I woke up seeing that i am in a room,and that is where i found out that this is not my room,i see myself wearing a hospital clothes..i then saw that the door of the room opened revealing a woman,it's a nurse..

"Oh your awake maam"-NURSE

"What happen?where am i?"-JISOO

"Your friend that said to be Jeon Jungkook sent you here because you full of blood"-NURSE

Then the things happened flashedback in my mind,i then started to get worried..

"Where is he?"-JISOO

"He is outside,do you want me to call him?"-NURSE

"Yes please"-JISOO

The nurse bowed to me and went outside,but not any minute the door again opened revealing Jungkook,he ran close to me and hugged me softly..

"i'm glad your awake now"-JUNGKOOK

"Jungkook..are you alright?"-JISOO

"Yeah,i am totally okay..how about you?"-JUNGKOOK

"i'm okay..where are the others?"-JISOO

"They will be here in any minute"-JUNGKOOK

"Oh..okay,but why are you so freaking wet?!"-JISOO

"I got soaked in the rain when i was running to just bring you here in the hospital"-JUNGKOOK

"Thanks for saving me"-JISOO

"No problem"-JUNGKOOK

I smiled at him and i smiled back..then the door opened revealig the 6 other mens..they ran to me and there was random uestion they were asking me that i dont know who will answer..

"Hey wait wait wait..one at a time!"-JISOO

"Jisoo,are you okay?"-JIMIN

"Yes i am totally okay!"-JISOO

"Is there anything hurt?"-TAEHYUNG


"Are you hungry?"-JIN

"Hmm,actually yes Oppa..*pouting*"-JISOO

"Well,i bet you need these food"-RM

"Chicken!!!!MY PRECIOUS!!"-JISOO

"Btw hyung,where is that bastard?"-JUNGKOOK

"He is already at the Seoul Police station,inside the jail"-SUGA

"Yeah,while ago when we already arrived tk the police station us 6 beat him up as if he will die in pain"-JHOPE

"Tsk well he deserves it"-JUNGKOOK

"Yahhh!!why are you so mean?"-JISOO

"He hurt you many times,so he he deserves to be hurted too"-TAEHYUNG

"Aishh,let's just change the topic"-JISOO

"Have you already did your school works?"-RM

"Uhhh,hehe..n-not yet?"-JISOO

"Hm,i see..well it's glad that i bring your school works here,so while you are recovering you can do your studies"-RM

"Wahhh!!!*crying like a baby* but i dont wanna do it! *pouting*"-JISOO

"Aishh why are you so lazy in doing school works huh?do you want a punishment?"-JUNGKOOK


After i said that,the Jisoo and the boys look at me,and i think they were thinking dirty..So i decided to tease them,i went close to Jisoo and now she is trhing herself to avoid my look at her..

"Yahhh!!!stop flirting with Jisoo!"-JIMIN

"Chilli was just teasing you"-JUNGKOOK

"Aish you silly bastard"-JIMIN

"What did you say?"-JUNGKOOK

'Uhh,i mea you silly handsome guy"-JIMIN


"Aishh stop those blah blah blah things,i will just eat my chicken here nom nom nom"-JISOO

All os us chuckles and laugh at Jisoo's act,she is just so cute..

