7METEORS (Episode 6)

Jisoo was inside her room thinking deeply how will the 7meteors be able to fight back to the man whose threatening her,she was deep in thoughts that she didnt realize that the 7 mens were looking or should i say staring at her..but then she was stop in her thoughts when Jungkook speaks..

"Let's get rid of that man,tell us the way jisoo"-JUNGKOOK

Jisoo nodded and stood up from her bed,she went outside her room and got ready,also the 7meteors,they took their things and they are all ready..

Jisoo was the one to go outside first since she will be the one to lead the way..


Jisoo was walking leading the way while the 7meteors was just behind her,but then..someone held her wrist and pinned her to the wall,it was non other than the man whose threatening her..

"Tsk,i know you will came..did you miss me babe?"-??

"Le-let go of me!"-JISOO


I saw the man held Jisoo's wrist her pinned her to the wall,my blood was starting to boiled and i am clenching my fist,the man was getting closer to Jisoo which made Jisoo uncomfortable..non of us was moving,so i decided to attack and beat up that unknown man..

i punched him hardly making him fall at the ground,i went close to him grab his collar make him stand up and approach him..

"Dont fucking say that she is yours,cause she will never be with someone like you bastard!" I said punched his ugly fucking face and he fell at the ground..

i was so mad that i took a woodedn stick and was about to hit him but i felt that someone stopped me from doing it..it was Jisoo

"Let me go Jisoo!he threatened you,he needs to die!"-JUNGKOOK

"Jungkook..this is not the best way.."-JISOO

I saw a small tears in her eyes,i dropped the wooden stick,hug her and wiped her tears..

but then suddenly,i feel something hit me from the back..i fell from the ground,i saw the man whose already right infront of me..


I was about to get hit,but i felt that someone blocked me from getting hit,it was.....Jisoo...

The man was so shocked that he drop the thing he was holding,while Rm,Jin,Suga,Jhope,Jimin and Taehyung came and took him..

my eyes widened as i see Jisoo,she was bleeding..i put her head on my lap,and was shaking her "Jisoo,Jisoo wake up..Jisoo" i tried so hard to wake her up..but she wont,i then decided to stood up and carry her in my arms..

i stated the others to bring the man to the police station while i go to the hospital,i started to run so fast..little tears were dropping from my eyes "I will save you Jisoo,hang on " i said..

but then,the rain started to drop the both of us were completely soaked..i decided to kneel down and make Jisoo go in my back and ran as fast as i can..

even thought i felt that my feet was going to fell,i tried not to feel it and continue running..until,i alreay arrived to the hospital,i call the nurses and told them to treat them..

