Parents Argue | 4/4

You're 4
Luke P.O.V

My little sister appeared in my room when the yelling started, this is an all too familiar occurrence. Almost every night our parents would end up in some argument and about most pointless things.

(Y/N) would be settled and sound asleep before the yelling begins, it scares her. For someone so young to hear parents shouting at one another? After the loudness of their voices calm down, she finally falls asleep but clings to me.

All of this leaves me wondering, what's going to happen when I'm on tour? She'll be scared and alone while they argue. I can't live with that.

Tonight seemed to be one of the worst nights, it's been going on for much longer, and is louder than usual. I hear smashes, and that's when I decide enough is enough.

"Shall we see if we can go Ashton's house, yeah?" I asked the sleepy four year old in my arms. She nodded.

I called Ashton, he quickly agreed into letting us - he asked why we never have asked before. Before leaving I packed a few things to last a few days.

I walked downstairs carrying (Y/N), my parents turned to us when they saw us walking towards the door.

"I'm taking (Y/N) away for a few days, you need to sort this mess out. She shouldn't be around this." And then I left.

You're 17
Your P.O.V

Another family dinner, another argument. Expect this time, Calum was home to witness. Every Time id try telling him over the phone he'd tell me things surely weren't so bad.

I stood up from the table and went upstairs, it hardly bothered me anymore. Calum came into my room, he look confused and a little distressed.

"Why aren't you freaking out? They're practically ripping into one another!" He stressed.

"I told you before, they argue. I'm use to it." I shrugged.

"Oh." He said. "How long do they last?"

"Not too long I suppose, long enough. They'll stop soon, and for a few days it'll be fine and then it'll go off again."

"I'm sorry, I wish I was here when it started." He said, sadly.

"It's not your fault, wanna go out? Escape the noise?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not?" He laughed. "Where would you want to go? My treat!"

And then we left, leaving our parents to argue out whatever it was they were arguing about.

Michael (You're Older)
You're 18 & He's 9
Your P.O.V

The yelling started, it was all over something so pointless. I hated it, my brother hated it. It was becoming more frequent this routine. I knew what was coming next, Michael coming in my room. As if on queue there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said. Michael walked in my room sleepily, climbing into my bed next to me. "You okay?"

"No, I hate it." He said sadly. It broke my heart for him to be upset, he's young. He shouldn't witness his parents fighting.

"I know, I do too. It'll stop soon, it always does." I said, running a reassuring hand through his hair. He just shrugged a little.

You're 7
Ashton's P.O.V

And it begins. Again. When will this end? It's so ridiculous.

"Ash, they're yelling again." (Y/N) whispered, coming into my room. She always feared they would hear her up and about, and start to yell at her.

"I know, wanna stay in here for a while?" I asked her, I knew she didn't like arguing. Within seconds, Lauren and Harry appeared behind her.

"Can we stay too?" They both asked. I nodded, making room on my bed for them all to climb on.

"I don't like it." (Y/N) said sadly.

"I know, none of us do. But just remember, we have each other ok?" I said to them. "I'll put a movie on and we can all chill out together. I think I have some treats in my cupboard."


Hope you all enjoyed this!

QOTD: what phones do you guys have?
AOTD: I have a iPhone 6😊
