Chapter 1: Change Of Setting

A/N: Not even going to lie, the first chapter legit sucks. But I swear it gets so much better after this single opening chapter. Enjoy x
Change Of Setting

"I DO WISH YOU'D GET a boyfriend this year, hon." Quinn Meredith's mother droned on again and Quinn openly rolled her eyes, completely sick of her mother's words.

"And I do wish that you'd stop saying that, mother." Quinn retorted, packing the last pieces of clothing into her bag. She was to stay with her best friend Dom for the remainder of the holidays because she hadn't seen her in a very long time. Dom had a crazy cool family. She had tons and tons of cousins that all go went Hogwarts and some of her cousins were Potters.

herself was a Weasley – her father named Bill and her mother used to be called Fleur Delacour. Needless to say, Dom was very pretty. She was 1/4 or 1/8 or some sort of fraction Veela from her mother's side. Dominique had nice strawberry blonde hair, the perfect mixture of Fleur's blonde hair and Bill's Weasley ginger.

"Don't be bitter," Faye Meredith ignored her daughter, still teasing her. "there's a boy out there for you somewhere."

"And if he is, he's not at Hogwarts." Quinn completed. "There are no date-worthy guys at my school." she admitted and looked over in the mirror. Quinn had recently – and after plenty of begging – gotten a Muggle tattoo over the summer. It was simple, looking like the options on a Muggle iPod, and Quinn adored it. She had a bracelet on her left wrist and her tattoo on her right one, leaving it free to be revealed to anyone and hopefully to surprise her best friend.

"What about that Potter boy?" Faye suggested to her daughter, smiling brightly.

"You mean Al?" Quinn inquired, raising an eyebrow. "Mum, he's two years younger than I. Besides, I think he's hardly looking for a relationship at this point in his life. He's only just turned 13!"

"I meant James, Quinnity." Faye said sternly, almost about to roll her eyes herself, which was a trait Quinn definitely picked up from her mother.

"I'm not acquaintances with the likes of James Sirius Potter." Quinn coolly got away from her mother fantasizing about her and James. "To be completely honest, I'd rather date Albus than James."

"Don't get that poor boy's hopes up!" Faye scolded. Everyone – and it really was everyone – knew of Albus Potter's humongous crush on Quinn Meredith – but it wasn't too hard to guess. Maybe it was the fact that Albus's cheeks burned like a red Muggle traffic light whenever he saw her, or the way that he was often caught giving her loving glances. To be entirely honest, Quinn thought the entire thing was completely adorable. But, as she always said, Quinn never had the time, energy or patience for boyfriends.

"I really should get going." Quinn repeated. "Can you or Dad apparate me to the Weasley's?"

"Of course!" Faye said merrily, grabbing her daughter's arm and apparating to the all-too-familiar house at the speed of light. Normally, people that haven't had much experience apparating would feel sick to their stomachs, but this was all something Quinn was used to.

"Wrong Weasley house, Mum." Quinn admitted, staring at the house belonging to Hermione, Ronald, Rose & Hugo Weasley. "But it was all-in-all a smooth ride. I'll be sure to give me appreciation to your airline."

"Ha-ha." Faye said sarcastically. "Just knock on the door. Maybe Dominique is actually here!" she suggested, and Quinn took it into consideration. Then, with a shrug, she knocked on the light blue painted door, before stepping back and waiting patiently.

The wait wasn't too long though, since Hermione Weasley was a very intelligent woman that taught her children to be respectful – and most importantly: punctual. Rose – who Quinn and most of her friends just called Rosie – had mastered the skill easily but Hugo was another story entirely.

"Quinn!" Hermione exclaimed happily, pulling the 15 year old into a hug. "You look beautiful!" she complimented. "I assume Dominique forgot to tell you – again. But it's lucky that you made your way here! Everyone's over here for a little barbeque in the garden." Hermione Weasley was a beautiful woman in her thirties. She had long, silky brown hair with natural curls to them, pinned back in a faultless bun along the nape of her neck.

The women rarely ever wore makeup, and it was of Quinn's opinion that she didn't need to. Hermione and Quinn had a lot in common. The two were very bookish and often talked about Muggle literature to one another, which seemed to highly irritate everyone except Rosie, Lily and Teddy Lupin. Teddy Lupin was again, another story, but he was a couple of years older than Quinn.

She had spoken to him a few times and learnt that he was an interesting boy with a sad past, but he was certainly brilliant. He supposedly shared his father's interest in reading, and that was usually all he and Quinn spoke of until Victoire Weasley – Dom's older sister – whisked him off. The pair was definitely enviable, and James Potter found the pair very amusing at most times. The origin of this mirth was unknown to Quinn, but she didn't spend a lot of time with Potters. Mostly just Lily Potter, who was a few years below her at Hogwarts, but very intelligent and an overall sweet girl.

Hermione had sent up Quinn's bag using magic before showing her out the backyard, which was filled with redheads. Weasleys, Potters and a single Lupin that stood out of the crowd with his bright blue Metamorphmagus hair.

"QUINN!" the voice was too overfamiliar for Quinn to miss and she beamed before embracing her strawberry blonde best friend in a tight hug. "Oh, I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too, Dom!" Quinn admitted. "Thanks for letting me know about the change of setting, by the way. What would I do without you?" she added sarcastically, causing Dom to smile sheepishly at her.

"Well, we're not staying here overnight." Dom admitted. She meant to say more, but somebody else beat her to it.

"Is that Meredith?" Quinn spun around at the sound of her last name, and she didn't like the sight that she was greeted with. With a grimace, she did however, literally greet the person.

"Hello, James." Quinn said solemnly, forcing a smile on her face. She had to admit something to herself: James Sirius Potter had nice eyes. They were a sort of green-blue that looked extremely green in the current lighting of the summer and – dare she say it – he had gotten better looking over the holidays. Any type of lankiness had turned into build and muscle, and he had definitely had a growth spurt.

He was a little late on that since he was now 15, but apparently it had been worth the wait. "Did you miss me?" James questioned cockily, and Dom had face palmed herself because she knew this wasn't the way her cousin would win over her best friend's heart.

"Somehow, I managed." Quinn said coldly before turning around and facing Dominique again. "How was your summer?"

The two girls conversed for hours and soon, the sky began to darken. As it did, Dom brought Quinn around the herd of people and they all started making small conversations with one another. Quinn got to the Potters last of all, and she had a nice conversation with Lily about the books they had both read over the summer.

For Lily, it was plenty of John Green that year, an author that Quinn definitely approved of. As Quinn turned to Albus, she was stunned to see that he too had grown up over the past couple of months. His bright green eyes had darkened slightly, making them look more emerald, and Albus's hair had grown out. With all of the physical changes, it still didn't stop Albus from turning bright red in the face, and having a goofy smile on his face.

"Hi, Quinn." He stuttered out, and Quinn only let out a quiet laugh before giving the younger boy a squeeze.

"Hey, Al." She replied. "How've you been? You look great by the way – you've grown so much!" The words that came from her mouth didn't have the desired effect at all. Albus now felt more like a child than a potential love interest, but he shook the sadness off and continued to make conversation with Quinn Meredith.

"I think it's time you all come inside." Hermione Weasley eventually said thoughtfully, ushering all the children inside. Apparently, everyone would be returning to their homes, including Dominique.

"I'm glad that we'll be having you, Quinn." Ginny Potter (Harry Potter's wife and James, Lily & Albus's mother) told her kindly, causing her brows to furrow in confusion.

"Pardon?" Quinn asked politely, before realization hit her and she turned around, staring at Dom once again.

"Oops?" Dominique stated, thought is sounded more like a question. Dom let out a sigh, tucking a loose strand of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear as she looked nervously at her best friend. "I forgot to mention that we were staying with the Potters, didn't I?"

"You might have left that out!" Quinn confirms, looking exasperated. "Dom, I can't spend two weeks in the same house as James Potter." She stated. "It's impossible. We're like two negative magnets: they refuse to connect!"

"Actually, I believe that it's you who refuses to connect." Dom commented, causing Quinn to scowl at her.

"For good reason too." Quinn commented.

"And what exactly does that mean?" Dom demands, crossing her arms. The two stare at each other for a moment, as if trying to see who'll break down first, and it's Dom who does so.

"Look, I just needed to get out of the house."

"Why?" Quinn asked lightly. "Shell Cottage is gorgeous and I know that you love it. So why leave?"

"Louis is driving me nuts." Dominique states, looking ready to pull out her own hair. "I genuinely couldn't take any more of it. And we both get along really well with Lily and Albus so I thought it wouldn't be a problem! Ginny is my brother's sister, and therefore obviously my aunt! Besides, my cousin isn't that bad." Just as Dom wanted to start defending James and his case, but it was clear Quinn didn't want to hear it.

"Whatever." She finally said. "I just want to go to bed."

"Bed?" James echoed from across the room. "Mind if I Slytherin?" That was it. Ginny hit her son across the back of his head, Ron Weasley snorted with laughter at his nephew, which got him an earful from his wife and Quinn looked ready to throw a chair at James.

Which she nearly did.
