Chapter 18

Arabella was feeling much better. She was also feeling like a caged animal. Everyone was treating her like an invalid, she couldn't even take a walk without someone by her side. The Duke, or Alexander she mused, as he insisted she call him in private, was the biggest offender. She understood he was only trying to protect her, but if she didnt get a moment alone she would go insane.

It's not that she didn't enjoy his company. He spent many hours playing cards or reading to her in the parlour. He had such a beautiful baritone voice as he read aloud. She often found herself staring at his lips and dreaming about how they felt against hers. He held her hand while walking through the garden, and he even stole a kiss or two under the big tree. Those moments were blissfully sweet.

She was falling in love with him, and she sensed he felt the same. Oh, how she wished things could continue between them, but how could it! She was an orphan. She didn't even know who she really was. Though it seemed she was from society, she really had nothing solid to prove it. What if her family was all gone? What if the man trying to kill her was the last of her line? The thought froze her to the core. Alexander was a Duke, a gentleman, he couldn't possibly wed someone like her. Could he? One thing Arabella knew for sure, is she would get to the bottom of all this. She would find out who this man was, who she was, even if it put her in more danger. But first she needed to get out of the Abbey, alone.

Alexander could sense Arabellas restlessness. She didnt say as much, however she was jumpy and distracted lately. He tried to keep her entertained until she was well enough to travel. He was even courting her to an extent. He couldn't formally court her however, until he spoke with the Count, which was what he intended to do very soon.

After Marcus had returned and told him about his discovery, Alexander sent him to Asterley to confirm the identity as the same man residing in his home, Malveen Dubious. Marcus had wanted to watch the man to see if he headed to the Abbey and capture him then. But Alexander didn't want to risk Arabella being hurt if things went wrong. He also felt that if it was Malveen, he would have no real proof to convict him. An orphan boys word against a nephew of a French aristocrat carried no weight. Instead he had a better idea, one that would use the element of suprise, and flush Malveen out for the murderous scum that he was. As soon as Marcus returned with affirmation of the mans identity, he would take Arabella to Asterley Park. In the meantime he would continue to keep a close eye on her, and prepare her for what was to come. So with a sigh, he set down his drink and braced for the inevitable conversation ahead, and left to find Arabella. It was time to tell her what he knew.

Marcus was just entering the gates to Asterley when he seen a tall, well dressed man ride into the stable yard. As Marcus approached the man turned around glanced in his direction, deemed Marcus as insignificant and headed for the house. Marcus was stunned for a moment, the man was indeed the same man from the inn. Marcus jumped down from his horse and handed his reigns to the stable boy. He then walked to the kitchen door, he need to find Jamison, the Dukes butler. He had a very important message to deliver, a message that could only be given to the Count privately. Jamison was the only one who would be able to arrange such a meeting. Afterwards he would head back to the Abbey to report his findings to the Duke. Then the Duke would bring Arabella to Asterley Park to confirm what they both suspected. Marcus prayed that all would go as planned, a young womans life depended on it.

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