasture, or was 'too old' to do his duties. Thourghly chastised, Alexander let the idea go. He figured he would just keep him here at Asterley, with them. He would just hire someone to help him in the meantime. Note to self, he thought, hire another footman.

"Your grace you have a vistor. Shall I tell him you are in?"

Alexander wasn't expecting anyone this evening, curious he asked who it was.

"That depends on who it is Jamison."

Jamison handed him a silver with a card on top of it. Marcus Jones, Investigator it read, in neat bold script. A thrill of excitement ran through his body, he hoped Marcus had brought good news with him.

"Yes, Jamison, please show him in," he said excitedly as he stood up from his desk.

"Yes your Grace, as you wish." Jamison bowed, however not before giving him a questioning look as to why Alexander was meeting with an investigator, and probably wondering why he was so happy about it.

Alexander replied with a sheepish grin, "Everything is fine Jamison, just some business for a friend. Nothing to fret about old man." Appeased by this answer, Jamison left the study and returned moments later with his guest.

"Mr. Jones, your Grace," Jamison announced, then closed the door behind him.

Alexander walked around his desk to greet the investigator. "Mr. Jones, a pleasure to see you."

Marcus bowed to the Duke. "Your Grace."

"Please, won't you have a seat? Brandy or claret?" Asked the Duke.

"Brandy is fine, your Grace."

After they were seated and the pleasantries were exchanged, Alexander jumped right to the matter at hand.

"Well, I trust you have good news for me then, Mr. Jones?"

"I do indeed your Grace. I came here as soon as I confirmed my sources were true. I believe I have found your mystery girl. She not only fits your description, she was also in London at the time of the incident. I was able to confirm this myself. I questioned others in town who knew her and was able to get a glimpse of the young lady while there."

"You are positive she is the one?" queried the Duke.

"Absolutely, without a doubt, your Grace. I spoke with a friend of hers, a Miss Harriet Baker. After I informed her of who I was working for, she was more than happy to oblige. She established that the young lady in question was indeed visiting London at the time of the accident."

"Did you get her name and address?"

"Yes, your Grace. Her name is Arabella Smith, and she lives at Saint Anne's Abbey in Salisbury."

Alexander was a bit suprised by this revelation. "Saint Anne's Abbey!" He exclaimed. "Are you positive? Is she planning on joining the cloister?"

"No your Grace. I questioned that as well. According to Miss Baker she is an orphan. She was raised by the Abbess since she came there as a babe."

"But I met her, granted it was only for an instant, but I assure you the way she dressed and spoke, she was in every respect a well bred lady, not an orphan," said the Duke.

"Yes, well as to that. Her circumstances are some what of mystery to most of the towns people. Some have even speculated that she is a princess in hiding."

"Balderdash!" Scoffed the Duke. "A princess in hiding, he said with a laugh. You know how townspeople tend to romanticize a situation. That hasn't been done in a hundred years, and even then it was only during times of war between countries. However, I must admit it is really quite interesting. I am even more intrigued now than I was before."

"Well I must agree, I am also interested in finding out more about your mystery lady. There is something else that has me worried however.

"What is that, asked Alexander?"

"The seamstress mentioned another man. She said he came around asking about the girl as well."

"That is very disturbing indeed. You are right to be worried Mr. Jones, as I am as well. "

How would you like me to proceed then, your Grace?"

After a long discussion, Alexander bid Mr. Jones Goodnight, with plans to meet in the morning. He would pay a visit to Saint Anne's Abbey tomorrow. He couldn't lie, he was quite excited about finding the girl, yet at the same time he was also a little apprehensive. He dragged a hand through his hair in frustration. He was indeed perplexed by the turn of events. Although he couldn't wait to see the lovely Arabella again, she was indeed a mystery.

Arabella, he thought, such a beautiful name, it suited her well. However, she was an enigma. Who was she really?"

This was one mystery he was eager to solve.

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