Chapter 21: Carrie's Bitch Pills

Carrie's Bitch Pills

OWLS WERE AROUND THE CORNER before Dom, Carrie, Lorcan, Lysander, Aaron, James and Quinn expected them to be. All year long, it had been now don't stress too much, you have plenty of time or the occasional you will all know your materials by then. Well let me tell you something: they didn't. The first exam of the entire year for the OWLs was Charms.

Quinn sat a written and practical examination, and once she was finished she was certain she hadn't totally done the Growth Charm correctly, and Carrie knew she had somehow stuffed up her Levitation Charm, even though they had learnt it years ago. The only person who didn't seem affected by the stress of our OWLs was, of course, James Sirius Potter.

He sauntered through the doors every single exam, and assured the others that he thought he had done fantastically after every examination ended. Quinn only wished she had as much confidence as James did. She had been to the hospital wing for a Draught of Peace potion already, and it was only Tuesday.

At least it was Transfiguration that day. Quinn definitely enjoyed Transfiguration, and she had practised the Vanishing Spell over eight times the night prior to the test, making sure she got it right.

"Fantastic!" Carrie complimented once they were released. Everyone who was taking OWLs or NEWTs seemed to be more sluggish than other students. Maybe it was just my friends and I. Quinn thought it over. "You did brilliant on that Vanishing spell, Quinn."

"Thanks." Quinn smiled, pleased that all her practicing had made up for itself. "But you did great in the written exam." she added. "You were practically flying through all of the questions." Carrie and Quinn continued chatting as they made their way into the Great Hall for lunch.

After lunch, the two headed back to their dorm and both took naps, because they were really suffering from insomnia due to anxiety and over-studying. Who knew ever-so-cool Carrie Emmett would care so much about her exams? Basically only Quinn. Because Carrie made sure everyone else had no clue about it.

Once Quinn had roused from her nap, she checked the time and sighed when she found out she had only been able to sleep for an hour. Leaving Carrie and Dominique, who must have snuck in and slept a little later after Carrie and Quinn, to sleep she headed into the common room with her Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks.

Herbology wasn't Quinn's strong point, and she knew she would have to study up on that one in particular. Quinn was just thankful that she and Carrie studied throughout our holidays so we wouldn't have to binge study. Still in her uniform from earlier (minus my robes) Quinn made my way quietly through the school and towards the library.

Speaking of binge studying... Aaron was rifling through different books like mad, his eyes scanning the page at lightning speed before moving onto the next page. Quinn smiled to herself, shaking her head as she pulled a chair back and sat down next to him. "Since when do you have super speed reading abilities?" Quinn teased him, and Aaron looked up with his lips quirked up.

"Must you always attack me with words?" he replied in a false upset tone.

"I could use spells." she suggested, and Aaron gave Quinn a blank look as she laughed. "Speaking of spells, why are you so worried? We just did our Charms exams yesterday." A look of realization crossed Aaron's face, and a pink blush dusted his cheeks as he closed his Charms book.

"I know." He muttered, waving Quinn off. "What're you doing in the library?"

"Baking a cake." Quinn snorted. "Chocolate. Do you want to help?"

"Nah," Aaron shook his head. "I'm more of a Black Forest person myself." With a roll of her eyes, Quinn lightly nudged his shoulder with her own and they laughed, falling into easy conversation about their exams and how they were already freaking out about them.

James Sirius potter was in the library. Yes, alert the media. He had already gotten many comments from people that day.

"Potter," Carrie had greeted him an hour after he arrived that day, as she sat with him and Lysander, greeting her new boyfriend with a kiss. "You're in a library!"

"Yes," James replied, sighing. "I read that my best friend has terrible taste in girls." He retorted although he was only kidding.

Carrie furrowed her brows together. "I didn't know you could read."

"Well," James grinned. "Glad to hear that you remembered your bitch pills this morning."

"Don't need them anymore," Carrie waved him off, and Lysander grinned at their banter in amusement. "Just comes to me naturally."

"Now that's talent," James muttered, staring across the library to where Thompson and Quinn were sitting together, giggling as they sat close together.

He knew the two were good friends, and that Thompson was a decent guy, so James worried about him trying to move in on her now that Quinn basically hated him. Sure, they were relatively civil when they spoke to each other, but that was all it was. No more joking around, no more James flirting with Quinn, no more teasing... James missed it. In fact, he missed it a lot.

As Quinn reached over towards Thompson, she placed her hand in his wavy black hair, pulling something out of it. During that time, Thompson stared at her face, analyzing it and smiling to himself as Quinn pulled different expressions. And when she looked up into his grey eyes, the ones James had heard girls fawning about during Arithmancy, the two began leaning closer towards each other. Not kissing, simply soaking in the other's company.

James's blood was boiling, he was so angry. He always thought Thompson was a good person, especially because he was so understanding when Quinn had basically forgotten about James on their Hogsmeade date. (It was a date to James, but probably not to Quinn). But there he was, flirting with her in a way that made Quinn's stunning blue eyes sparkle.

But he's a Ravenclaw, James thought. Ravenclaws and Gryffindors just don't date. Gryffindors date Gryffindors and Ravenclaws date... Well, Ravenclaws didn't really have a tendency to date much at all. Especially ones like Aaron Thompson, who were absolutely handsome but all innocent and adorable at the same time. James knew his type: the sweet boy-next-door type that girls giggled about, but never really said were 'hot' or 'drop dead gorgeous' as people often describe the Scamander twins, or even James himself.

But James also knew that his type was dangerous. Because Thompson would, like he was doing now, probably end up with the girl. His type always did. Probably because they wouldn't go and make out with girls at Hogsmeade despite assuring another girl that he was serious about her, knowing she often had trust issues. James sighed. Then, he grabbed his book bag and forced a smile at Carrie and Lysander, who were speaking animatedly to each other, Lysander grinning widely and Carrie's eyes shining with affection.

"I'm heading back to our dorm," James told Lysander, smiling faintly at Carrie. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He teased them both before walking away, taking one last fleeting look at Quinn and Thompson.
