Chapter 23

LIt had been a few months since you two danced. Mark was planning something else now. You barely saw all day, he was out getting things.

You wished he would tell you but he wouldn't. He said that this was his biggest surprise yet.

Throughout the past months, you and him had went many places. One of the favorite things you did was making videos with him for his Markiplier channel. He would always end his videos with, "And, as always, I will see you, in the next video. Buh Bye."

He came home after a few hours and told you to put earphones on. He handed you a pair of earbuds and pushed play on his phone. He had a playlist of songs that described your relationship.

He took you outside and opened the door of his vehicle for you to get in. It was pretty late, but you let him take you to wherever because you wanted to find out where he was going to take you.

He began to drive off, you falling to sleep.

He shook you awake and motioned for you to keep your earphones on. You realized you were at an airport. You got really confused. Why were you at the airport? You got out, you were still half asleep. He lead you to the entryway and inside.

It took you 2 hours but you got through security. He still wouldn't let you take the earbuds off. If someone asked you something he'd respond for you and say something that you couldn't read and the person would only smile.

And then you were on the plane, having no idea where you were going. On the plane you looked out the window while Mark fell asleep on your shoulder. He was adorable when he was sleeping.

After almost 11 hours the plane landed. You still didn't really know where you were. You kept the earbuds in so you wouldn't ruin the surprise. Mark held your hand, got your luggage, and a limo to you both out to a hotel.

As soon as you got there you couldn't take it and you took the earbuds out. "Mark, where are we? You barely let me get a good view of the place."

"(F/n), we are in Paris right now," he explained, his eyes looking at you with affection.

"What?" You squeaked the words. You couldn't believe it. You started to cry with tears of joy. You couldn't believe you were in Paris with the love of your life.
