Chapter 22: Her

I woke up with a large animalistic yawn, wondering what the time was. I didn't remember going to bed, but I didn't dwell on trying to remember. I was soon out of bed, and having breakfast. Dad was already at the table, having his.
"Morning James, you're up early"
"Yeah, I was already awake so just decided to get up. You working early?"
"Yeah, you know how it is"
My father working as a police officer has lead to him working many inconvenient working hours.
"Where were you and mum yesterday?"
"We both had work"
He then got up to chuck his dishes in the dish washer.
"Hey dad, do you know anything about a man named Mr, um... Weasel?"
His smile vanished. I didn't bring it up before hand, as it wasn't that relevant. He's usually smiling, so it's extra noticeable when he stops. Why did he stop? I don't know. Did he know something I don't?
"Do you mean, Wever?"
"Yeah, him. That answered my question anyway."
"How do you know about him?"
"The night you found me, he was talking to me, until you arrived"
"Okay. I need to get to work, I'll see you either tonight or tomorrow, enjoy your day."
"OK, bye!"
"See ya James"
My eyes followed him until he was out of sight, then I followed. Once he was in the car he made a phone call, I assumed to mum. But I realised it couldn't have been. She was still asleep, and after the call, he sent her a message, and her phones notifications displayed, right next to me. Who was he talking to?

It's was 7:30, before my mum started breakfast, reading the messages she had received over night, which she normally does. I didn't think anything of it.
"Had breakfast James?"
"Good, I'll give you a note to be in casual clothes"
"Excuse me?"
"For school"
"Didn't your father ask you?"
"What? If I wanted to go to school? No"
"Sorry, I thought he did. I'll ask then. James, do you want to go to school today?"
I was about to say no, but then I remembered what Shell said the night before; she wanted me to go.
"Y-yeah, okay"
"Do you want to wear school uniform or casual clothes?"
"Okay, I'll drive you there, now get ready! We have about 50 minutes till we have to go"
I was soon in the shower, when I got out Liz was awake so I got her to help me dry off again. I then put on a men's sport shirt, blue jeans, and the jumper Mr. Jackson got me.
"Ready mum!"
"Okay, we're going out the front door!"
"I threw some socks on and jumped into my sneakers on the way out the door. Liz threw me my bag and in one move I caught it and put it on my back. And out the door we went.
In the car I decided to fill in the time by playing piano tiles. But then mum started talking to me.
"So James, how was your day yesterday?"
Looking up from my phone I responded-
"How's Shell?"
"Good, she's a nice friend"
"What makes you say that?"
"Just, she's basically like another sister to me. She's been there for me this whole time"
"Yeah, I'm glad you two are friends. She's a nice young girl"
"Anyway, what's your plan for today?"
"I, I think I'll stay in the library the whole day, meet Shell and maybe the others during break"
"Okay, you're not going to join any classes?"
"They'll get me to take off my hood"
"Okay then"
It was a nice trip the rest of the way. With the radio quietly playing in the background, and me nearly falling asleep, the time passed quite quickly.
"We're here!"
"Look outside"
"I see"
"So where are you heading?"
"I'm going to go to the office, tell them I'm here but won't attend class, then off to the library. Yes?"
"Yep, okay, bye"
"See ya"
"Love you!"
"Thanks, you too. Bye"
And then she finally drove off, I didn't think she'd ever leave. I was soon off to the office.
I was halfway there, everything was fine, but when I went around a corner, I ran into someone. We ended up on top of each other, face to face. In one moment I caught all her features, blue eyes, dark brown hair with one streak of red, and also with a hood on. Amazing how much one can notice in such a small amount of time. Why such a small amount of time you ask? Because I was on top of her! And also we were somehow kissing. I rushed up as quickly as I could.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I, I didn't mean to- complete accident!"
She reacted with basically the same reaction.
"Man this is so embarrassing! I'm sorry, I should have been watching, I didn't realize-"
All this occurred over a 30 second interval. Then we went our separate ways.
I was in a really weird mindset for the rest of the walk to the library, as you could imagine. Trying to remember what just happened, pick out the details. I realized that she was either new, or I was just really unobservant, because I hadn't seen her around before. She also had a hoodie on. Hiding herself, she's shy. Goodness what have I done? Was the only thought going through my mind.
I couldn't get any work done. As all I was thinking about is how I had probably just ruined that chicks first day at the school. I tried to work out but that didn't last long since I was in a library. I tried to read, help out the staff, play video games, anything. But I couldn't get my mind off her, I felt terrible.
Before I knew it, it was recess. I grabbed my bag to see what I had, Liz knows me so well. She packed 3 chicken sandwiches, which were left overs from yesterday, and some of Shells brownie.
I was sitting down, eating the brownie, saving the sandwiches for lunch, when I heard David barge into the library, always so loud. He had his Pokemon cards with him, yes, he's a nerd. I could tell what he was about to say so I just answered before he had even asked.
"No I didn't bring my cards today" yes, I support his nerdines.
"Okay, doesn't matter. I wanted to know how you are going anyway"
"Yeah, fine. Have I missed anything in class?"
"Wow James, always the A+ student hey? No, you didn't miss much apart from Zac sharpening his finger. Again"
"Seriously? Does he never learn?"
"No, he does. It was his left pinky this time, not his right."
We both laughed at that, that's one thing David could always do. Take your mind off things and make you laugh.
"How did you manage without me yesterday?"
"Fine, I'm just annoyed I wasn't invited"
"Don't worry, it's fine. I know you wanted time with 'her' "
"Haha, nice one. But no"
"Stop lying, I've always known you've had eyes for Shell"
"Had is a past tense"
"And, so?"
"So, had eyes for Shell, have eyes for someone else"
"No, nice try"
"It's true! I can't believe it either, but it is! I thought that Shell was the one for me, but it's clear that we're just too close of friends for that"
"If you're telling the truth, then who is it?"
"I, um, don't know her name"
"Typical, try to describe"
"Um, brown hair, red strip, insecure, beautiful blue eyes, I think new kid"
"Ohh! Really? OK then."
"So you know who she is?"
"Yeah, she's in most of my classes"
"lucky" I muttered under my breath
"What was that?"
"Nothing, no, nothing at all"
The bell went then.
"Okay James, I've got to go. Enjoy the rest of your day in the library"
"Yeah, thanks"
And with that, he was gone. Then, sitting there like a dork, I realized something. That I didn't get her name! It wasn't that bad though, David would be able to tell me during lunch. Or so I thought. After reanalysing what he said. He said 'enjoy the rest of your day' which implied that he wasn't coming back anymore that day. great. I was where I started, unable to think about anything else but her.
