What Surprise?

It's lunchtime, I manged to read through a whole book, even with a certain someone on my mind. But then again, it was only a four page book, in the junior section.
When the bell for lunch rang I grabbed my lunchbox and ate all three sandwiches, I was pretty full after that. I then decided to pull out a chess board and set up some possible endgame outcomes, to improve my skill. I had just finished setting up, each side with one king and two castles, when who would show up other than Shell.
"Hey hoodlum!"
"Shell, I thought we agreed no more dad jokes?"
"No, that was just for you"
"Okay then! I see! You're just jealous of my skills in joke making, you had to eliminate the competition"
"Haha, nice try, but I was just saving you from embarrassing yourself"
"Anyway, two things I want to ask you. One, where were you at recess? Two, what was the surprise you were talking about yesterday?"
These have both been bugging my mind for a bit.
"Well, one, you never told me you had decided to come, and you know that I never come to the library. It's only because David told me you were in here, during period three, that I know. Second, I'll show you, stay there"
Shell then went back to the door and went outside, it was about two minutes until she returned, and she didn't even have anything with her, I was confused.
"What is-"
"Hush! James, I want you to meet the newest addition to our friend group, Chelsea. She's a bit shy, but she's nice, I'll go get her"
A million thoughts were running through my head as Shell went to the door, but a lot of my questions were about to be answered.
After Shell walked back inside, someone else walked in after her. She was wearing a hoodie, had dark brown hair with a red streak in it, and blue eyes. No, this can't be happening, surely not. Maybe the girl has a twin sister? Nope, it was her. How was I so sure? Because when she caught sight of me, well, the hoodie I was wearing. She tried to turn and walk the other direction, she would have succeeded too, if it wasn't for Shell stopping her. Wow this is embarrassing. But does it have to be? She's getting closer, right, I can fix this.
"Hey, Chelsea, am I right?"
"Y-yes, a-and your n-name is J-James?"
"Yes, let's try this intro again. Let's try to pretend that our first meeting didn't happen, for this conversations purpose"
